Movie 11

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Flint: "Right. This one involves Giratina."
Alder: "Which one's that? The lava one?"
Flint: "I know you know, Alder, you're just trying to wind us up. Giratina is, of course, the Dragon of Symmetry and Reversions. It inhabits the Reverse World, which is a parallel world to our own."
Phoebe: "Appropriate for a Ghost."
Flint: "Indeed. Now, we don't know everything about this - what we do know is that, for some reason, Giratina was trapped in the Reverse World. It could open portals, but not pass through."
Will: "What could cause that?"
Cynthia: "I heard the going theory was either Dialga or Palkia."

Flint: "Now, Ash and his friends come into this when they encountered a Shaymin."
Drasna: "Because of course there isn't just one Legendary Pokemon involved with that lot any more."
Cynthia: "You're not wrong."
Flint: "Right. According to young Mr. Slate, the Shaymin was pulled into the Reverse World and then blasted its way out with Seed Flare."
Lucian: "As you do."
Agatha: "Makes sense to me! Ghosts do what you tell 'em if you scare 'em enough..."
*shuffles of chairs, as those sitting next to Agatha move away*
Lance: "I get the impression Giratina was not involved here."
Flint: "Not directly. The Reverse World was full of smoke and mist - damage from the incident in Alamos - which can be used to charge Seed Flare, so the explosion was huge, easily enough to blast the hole. In any case, after the somewhat overloaded Shaymin was healed, it took up residence on Ash's head and proceeded to order him about."
Cynthia: "Flint, please tell me we have a picture."
Flint: "Your wish is my command."
*slide change, chuckles*

Lance: "So, what did this Legendary backseat driver order?"
Flint: "It wanted to get to the place Gracidea bloom, but more than anything it wanted to stay away from Giratina. The Dragon of Symmetry was opening portals to pull Shaymin in, because the portals Shamyin created were not blocking Giratina from getting through."
Wikstrom: "That all sounds like a very simple thing to explain."
Flint: "It would have been if anyone had had the whole picture. This is gleaned from later. Anyway, the group headed off to take Shaymin home, and were attacked a couple of times by someone called Zero."
Bruno: "Original name."
Lorelei: "Compared to Captain Phantom? It's actually a tricky choice."
Karen: "Not much beats Iron Masked Marauder..."

Flint: "Eventually, Zero's Pokemon managed to force Shaymin - in the Reverse World - to take in enough of the corruption to blow a hole big enough for Giratina to leave."
Marshal: "Why'd they do that?"
Flint: "Zero was... cracked. He wore a Giratina costume, had a giant warship with an AI because of course he did, and wanted to absorb Giratina's powers to take over the Reverse Dimension."
Caitlin: "What."
Flint: "I'm serious. Look."
*slide change*

Grimsley: "That looks stupid."
Siebold: "No argument here..."
Flint: "Once Giratina was out in the real world, Zero pounced. He used his airship to drain enough of Giratina's energy to travel to the Reverse World before Ash and his friends - and Shaymin - stopped the drain."
Lance: "How much, exactly, of Giratina's energy?"
Flint: "99%."
Drake: "...what."
Flint: "Ninety-nine percent. There was a readout and everything. Fortunately, Shaymin managed to heal Giratina - who was barely alive."
Cynthia: "So... Ash saved the life of another of the great Legendaries."
Bertha: "It's a habit with him!"
Flint: "No kidding. Anyway, Zero went into the Reverse World and started breaking things - which began breaking things in the real world, too. Giratina, Shaymin, Ash and Pikachu followed him to stop him, while everyone else tried to mitigate the damage - including, by the way, Regigigas."
Sidney: "Because there just ain't enough Legendaries in this picture yet."
Flint: "Here."
*slide change*

Steven: "Well, look at that. Regigigas holding back a glacier."
Flint: "After a complicated battle in the Reverse World, including a boarding attempt on Zero's ship, almost everyone got sent back to the real world by another Seed Flare."
Cynthia: "Almost everyone?"
Flint: "Ash and Giratina were left behind. Fortunately, the blocking effect had worn off by then... which is why I have this."
*clip plays*

Cynthia: "Holy-"
Lance: "That is Ash Ketchum. Riding. Giratina."
Drasna: "An experience no-one else has ever had. In history. Young master Ketchum is a lucky young man."
Flint: "I could barely believe it either. Anyway, Giratina fixed everything in the Reverse World, dropped off Ash, and left to return home. Zero, incidentally, is in custody."

Cynthia: "Am I right in thinking that this nearly led to the obliteration of the universe again?"
Flint: "Probably not, merely prevented it from all being seriously wrecked. Like, burning-cities-everywhere wrecked."
Cynthia: "All right. Let's see, there was Mount Coronet..."
Bertha: "Mine's first, dearie. Michina Town. And it's quite the tale..."

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