Movie 2

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Lorelei: "As Lance says, this one was in my area. It was, in fact, around the middle of the Orange Islands."
Alder: "Where?"
Shauntal: "The Orange Islands, Alder, some of us don't play into the Unovan stereotype-"
Alder: "Yeah, I know where they are. Been on my holidays."
Siebold: *long, gallic sigh*
Lorelei: "As I was saying. It was around Shamouti Island, the geographical and religious centre of the archipelago. Unfortunately I was in Kanto when the whole situation developed."
Bertha: "That happens, dear, it's nothing to be upset about."
Lorelei: "Thank you, Bertha. Right. As far as we can tell, this man:" *puts up new slide* "...Lawrence III, arrived in the region on Monday. On this."

*New slide*

Wikstrom: "What."
Lorelei: "It's a giant flying battleship. You'd be surprised how many there are. This one's - or was - known as Hikokyu, and possessed a rudimentary artificial intelligence as well as some extremely sophisticated energy cannons and capture technology - non-Pokeball. We believe it to be Pokemonopolis or Pokeatlantis tech."
Steven: "Makes sense, though where they built the thing... it's huge!"
Lorelei: "No information has come to light as yet about that. We do, however, know that it's no longer a threat. Anyway - he captured Moltres with this technology, then Zapdos, and was unable to capture Articuno due to the actions of..."
Cynthia: "Let me guess. Ash Ketchum."
Lorelei: "Mainly."

Glacia: "Why was he going after the Legendary Birds anyway?"
Lorelei: *clears throat* "Disturb not the harmony of fire, ice or lightning, lest these titans wreak destruction upon the world in which they clash. Though the water's great guardian shall arise to quell the fighting, alone its song will fail, and thus the earth shall turn to ash. O Chosen One, into thine hands bring together all three. Their treasures combined tame the Beast of the Sea."
Aaron: "Which means what?"
Lorelei: "It's an old Shamouti prophecy - Lawrence III interpreted it to mean he could gather the three Legendary Birds to tame Lugia - the Beast of the Sea, at least by his reading."
Cynthia: "Given how I remember the world's weather going completely insane at that point... I'm guessing he was wrong?"
Lorelei: "Right again." *steeples fingers* "The resultant imbalance nearly caused a major climate disaster, even with Lugia's help to mitigate it - if you're wondering, he's the Great Guardian - and in the end the prophecy had to be fulfilled correctly."
Alder: "Wait, you mean the prophecy was true?"
Will: "It's been happening a lot lately. The New Island incident is supposed to have fulfilled the Winds of Water, another prophecy."
Alder: *sigh*

Drake: "So, how did the prophecy get fulfilled?"
Lorelei: "Ash Ketchum did it. The world turned to Ash, as it said-"
(Several) *Laughter*
Lorelei: "No, that's what it seems to have literally meant. Ash fulfilled the prophecy, Lugia was restored to strength, the climate was healed, and that was it."
*slide change*
Lorelei: "Incidentally, this is what Lugia did to the Hikokyu. He was not a happy Pokemon."
Alder: "And you're sure Ketchum was involved in this?"
Lorelei: "I was hoping someone would ask that."
*plays clip*

Lucian: "... that is Ash Ketchum, alright... riding a legendary Pokemon. The heck? How didn't we hear about this?"
Lorelei: "Arceus alone knows. It was not exactly subtle."
Flint: "Tell me it gets more sensible..."
Lance: *chuckles* "You're going to have to decide that one for yourself. Agatha, if you could explain the Greenfield incident?"

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