Movie 13

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Cynthia: "Okay, Lucian, what did happen that was less impressive?"
Lucian: "To my mind it's not much less impressive, just less... spectacular. Anyway, the whole thing starts several decades ago... who's heard of Grings Kodai?"
*general impression of yes*
Alder: "Didn't he get busted or something?"
Bruno: "It was all over the news, yeah."
Lucian: "Indeed. The story I was told was that he had gained his spectacular success due to an early encounter with Celebi in Crown City - he touched a time ripple."
Will: "Ouch."
Lucian: "It resulted in a minor temporal crash, and gave him the ability to see visions of the future. That's how he ended up so successful - he had an advantage no-one could match."
Shauntal: "That doesn't seem fair."
Caitlin: "Was it different to Future Sight?"
Lucian: "Much more reliable, and harder to detect as well. Also illegal, though mainly by default. However, he noticed it starting to fade last year."

Karen: "So, how would he cope?"
Lucian: "He worked out where Celebi would be - roughly - as being somewhere in Crown City again. He planned to evacuate the city and then use that to let him find the Time Ripple."
Lorelei: "He'd do it again?"
Agatha: "Dang addicts."
Sidney: "...what?"
Phoebe: "How would he evacuate the city?"
Lucian: "It's kind of... strange."

Lucian: "First, I should let you know he developed machinery able to create illusions - similar to those made by a Zoroark, or a skilled Psychic-type or Ghost."
Flint: "That seems unfair."
Lance: "Maybe I should have gotten hold of those goggles the Rockets had in Altomare..."
Lucian: "His plan was breathtaking in its... well, strangeness. First, he announced the formation of a Baccer team with Raikou, Entei and Suicune making it up."
Cynthia: "...wait, was this when we were all on holiday? Because I can't believe I missed that."
Bertha: "I'm not one for sports."
Cynthia: "Three Legendary Beasts aren't just a sports thing!"

Lucian: "His plan, and forgive me if this is a bit of a run-on sentence, was... to capture a Zoroark, threaten her child to have her fake an attack in Crown City, frame her as evil, have the city evacuated, and then search for the Time Ripple in peace."
Alder: "So... where does the Baccer team come into it?"
Lucian: "I have no idea."
Cynthia: "I'm guessing Ash was in the area?"
Lucian: "As it happens, yes. He enters the chain of events when the Zorua escaped - unknown to his mother - and almost literally landed right next to him. They agreed to help him find his mother."
Drake: "I spy what looks like a spanner in the works for Mister Kodai."
Diantha: "Sure sounds like it. Sometimes it only takes one decent man - or woman - to foul up an entire evil organization."

Lucian: "The group ran into Celebi-"
Steven: "-as you do-"
Lucian: "They certainly do. Anyway, Ash and the rest of the humans involved were captured by Grings Kodai in the mostly-deserted city, but Zorua, Pikachu, Dawn's Piplup and Celebi remained at liberty for a while longer."
Alder: "Dawn?"
Shauntal: "They've mentioned her before! The girl."
Alder: "The dragon girl?"
Marshal: "No, the one before that. Alder, you're a moron sometimes."
Lucian: "Details on this are sketchy, but as far as I can tell the real Legendary Beasts showed up. We have this picture:"
*slide change*

Cynthia: "They're Shiny. I thought the idea the Crown beasts were Shiny was-"
Karen: "Wait, wait, wait! Weren't the Beasts created by Ho-Oh?"
Lucian: "Apparently he did it more than once."
Phoebe: "Did Ash meet these Beasts?"
Lucian: "As a matter of fact, yes."
Phoebe: *counting under her breath*
Lucian: "Excuse me?"
Phoebe: "Ho-Oh, Cresselia, Phione, Heatran."
Steven: "You'll have to explain further, Phoebe."
Phoebe: "They're the only Legendaries from Kanto, Johto, Hoenn or Sinnoh that Ash hasn't met."
Lance: "Actually, he's at least seen Ho-Oh flying over several times, including on the first day of his journey."
Cynthia: "Brock mentioned they met a Cresselia and a Phione, as well."
Flint: "And..."
Alder: "Oh, no. No, no, no."
Flint: "Sorry, Alder. They helped a Ranger rescue a Heatran."
Alder: "This is just ridiculous!"
Grimsley: "Uh, boss?"
Alder: "I'm a Champion! I've trained for decades! I'm so Unovan my Braviary leaves a trail of freedom when he flies! And I've met two Legendaries. Two! This kid's met all of them!"
Diantha: "As far as I am aware, he has not met Zygarde, Hoopa or Volcanion. That's it."
Marshal: "Look on the bright side, boss, at least you've never had to save the universe."

Lucian: "It all got a bit complicated at this point, with a series of running battles across Crown City. On at least one occasion Ash hid Celebi in his backpack-"
Alder: *whimpers*
Lucian: "-and they managed to destroy the machine that kept Kodai immune to illusions. With that done, Zoroark was able to create a fake time-ripple for Kodai to try to use - and they filmed him admitting his guilt."
Grimsley: "Awesome!"
Lucian: "Zoroark was badly wounded, but Celebi healed her and restored life to the city. With his crimes revealed, Kodai was arrested, and everyone went on their way. After finally watching that Baccer game, of course."

Shauntal: "Uh, I know we're next, but can we have another recess? I think our boss is broken."
Alder: "All I want to do is ride a Legendary! Is that too much to ask?"
Lance: "...probably best, yes."
Marshal: "Hey, Will? You got a moment?

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