Chapter 64 : Marriage contract in bed.

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Warning : This chapter has 18+ content. Please read based on how you feel about it. And the latter part can be read even if you skip the former. Like the last 4 paragraphs will be fine to read.   

Third person point of view

Jade pinned Ken to the door kissing him as soon as they entered the house. It was deep and passionate making Ken's knees go weak. He put his hands around Jade's neck. When they pulled away both of them were out of breath. Jade picked up Ken bridal style and walked to the bedroom. He put Ken on the bed and got on top of him. Ken felt his heart racing so hard like it wanted to leap out of his chest. 

Jade kissed Ken again and it was not as gentle. He placed his hands on Ken's back and pulled the both of them to sitting position. Ken was now on Jade's lap as they continued to kiss. Jade removed his coat and so did Ken. Jade then started unbuttoning Ken's shirt. He kissed along Ken's jaw-line and then down his neck. Ken gasped. He started unbuttoning Jade's shirt. He threw the shirt aside and ran his hands through Jade's muscles. 

When Jade kissed a certain spot, a moan escaped Ken's mouth. Ken felt the heat radiating off Jade's body and Jade's touch cold on his hot skin. Jade's finger tips were tracing along Ken's sides, setting his skin ablaze; adding to his already hot body temperature. Jade bit and sucked at that spot making Ken moan even louder. Jade then went down to kiss Ken's nipples making him throw his head back. He sucked at one while his hand was playing with the other. Ken was a moaning mess as Jade continued to explore his body. They slowly got rid of all the clothes and only left in their boxers. 

" Are you sure about this ? " Ken asked looking at Jade. " You talk too much ". Jade kissed Ken whose lips were already swollen. Jade removed Ken's boxers. He slowly started stroking Ken's member making him gasp. He used the chance to enter his tongue. He stroked slowly and Ken's breath was turning raged. Ken was already wet. Jade knew Ken was becoming impatient. He smirked at Ken's reaction. Jade used the pre-cum as lube and entered a finger in Ken's hole. 

He gave a scream as a response. His breathing turned even heavier. Jade inserted another finger and started thrusting in. Ken shuddered at the pain and pleasure his body was feeling. This was his first time and the kind of pleasure his body and mind were going through made him go crazy. It felt too overwhelming. But the hand that was stroking was still slow. Jade was enjoying and he didn't increase his pace. Once he felt that Ken might have loosened up, he removed his fingers earning a small whine from Ken. 

" Patience baby boy ". Ken bit his lip. " Do you have condoms ? " Ken nodded and took out from the drawer beside the bed. " I don't think I need to ask about this ". Jade chuckled and Ken looked away. Jade removed his boxers and Ken gulped hard. Jade put on the condom and lowered himself. He kissed Ken but it was gentle this time. " It will hurt ". Ken nodded. Jade slowly entered and Ken scrunched his face. He bit his lip. 

Jade didn't even enter fully and was only half way in. Ken felt like it was too big than what it actually looked. He was gasping for air trying to adjust to Jade's size. " Can I move ? " He saw Ken's expression. After a few seconds Ken felt it was better. He nodded his head. Jade slowly started moving. He started thrusting in slowly. Ken held onto Jade's shoulders. He kept letting out moans. 

Ken gradually loosened up. " Can I go deeper ? " Ken blinked hard but nodded at the end. Jade entered fully and Ken let out a breath. He was taking deep breaths. " Tell me when you are ready ". It took him a few seconds to get adjusted. " Ken.... babe relax ". Jade said trying to relax Ken. His hands were rubbing circles on Ken's sides. He gave a kiss on Ken's forehead. Ken nodded his head and Jade started to move slowly. Ken felt it was difficult. Jade kissed him to distract from the pain. 

He gave kisses on Ken's ears and neck. As Jade kept thrusting, he felt Ken loosen up a little more. Jade held both of Ken's hands above his head. Ken whined a little, he wanted to touch and feel Jade. Jade gazed at Ken who looked like he was complaining for not letting him touch Jade. He smirked and went a little faster. 

Ken threw his head into the pillow starting to love the feeling of Jade inside him. He let out airy moans. But it looked like Jade had no intention of letting go of his hands. Jade started to increase his pace. " Ahh, Jade ". Ken's voice turned on Jade even more. He stared at Ken's face and let go of Ken's hands. Ken ran his hands through Jade's hair. Jade nuzzled his face at the crook of Ken's neck and gave him open mouth kisses. 

Ken's mind was blank as he felt Jade thrust into him. It was filled only with Jade. Jade went hard with every thrust hitting the deepest part. Ken moaned louder and dig his fingers into Jade's arms. " Go faster ". Ken whined into Jade's ears. Jade accepted the request and went faster. Ken felt pleasure he has never felt. He felt like he was about to cum. " J-Jade I will cum ". Jade groaned and went faster. Even he was going to cum sooner. 

Ken was so tight and clenching so hard at every thrust. " Ahh ". Ken released and Jade came at the same time too. Jade pulled out and threw the condom. He fell beside on the bed. Both of them were breathing heavily. Once he was able to steady his breathing, he turned his head to look at Ken. " How about a shower ? " Ken looked at Jade suspiciously. Jade chuckled. " No other meaning. Just a pure shower ". Ken nodded. Jade carried Ken into the bathroom. 

They showered and Ken gave Jade a pair of sweat pant and shirt. They were big for him, so they fit Jade well. They changed the sheets and slept cuddling. Jade has his arms around Ken and Ken was snuggled up on Jade's side. " You know people say that you look at your loved like they are your whole world ". Ken said looking up at Jade. " Do you think I look at you like that ? " Jade asked running his hand through Ken's hair. Ken shook his head.  

Jade raised his eyebrow. " Then..what do I look at you like ? " Ken narrowed his eyes. " You look at me like you wouldn't know why such a big world existed if I weren't there in it ". Jade nodded. " Cannot say no though. That is exactly how I feel ". Ken chuckled. He sighed content leaning against Jade's chest. " Ken ". Ken looked up to meet Jade's eyes. " What is it ? " Jade stared at Ken. " Jade ~~ Say it ". " Marry me ? " Ken stared at Jade wide eyed. " Huh ? " " Let's get married Ken ". 

Ken blinked. " Why ? " Jade thought for a second. He smiled. " So that I can also learn to use a gun and come with you. Then I need not worry that something might happen to you because I don't want a world without you. It seems meaningless ". Ken laughed. " Fine. Then marriage it is ". Jade had a huge grin on his face. " Really ? " Ken nodded. " I love you ". Jade said caressing Ken's cheek. Ken smiled. 

" I love you too ". Jade tilted his head and kissed Ken. They smiled when they pulled away. " Then come and speak to my parents ". Jade laughed. " Sure. We will go to my mom this weekend and then we can ask her to come visit your parents ". Ken nodded. He let out a yawn. Jade chuckled ruffling Ken's hair. " Sleep now. It is already late ". Ken nodded closing his eyes. He hugged Jade and both of them fell asleep.


Author notice :  

Apparently my dumba$$ self couldn't find a song for this chapter. 😂 I kept searching but somehow none of them fit this chapter. 😂 If any of you has any suggestions, please leave comments. 

I am going to sue them for arson. Our hearts are burning way too bad. 😂😂

How are they so cute ???? 😭😭 

I am so happy for them too. 🤗

Ken will be bombarded with Luke's crazy remarks and teasing. 😂🤣 I pity him . 😂

This is one of the difficult ones to write. Because I wanted it to different from before and even the feel. I hope it worked. 

But I don't really plan on writing further into their future. You can read the author note and know a little more maybe. 

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