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I hear the click of a camera and slight whispers as I hold tighter onto Tommy's arm. I open my eyes to see Wilbur and Phil watching us Ummmm... "Sorry, We were just going to make breakfast before we found you guys" Phil said as I looked down at Tommy, He was still sleeping. Wilbur held a phone in his hand as I sighed "Please don't show anyone that picture without my permission-" Wilbur smiled "Of course I won't"

Phil and Wilbur walked away assumingly to continue thier idea of breakfast. Tommy mumbled something in his sleep making me chuckle softly. I smiled at the thought of Techno, Tommy or Tubbo, they made me feel safe. My stomach rumbled slightly as I remembered last night.

I look over to my left to see Technoblade reading and sitting on the loveseat, he made me jump slightly. He looked over at the sudden movement and waved slightly. I waved back at he walked over, sitting on the floor next to the couch. His hair was messy and the braid was coming undone.


I look over at the bottom of the stairs to see Ranboo. He had tumbled down a few stairs. He stood up and I noticed movement next to me, Tommy was awake. He rubbed his eyes and looked at me. I sighed and Ranboo was quick to apologize as Tommy sat next to me.

"Where's Tubbo?" Tommy asked, Techno smiled "Probably sleeping in" "Your hair is messy" I pointed out as he sighed "I know- I'm waiting for someone to fix it" I shrugged "I could" He scooted over and sat in front of me.

I reached to take out his braids, His hair was a light pink, soft and smooth. It felt
like how I imagine clouds to be. As I undid them I saw Tommy watching. I brushed his hair out with my hands since he didn't like brushes, they pulled at his hair to much. When I redid the braid, I did it tight but not uncomfortably tight so it would ache when he took it out.

He looked up at me and looked at the braid. "Your good at this" I nodded "Thank you." He got up and went to help Phil and Wilbur. Ranboo sat down on the other side of Tommy while we patiently waited for breakfast.

"Food's Done!" Phil called out as we walked to the table. I watched everyone sit down except Ranboo who went to wake Tubbo. I looked at the F/f and sighed as I sat. Techno took a bite and Thanked Phil wich started a line of Thank You's. Tubbo looked at me as I poked and proded at my food. I look up to see a worried expression on Phil's face and Tubbo holding up a hidden 5 fingers signaling the amount of bites he wanted me to take.

I hesitantly take a bite quickly swallowing it down. Phil returned to eating afterwards "Thank you" I mumbled and took another small bite. One after another I got to five. I felt guilty throwing away my food but I can't eat it.

I sat on the couch before Phil walked in, sitting next to me as the others ate. Phil smiled solemnly. "Y/N?" I felt panic arise in my mind. I guess he could tell because he said "It's okay, I just want to know if your okay" afterwards. I nodded carefully before he smiled "I'm proud of you for eating" He see's right through me-

I sighed and reached forward, leaning into him. I can trust him. He did the same calming circles into my back as Tommy did. "Want some water?" I nodded as he reached into his pocket pulling out a small water bottle the size of my palm. It was cute, I smiled as I took a sip, setting it onto the couch. We stayed hugging again as he wrapped his wings around me.

This was comfortable as I felt my eyelids droop, I felt a tap on my sholder "Want to go somewhere when you wake up?" Phil adjusted slightly as he softly spoke. I nodded sleepily as I felt my eye lids become heavier, drifting to sleep again.

{DISCONTINUED} 𝙷𝚘𝚖𝚎 𝙱𝚘𝚞𝚗𝚍 {𝚂𝚕𝚎𝚎𝚙𝚢 𝙱𝚘𝚢𝚜 𝙰𝚍𝚘𝚙𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗 𝙰𝚄}Where stories live. Discover now