Chapter 21; Nightmares

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Avidya's pov-

Run run run was all I could think in my mind. Serving Herobrine was the worst thing I could've done! Back in the Mindwars, the Mindcrackers split In different places.

So if Herobrine captured someone, he wouldn't have captured all of us. I had jumped off the tree after he tried to cut it down.

God! Why can't I leave this place. I want to leave! "LEAVE ME ALONE!" I yelled at it. It just kept following me. "Run run run run..." I kept saying to myself.

Everything I had dreamt about wasn't this. I had put this memory way back in the forgotten part of my brain. "God.. Help me." I beg.

Guude's pov-

We fought and fought, until the unthinkable happened. Herobrine stopped fighting for some reason. "Someone's trying to sneak attack me Guude?" He asked me.

"We're all here." I said. Just then, we all heard a shred of flesh. And you won't believe who did it.

Avidya's pov-

I had broken through the Nightmare and saw Herobrine with his back turned to mine. "Someone's trying to sneak attack me Guude?" He asked.

I prepared sword. "We're all here." Then, I stabbed Herobrine in the back. He turned to me. "But... that's impossible!" He yelled.

"Nothings impossible here." I yell him, then I stabbed him in the chest once more. Herobrine disappeared into black dust. I take a sigh of relief.

"Avidya! How did you escape the Nightmare?" Beef asked me. "Easy. Just don't think of it as a nightmare. Think of it as a... happy ending." They laughed at my comment.

"It's over. Thank god." Baj thanked. "Come on. Let's go tell he others." We walked home. And hopefully, we'd never have to see Herobrine again.


Hey guys Alyssa here and I'd just like to say thank you so much. I hope you'd enjoy the series and I'll see you foods in the next chapter. Bye.

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