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Steven: "I'm sure we're all aware of Groudon and Kyogre."
Alder: "Nope."
Glacia (offended): "They created the lands and seas!"
Alder: "And I'm a proud Unovan. No crazy non-dragons created my land or sea!"
Draga: *sighs*

Lance: "Actually, I think I know the one you mean... do continue, though."
Steven: "Right. There'd been rumors - nothing concrete - about Team Aqua and Team Magma for months. Aqua had this crazy plan to raise the sea level, producing a better environment for Pokemon to live in."
Siebold: "Imbeciles."
Steven: "Well, yes, since that would involve seawater flooding most of the coastal plains. It's happened before, millions of years ago, but it wouldn't necessarily make a better environment for Pokemon and would involve huge numbers of deaths... anyway, that was their plan. And Team Magma wanted to cause the sea to dry out, because that would make a better environment for humans... or something?"
Sidney: "Buncha morons."
Steven: "Wait until you hear the next bit. They captured the corresponding Legendary-"
Lance: "Correction. They captured the other Legendary. Team Aqua got Groudon and Team Magma got Kyogre, the latter on a ship."
*mass eye roll*
Lance: "I know. Not the sharpest Pawniard in the building, any of them... anyway, they planned to swap."
Phoebe: "Because what's a little friendly Pokemon Trading before destroying the world..."
Siebold: "They willingly gave their opposite number the Pokemon they'd need to destroy their intended world?"
Cynthia: "Dear lords of space and time, everywhere has omnicidal madmen..."

Lance: "I was infiltrating Team Magma at the time, and I overheard some of the conversation of their leader, Maxie. He had the Blue Orb, he had Kyogre, and he wanted Groudon."
Steven: "Do you know much about the orbs? I've read something..."
Lance: "As far as I know, they're artefacts dating from the time of the Maiju Wars - between Pokemonopolis and Pokeatlantis. Pokemonopolis built the Red Orb to be able to empower Groudon or control Kyogre to make him go away, and Pokeatlantis did the same but with the Blue Orb to empower Kyogre and control Groudon. We are very lucky that the two teams got the orbs they did."
Alder: "Really? Being able to control a Legendary sounds bad enough..."
Steven: *pales* "Wait. By empower..."
Lance: "Yes. Primal Reversion."

Lance: "Anyway, Ash and his friends were in the area-"
Lucian: "Again."
Lorelei: "It really is getting past the bounds of probability, isn't it..."
Agatha: "Get on with it!"
Bertha: "Now, now, dear, no need to be so impatient."
Agatha: *glares*
Lance: "They were captured by Team Magma. About that time, an Aqua agent infiltrating Magma managed to revive Kyogre and let it break out. The blast shook the ship, and Ash and his Pikachu managed to obtain the Blue Orb."
Cynthia: "Well done, Ash!"
Lance: "It was absorbed into Pikachu's body. Now, the connection the Orbs have is... well... two way. And Groudon - and Kyogre - have a much more potent will than most Pokemon or humans, so Pikachu was soon having trouble controlling himself."
Will: "You never told us about this..."
Lance: "It was kind of chilling to watch. Pikachu was still able to fight, though, and Ash's friends - though not Ash - managed to escape capture. This is about when I unmasked myself, in order to make sure that Ash and his friends were okay - Team Aqua had obtained control of Kyogre with the Red Orb, and forced it to destroy the Magma ship. They wanted to get the Blue Orb too, presumably to cause Primal Reversion."
Siebold: "I assume they failed?"
Lance: "Yes, by this point Archie - leader of Team Aqua - was being influenced by his own Red Orb. And then Pikachu broke Groudon out of his confinement."

Cynthia: "What happened then?"
Lance: "I will admit to losing track - I was too busy trying to survive. Suffice to say that there was a grand battle between Groudon and Kyogre - though fortunately neither obtained the Orb capable of inducing their own Primal Reversion. Strangely enough, Ash's Pikachu was a major ally to Groudon in this fight - and, as far as I can tell, not entirely due to the mental influence."
Alder: "The kid's Pikachu was important in a Legendary fight?"
Lorelei: "That kid's Pikachu has shocked Ground-types before, let alone Water-types."
Lance: "We - myself, Ash, and his friends - managed to ensure Kyogre did not win the fight for long enough that both hosts' bodies rejected the orbs, which destroyed each other. Catalyst gone, the battle ended, and the two sank back into their lairs."

Cynthia: "I still can't get over that you were there and weren't able to influence the outcome for long... but that Ash's Pikachu was a major part of the battle. I know that's one strong Electric-type, but..."
Lance: "I know. The power involved was humbling and astonishing."
Aaron: "What if Ash wasn't there?"
Lance: "Hard to tell, but it's possible Kyogre wins and we'd all be underwater - especially if Kyogre managed to obtain the Blue Orb."
Alder: "Wait, all of us?"
Steven: "Kyogre's power is that it rains. Constantly. In the case of Primal Kyogre, to the point Fire attacks don't even work. Without Groudon to counter it, Kyogre could well have flooded the planet - it's how the oceans got here, after all."

Steven: "Well, you sort of took that one over, Lance... anything else to say?"
Lance: "Actually, the chronologically next one is back in Kanto - the kingdom of Rota. I think... who was it who did this one?"
Bruno: "Me, boss."

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