Chapter 48 : Back to the battlefield.

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Third person point of view

Ken quickly finished his shower and even his dress was provided by Jade. Jade gave him a pair of jeans and white shirt. The jeans was a bit lose, but using a belt made it fine. But the shirt looked a bit over sized. Jade had broad shoulders, so compared to his lean shoulders it looked big. Jade couldn't help laugh when he saw how the shirt looked on Ken. ken gave a small pout. " What do I do ? " Jade stood in front of Ken and looked him from top to bottom. " Are you checking me out ? " Ken narrowed his eyes at Jade, who laughed.

" Let me do something ". Jade told Ken and he put the white shirt in a French tuck. Now it looked so good on Ken. " You smell good ". Ken scoffed. " Are you being narcissistic right now ? " Jade shrugged. " Tsk ". Ken rolled his eyes making Jade chuckle. " Actually you look good too ". Ken shook his head. " I am not believing you ". Jade laughed. " I mean it. I said you look good, not the dress. So it is a compliment to you ". Ken smiled with a tint of pink on his cheeks. " Thank you ". 

They walked down and saw a lady sitting on the couch in the living room. She turned to them with a smile. " Good morning ". " Good morning mom ". Jade greeted with a smile. She walked up to them. " By the way, he is Ken ". He introduced Ken to his mom. " Hello, it is nice to meet you...aunty ". " Hello dear. You can call me that. It is fine. Come come, have breakfast ". She took them to the dining table. 

She served them breakfast along with some fruits. " I thought something happened to you when I saw Jade carrying you ". Ken smiled feeling sorry and embarrassed at the same time. " He could've woke me up ". Mom only laughed and shook her head. " Knowing the kind of person Jade is, I don't think it is weird ". Ken laughed. " I thought the same ". They finished their breakfast while chatting. 

" Thank you for the breakfast ". " No mention dear. Come by when you have time ". " Sure aunty. Bye ". " Bye dear. Have a nice day ". They walked to leave the house. Jade's mother stopped him before going out. " So ? " Jade raised his eyebrows. " Friend ? " Jade rolled his eyes. " Mom ". She giggled. " Fine, fine. Whatever. But I don't mind whoever it is as long as you are happy. And be brave. Have a nice day at work ". 

" I know. Bye mom ". He kissed her cheek and left the house. Ken was the one to drive this time. No way on earth he was letting Jade drive. Jade did a lot for him already so he decided to do something for Jade when possible as well. They went to the office and parked the car. They walked up to the elevator and got in. " I didn't expect my first meeting with your mom to be like that ". Jade chuckled. " She doesn't mind ". " I can see that, but still ". Jade smiled. " It is fine. Don't think so much. She likes you already ". Jade laughed and Ken blushed. 

Ken waved to Jade when he left him at his floor. Ken went up to his floor and walked to Luke's cabin. " Good morning ". Luke looked up and smiled as soon as he saw Ken's attire. He stood up and walked to stand in front of Ken. " You smell different today and look at your attire. Ohooooo~~ " Ken shook his head. " Enough now. How did you give a leave so easily ? " Luke shrugged. " I know it has been tough. So I didn't mind it when he asked ". 

Ken nodded. " Thank you anyways ". " No problem. By the way....... lost your chastity yet ? " Ken's eyes went wide. " You bastard ". Ken was about to hit Luke. " Hit me and you'll see ". " What ? What will you do ? " Luke laughed and went around the table. Ken started chasing him. " You get caught or I will definitely speak to Leo and you will see what I can do ". Luke stopped and turned to Ken. " Fine, fine. I am not teasing you anymore. Okay ? " 

" Look at you. Surrendering so easily as soon as I mentioned Leo ". " It is just the power the wifey holds ". Luke shrugged. " Can't disagree on it though ". Ken mutters to himself but it wasn't that low. Luke chuckled. " Jade will also be the same right ? " " I will just call Leo right now ". Luke laughed. " Wait. I am sorry. No more ". Ken shook his head. " I am going back to work ". Luke nodded and Ken left to his cabin. 

On the other side, Leo was drawing and noticed his phone ringing. He saw that the caller was his mother. He wondered why she was calling him. He sighed thinking of it. He was not in the mood for whatever it was. He put it aside without picking it up and put his phone on silent mode. He checked his phone later when he was having lunch. There were 2 more missed calls. He called his mother. He felt something bad while doing it. " Hello ". " You finally had time for me ".

" I didn't notice while working, so..." He bit his lip. " Fine, whatever. I want to meet you. Come to the office in the afternoon if possible ". " Sure ". He hung up and didn't feel like eating. His mind kept wandering. Leo went to the office like his mother asked. He knocked on the door and heard a 'come in'. He opened the door and entered. He sat on the couch while his mother was discussing something with her secretary. The secretary bowed to Leo and then left the room. He saw his mother sit on the sofa chair. " Why did you want me to come ? "

" I have to go on a business trip for a while. So during that time, I want you to work in the company as the head ". " What ? It is not like you cannot manage them from abroad. Why should I come here ? " Leo was baffled. " I know, but then everything cannot be done like that. And I will go for a long time this time, so I want you to take up the work here ". " But-" Leo wanted to protest but his mother didn't let him. " I don't want to hear any excuses. Do what I say ". She turned her face away from him. Leo couldn't say anything, so he left the office. He didn't want to do it. But then his mother never lets him do what he wants.

And the talk of the town was Ken's dress for the day. Not to mention, Luke and Ken were always well known for their looks among the whole office. So seeing him in a different attire than his regular suits was special to everyone. Jade met Ken before leaving. " You know you are the star of the day ? " " Thanks to someone who is behind it ". Jade laughed. " See, I told you. You are looking good ". 

Ken could only nod. He rubbed his neck in embarrassment. " I will return these after washing them ". Jade shook his head. " Nah, it is fine. Keep them ". " Huh ? Why ? " " No reason. You look better in them than me. So just take them. I don't mind it ". " Wow. Thanks ". " Ah, also.. I will bring your clothes tomorrow ". " Thank you again ". " Enough of your thank you-s. The pleasure is all mine. I will leave then. Bye. Drive safe ". Jade smiled and Ken chuckled at the little rant. " Bye. Be careful. See you ". 


Author notice :

Payback time. 😂😂 Luke finally got to tease Ken. 

Ken and Jade are so cute. 🥰 Ken in Jade's clothes. 😍🤩😱 And Jade's mom is such a sweetheart. 🥺

I seriously don't know what to do with Leo's mom sometimes. 🙂

It has been a while since I spoke about myself. So life is super busy, which is because of the college stuff with an additional bonus called project. 🙄 Note the sarcasm. I really want a break, but the possibility is too low. So I am just trying to cheer myself up and give my best in what I do. just hang on. Hope everyone is happy, safe and healthy. Please be careful.  😊

I wanted to tell a small side story. Don't ask me why I didn't actually just include it in the story, I don't know too. 😂

So Jade is someone who isn't particularly anti social, but also not totally friendly with everyone. So he doesn't have a lot of friends. The only one is his best friend, Leo. He only brought Leo to his home most of the time. So his mom was definitely curious about his love life and social life. When he brought someone besides Leo, of course his mom will be so damn curious. So she just asked it. 😂 And she definitely loved the reaction. 😂 

It is really nice to see moms who are bubbly and cheerful. I don't know if I told this before but even my mom is the same. But sometimes she acts so corny, cheesy and cringe. Ugh ! Because she loves it when I am bugged by it. 😂🤦🏻‍♀️ It makes me want to dig a hole and bury my head in it ground like an ostrich. 😂

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