Part twenty four.

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We had to get out of here before Pony got into more trouble, or something worse. I was dragging him across the school field, I was going to surprise him, he seemed like he needed something good. We reached the gas station after a while of him asking questions and me not answering.

"Wait here." I let go of his hands and went inside.

"Johnny what-" I left before I could hear the rest of what he had to say.

I got inside and got Pony and I's favourite sodas, some candies and a pack of cigs. I came out and he was still waiting anxiously. I held the bag of goods behind my back.

"What'd you get?" He came over excitedly.

"You're gonna have to wait!" I teased him.

"Where are we going?!" He could hardly contain himself.

"I told you you have to wait! I'm not saying anything!" I teased again.

He was getting pent up with anticipation, it was cute.

I began walking, he followed me like a dog. It was about a five minute walk to the destination, I made him wait a little farther away.

"Okay, close your eyes and DON'T PEAK!" I established.

He put his hands to his eyes, I walked over to our tree, looking back every little bit to make sure he wasn't peeking.

I pulled a sweater out of my backpack and placed it on the grass, then placing the sodas and candies in a neat order. I put the cigs beside them. I got up and ran over to him.

"Keep them closed." I held his shoulders and walked him over.

He almost tripped a few times, but I caught him. We both laughed.

I raced over to stand in front of my set-up.

"Open." I said beaming.

At first he gasped, then he hugged me, then finally, kissed me. Exactly the reaction I was hoping for. I took his hand yet again as we sat on the sweater. It was nothing fancy, but I really hope this will help his day look a little brighter.

"It's not too corny is it?" I said sort of shy.

"Of course not. It's perfect. Thanks J." He tucked away my bangs and planted a kiss on my forehead. We had gone to this tree many times before and every time felt amazing. It was like our own little place, nowhere near anyone. A safe space. It was practically the only place in town where we could show affection without fearing.

Pony cracked open a soda and drank willingly.

I did the same. He passed me his, and I handed mine over. He took a sip out of mine, making a sour face.

"I never understood how you drink this stuff." He said covering his gagging with laughter.

"Shut up! It's good!" I said snickering.

"No way! It's tastes like grass." He said coughing.

"No you weirdo!" I couldn't stop laughing.

"Cmere and taste it." He said leaning in.

I smirked and followed his lead. He wrapped his hands around the back of my head and slowly kissed me, creating a myriad of butterflies throughout my stomach. He tasted like the soda, sweet, but marginally bitter. It was almost similar to how he always does. Everytime I closed my eyes while kissing him, I could see fireworks, bright colours and the sweetest most savoury things. I could feel the sunlight on my face, it almost didn't feel real. I pulled back to look into his deep brown eyes. He placed his fingertips on my chin, helping my lips find their way back to his.

*sorry this ones short, i'm having some block haha*

*idk why i put the song also tbh, i like it and it kinda fits lol*

Just friends, best friends -Johnnyboy Where stories live. Discover now