Movie 10

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*after recess*

Aaron: "This all happened in the town of Alamos - it's the home of the Time-Space Tower, which is an ancient building connected to Dialga and Palkia."
Alder: "I've heard of those ones. They're... what was it, light and dark?"
Shauntal: "Alder, you can't possibly be this-"
Alder: *chuckles* "Yeah, yeah, I know. Time and space."
Phoebe: "Some people..."

Aaron: "The first sign of trouble was apparently when people started to have nightmares - people and Pokemon alike."
Lance: "That's not something Dialga or Palkia can do..."
Grimsley: "Sounds more like Darkrai to me."
Aaron: "That's correct, as events transpired it was a Darkrai. It was trying to send a warning to the people of the town, though the method it used wasn't very simple."
Cynthia: "I suppose it's not as if there were any other ways it could clearly communicate."
Aaron: "Especially with someone running around trying to capture it, yes."
Alder: "So, what was it trying to warn people of?"
Karen: "Knowing how Darkrai operate, something big."
Aaron: "That's correct. It was trying to communicate that Dialga and Palkia were warring in their own little dimension, in an adjacent reality to Alamos."

Will: "That sounds... devastatingly bad. Is it?"
Aaron: "Yes. Yes, it is. It's... well, worse than Groudon and Kyogre, or the three Birds - these are Pokemon directly responsible for building and maintaining the universe."
Steven: *whistles* "And Darkrai was trying to warn people?"
Aaron: "More than that, it was trying to stop the two Dragons from fighting - to no avail. As the battle continued, it started causing disturbances in the real world."
Lance: "Disturbances?"
Aaron: "Ranging from strange lights and winds to portals, as Palkia tried to escape from Dialga's attacks. A local, Tonio, said he was able to pick up the disturbances on his computer - don't ask me how, it'd give me a headache..."
Cynthia: "So, two of the three creation dragons were fighting... and Ash found out about this?"
Aaron: "Only through Tonio. Though it became quite obvious only a few minutes later, as Palkia pulled the whole town into the other dimension."
*slide change*

Aaron: "This is what it looked like."
Alder: "Trippy."
Lucian: "That does not look right."
Aaron: "I know - though I'm not sure why Palkia did it. Maybe it wanted to limit the collateral damage or something."
Flint: "From your tone of voice, I'm guessing it didn't work."
Sidney: "What gave you the first clue, the fact one of the Creation Trio was trying to kill another?"
Caitlin: "They wouldn't go that far, surely?"
Aaron: "It would have. Dialga came through a moment later, and started absolutely pounding Palkia - Hyper Beam, Draco Meteor, everything. Darkrai tried to stop the fighting, even by using Dark Void, but the two Dragons managed to agree on one thing - blast Darkrai first."
Wikstrom: "I suppose it must have been a matter of honour between them."
Marshal: "Honour's all well and good, but you don't take it to the death!"
Aaron: "Here's the only footage we have of the fight."

*clip plays*

Malva (pale): "So, that's what it's like when Legends war."
Aaron: "It got worse."
Drake: "How could that get worse?"
Aaron: "The town started unravelling from the edges in, as the strain got too much. I guess it was as Palkia weakened. Fortunately, Palkia picked the right town to pull into that pocket dimension - it's the home of Oracion."
Alder: "Aura-watta?"
Aaron: "Oracion. It's a song with mystical powers, which when played at the Time-Space Towers calms all Pokemon who hear it - even Dialga and Palkia."
Siebold: "It seems quite the coincidence that the Time-Space Towers were there."
Drasna: "Unless that's why Palkia picked it."

Cynthia: "Not that I'm complaining, but where's Ash in all this? He's usually in the thick of things."
Aaron: "Quite. Ash was the one carrying the record with Oracion to the towers, helped by his friends - which was a fraught endeavor. They had to avoid bring hit by missed attacks, climb the tower by hot air balloon, run up stairs as they began to dissolve into the void... they made it just as Dialga and Palkia were about to fire their signature moves at one another - Spacial Rend and Roar of Time."
Lance: "Which... would have?"
Aaron: "Killed one of them, probably Palkia."
Cynthia: "Wait - Palkia helps hold the universe together! You mean-"
Aaron: "We came within about ten seconds of time and space unravelling completely, yes."
Cynthia: "Holy..."

Aaron: "Fortunately, the song also seemed to have healing properties. Palkia was returned to health, and restored the town to its proper place."
Alder: "Because nobody wants their town to be mostly disappeared."
Lance: "I had not realized that incident was that bad. Thank you, Aaron, for pulling all that together. It seems this meeting has been long overdue, if Ash just prevented the destruction of space and time."
Sidney: "Well, being technical, just space..."
Bertha: "No, dear, time too - there'd be a paradox."
Sidney: "What."
Bertha: "Now, now, wait my turn."

Lance: "Right, that was a bit worrying. Please tell me the next one's less terrifying."
Flint: "That's mine, I think."
Cynthia: "Well, Flint? Is it less terrifying?"
Flint: "Gonna go with 'slightly'. Okay, this one's a bit further north and a couple of months later..."

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