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Cynthia: "A Meloetta? I think I might have been there for this one too."
Lance: "Are you following him around or something?"
Cynthia: "No - he's a trainer who I respect, and our paths have crossed."
Grimsley: " you want to do this one? I'm not up on all the details..."
Shauntal: "You just slacked off again, didn't you..."
Cynthia: "I'll give what help I can."

Grimsley: "Right. So, this Meloetta lived in the Abyssal Ruins a long time ago, guarding this thing called the Reveal Glass - which is connected to the three Weather Kami of Unova."
Alder: "Meaning the big guys with the clouds."
Siebold: "Yes, thank you, we're familiar with them. One each for the thunderstorm, the windstorm and the sandstorm."
Grimsley: "And after that, Meloetta sealed off the ruins and lived for ages with a tribe of forest people - the same ones who watched over the Reveal Glass. A Team from Kanto tried to capture her a few times..."
Lorelei: "Team Rocket."
Grimsley: "That's the ones. Two operatives and a talking Meowth..."
*several Elite members blink in surprise.*

Lance: "Them? Well, I suppose if they were..."
Cynthia: "They got a lot better in Unova, Lance. I met them there, and the difference was... was... wait a moment."
Sidney: "What?"
Flint: "What is it, boss?"
Cynthia: "Those operatives with the talking Meowth... Ash said they kept trying to steal his Pikachu or his other Pokemon, and never succeeded."
Bruno: "So?"
Diantha: *gasps*
Cynthia: "Right. They've clashed with Ash hundreds of times and they've never been successfully arrested. Think how good they must actually be." *shrug* "Fortunately they do usually have a good heart when the chips are down..."
Lance: "Or we'd probably be doomed. Right, you were saying?"

Grimsley: "They kept trying to catch her, and she ran into Ash a few times. After he saved her-"
Cynthia: "-and I nearly ran her over-"
Grimsley: "-...I hadn't heard that bit."
Cynthia: "She jumped out into the road. Anyway!"
Bertha: "Careful with that car, dear, you might hurt someone."
Cynthia: "I can drive perfectly well, thank you very much."
Wikstrom: "I suspect that your League members do not agree."
Aaron: "Eh, it's all in good fun."
Cynthia: "...I'll just continue talking, shall I?"

Cynthia: "Meloetta bonded well with the various Pokemon on the teams of Ash and his friends, and indeed stowed away on my jet to stay around him."
Phoebe: "You have a jet? Steven, how come none of us has a jet?"
Steven: "Maybe you need to stop spending money on... whatever you spend it on."
Will: "Actually, that's a good point. Cynthia has a car, an SUV, a jet... what next, a yacht?"
Drasna: "I'd like to borrow her airship, when possible."
Wikstrom: "And surely there's a-"
Cynthia: "This isn't about me!"
Karen: "Calm down, guys. So, Cynthia, where'd you fly to?"
Cynthia: " villa."
Alder: *laughing*

Grimsley: "I heard that some kid from the tribe met up with Meloetta again there. That right?"
Cynthia: "Yes, and Ash met up with his friend Dawn from Sinnoh as well. They got on quite well, but - unfortunately - events intervened."
Lance: "I take it this is why it's an incident worth reporting rather than merely funny?"
Cynthia: "That's correct. The leader of Team Rocket, Giovanni-"
*some gasps*
Drake: "That's who was running Team Rocket?"
Lance: "Correct. Unfortunately, he of course vanished from his job at Viridian and we've not been able to catch him. I'm looking for someone to take over that gym on a permanent basis; no luck yet."

Cynthia: "Giovanni made use of Meloetta's song, obtained the Reveal Glass, and used it to summon the Forces of Nature - forcing them into their Therian Forms."
Lucian: "Therian?"
Cynthia: "Powerful. It took a Dragonite and a Garchomp - mine - to stand a chance, and even then the tide was turned by Pikachu."
Glacia: "Because of course it was."
Malva: "I'm starting to think no-one can stop him..."
Cynthia: "I'm fairly sure he has Lightningrod, by the way - he absorbed an attack from Thundurus and used it to empower his next attack."
Lorelei: "Textbook definition, right enough."
Caitlin: "What happened next?"
Cynthia: "Sorry for taking over your one, Grimsley... anyway. The glass seemed to drive Giovanni mad, without Meloetta's song to help moderate the influence. That Team Rocket trio did manage to calm him down, though, and they retreated as he came to his senses."

Bertha: "Such a pity young Giovanni turned to evil, he was such a nice young boy..."
Flint: "Yeah, shame he nearly conquered the world."
Will: "Better than succeeding..."
Cynthia: "Meloetta managed to soothe the three Legendaries, and everyone parted ways at that point - thankfully, no-one was seriously hurt. And, in case you're wondering, without Ash I doubt I would have stood much of a chance - it was Pikachu who started the chain of events which snapped them out of it, and I do not feel I could have fought three Legendaries at once."

Lance: "Thank you for your first-hand account, Cynthia. Right, I believe we're nearly done? I don't think that incident was too long ago..."
Marshal: "Keldeo's was more recent. But there was one other one in Unova, too... who did this one?"
Alder: "Oh, whatever, I read the notes. I'll do it."

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