The Beginning

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980 words
T/W: Eating, Hint of Abuse, Cigarettes & Blood

I wake up to my body being shook by someones cold hands which makes me sit up quickly and look at one of the children I shared a room with.

"Wake Up, It's breakfast!" The child said happily as I looked around the bland room. The walls were a light beige and the floor a simple wooden one. There were a few other beds that the other 4 children slept on. Yeah it was a shared room, I didn't really mind though. I basically got a free alarm clock everyday and they pretty much left me alone.

After a bit of procrastinating I finally get up and stretch slightly trying to wake up more before walking out towards the lunchroom. It was a fairly small orphanage, better than the last one for sure.

Mr.Clark probably one of the nicest caretakers in the orphanage came to the large modernized picnic table with a pitcher of orange juice. He waved to us as he walked away probably to get the bacon and scrambled eggs that were usually served on Fridays.

As I stared out the window waiting for the food to arrive knowing I probably wouldn't eat much of it anyways. Sadly It was mandatory to at least sit there till everyone else was done.

Mr.Clark and Ms.Huffman came back with two large platters. One with scrambled eggs and the other with bacon. They set them onto the table and walked to the chairs they kept away from the table so they could supervise us.

The others all grabbed there food as I sat there still spaced out. "Y/N?" A not so familiar voice called as I snapped out of the "trance" and looked towards were it came from. I faced Mrs.Huffman as she looked back at me. "Are you going to eat?." I hated that question as she asked me the same thing almost every single meal before she forced me to eat. She had won again.

~°•Small Time Skip•°~

As I sat down on my bed I heard Mr.Clark yell "Y/N get dressed! There's a unplanned visit today" I knew what this ment, Another possible home. As I thought this my eyes mentaly as physically rolled. I searched for simple clothes, consisting of a t-shirt, sweater and jeans.

You walked into the meeting room, A simple room dedicated to meeting possible foster homes. The room had a book shelf, desk, table, couch and a few toys. There was a woman sitting there and she smiled softly as you just waved silently to her. Ms.Huffman nodded to the woman and left the room.

I sat on the couch and she looked at me, almost in a unsettling way "Hey Y/N." I waved yet again and looked away from yet at the floor. "I'm Sarah Patterson, I work at the Wak-Donalds down the street." I nod knowing that Ms.Huffman already told her about me.

Somehow after a hour of almost complete silence she somehow decided to adopt me. "Alright, You just have to sign here saying that we are allowed to come to your house in a week to see how things are going and have frequent check ins" Ms Huffman explained. I sighed under my breath knowing that this would probably end horribly.

As the car pulls into her driveway I get out, accidentally slamming the door. She gives me a nasty look as I walk to the doorway. As soon as she unlocks the door I smell Cigarette smoke. I looked at her, my eyes filled with anger. I carry my backpack filled with my clothes and a small stuffed animal I had ever since I could remember.

She shows me my room, Its bland and there seems to be a few stains from who knows what on the bed. She doesn't even bother to welcome me to her house. "So much for whoever I met in there-" I mumble and already start to plan my escape.

I walk to the living room and she had probably gone into her bedroom. I carefully walk across the dirty floor.
|How did she even pass the inspection?| I thought as I opened the front door and walked through, Not even bothering to close it.

I ran as fast as I could in the opposite direction. I knew this neighborhood and already memorized the way back, it was one of the many traits I have picked up over the years. I knew exactly were I was heading, The park.

Something always calmed me at the park. It was already around 7pm and the temperatures were dropping. I didn't even notice  from how concrete I was on running. I wasn't the best at it but I wasn't bad either.

I made it to the park around 6 minutes later. I sat on a bench as I watched cars in the street. The park was next to a coffee and general combined shop. I looked at my leg and didn't even realize that it was somehow bleeding. I sighed as I watched a young person walking out of the coffee shop with a bag and cup.

I watched and looked at myself, I was dirty and smelled of cigarettes from Sarah's house. I sighed softly and my stomach rumbled probably from the lack of food.

The guys head snapped probably from the smell and noise, to look my direction as I gasped quietly. As he neared I could see he had a few scars on his face, They kinda spooked me as I tried to get up but fell back down. He peered over me with a expressionless face. I could already see that he had pink braided hair and wierd looking theeth. He trusted his hand out towards me as I moved my arms up to block my face.

{DISCONTINUED} 𝙷𝚘𝚖𝚎 𝙱𝚘𝚞𝚗𝚍 {𝚂𝚕𝚎𝚎𝚙𝚢 𝙱𝚘𝚢𝚜 𝙰𝚍𝚘𝚙𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗 𝙰𝚄}Where stories live. Discover now