Chapter 51 : Too whipped for wifey.

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Third person point of view

Luke saw how Leo learnt many things and was working hard. He could see Leo's effort. He was definitely doing his best. Even though it was all new to him, he took it up as a challenge and completed the work. 

Luke was in his office and was looking through a file. He finished it and was looking at the computer. Ken walked in to discuss a few things. They were exchanging their opinions about the task at hand. " About this- " Luke stopped speaking when he noticed his phone ringing while speaking to Ken. Leo was calling him. Luke was surprised to see Leo calling him. He never really did it even when Luke always insisted on helping him. Luke picked up the call. " Hello ". 

Leo sighed when Luke picked up the call. " Hey. I wanted a help from you ". " What ? Really ? " Luke was shocked. Even though he told Leo that he will help, Leo always said he can do it. But now seeing him call by himself, Luke was sure shocked. " I don't know how to handle this. I didn't want to disturb Zara. She already has so much to handle.... so I called you ". " Ah, I see ". Luke put the phone away from his ear and mouthed " Get my car ", to Ken. Ken nodded and did it. Luke picked up his jacket and walked to the door. " Are you listening Luke ? " 

" Yeah, I am. But before that, tell me something..... " Luke kept changing the topic every time and didn't let Leo speak about the project. He got in his car and drove to Leo's office. People around kept glancing at Luke when they saw him enter the office building. They started whispering as he strode to the elevator, but no one dared to stop him. " Hey Leo. I have a doubt. Which floor are you in ? Tell me how to reach your room ". Leo was feeling tired of it. " Why do you want to know that ? " " Just tell me ". Leo massaged his temples and told the details to Luke. 

Leo was growing vexed. Luke didn't help him and was only speaking nonsense for the whole time. Luke followed all the instructions and stood in front of Leo's room and knocked the door. " Looks like someone is knocking ". Leo said into the phone. " Ask them to come in ". Leo said it and when the door opened, his eyes were as wide as plates. Luke cut the call and walked into the room. He closed the door and turned to smile at Leo. " What are you doing here ? " Luke walked closer to Leo's table. 

" You asked for my help, didn't you ? " " SO ? " " So, I am here at your service ". Leo shook his head. " Do you really have to come till here ? " " Why ? What is wrong with it ? I will also be able to see you work ". Leo only smiled. " You look really cool sitting in that chair ". Leo rolled his eyes. " Thank you ". Luke smiled and stood in front of Leo. He bent forward to be on eye level with Leo. " Too cool that is making me jealous ". Leo chuckled at Luke's words. " Stop it now. Enough ".

Luke smiled and walked towards the couch and sat on it. " So what was it that you want help with ? " Leo picked up the files and went to sit beside Luke. Luke sat back and observed as Leo explained about them. " Are you even listening ? " Leo asked when he saw Luke staring at his face. Luke nodded. Leo wondered if Luke was really listening. Every time Leo glanced at Luke while explaining he could see him nodding but he was still doubtful. He cannot interpret anyway, so he continued telling him what he knew about it. 

" So, this is what I know about these. I told you about my doubts too. So help me now ". " Ask me sweetly and I will do it. Say please ". Leo scowled. Even if he didn't want to he was in need, so he has to do it. He took a deep breath. " Fine. Please help me ". He gave his best pleading expression. " Sure babe. Anything for you ". Leo rolled his eyes. Luke smiled and picked up the file. He looked through them once again and helped Leo with it. 

Leo understood everything and he left for a meeting. Luke went to check on Leo. He saw him through the glass window. Leo was speaking efficiently and handled everything perfectly. Luke smiled and left the place knowing he was not needed anymore. He left a small note for Leo, letting him know that he was leaving. 

When Luke went back, he saw Ken who was still waiting for him. Ken asked the reason he left so abruptly and Luke told him everything. Ken could only scoff and shake his head. Luke only shrugged and went back to work.

Leo was sitting on the couch watching television. Luke walked out of the kitchen to sit beside Leo. They were done with the dinner and Luke has finished cleaning the dishes too. " About your art gallery, I found a place. Also there is an investor who is willing to invest for it. If you tell me when you have time, I will make an appointment for you ". " Really ? " Luke nodded. Leo thought about it. 

" I don't want it ". He answered after a few seconds. " What ? Why ? What happened ? " Luke was shocked at Leo's response. " I don't want to use you to get it. I want to get it on my own. Let's see, someone might really be interested someday ". Luke knew what Leo meant. " But- " Leo put a finger on Luke's lips. " No. It is fine. I am sure of it ". Luke didn't want to object it. He nodded in agreement. " Okay. As you wish ". Leo smiled. 

The next day Luke was busy because of a project. He didn't even stay for long in the office that day. He went to check on the progress and also had a few meetings outside office and was late home. It was night and past dinner time by the time he reached. He walked in and saw Leo sitting on the couch. It seemed like Leo was falling asleep. Luke slowly walked up to the couch and stood to the left of Leo. He saw Leo's head falling to the side. 

He used his left hand to stop him from falling. He sat beside Leo without making any sound. He put his right hand around Leo's shoulder and slowly put Leo's head onto his shoulder. Luke relaxed on the couch. Leo nuzzled his head and moved closer. He put his head at the crook of Luke's neck feeling comfortable. Luke smiled and rested his head on Leo's. After a few minutes Leo slowly opened his eyes. He rubbed his eyes to get rid of the sleepiness. Luke was looking at Leo with amusement. He found Leo cute, so he was loving watching Leo's face. 

" When did you come ? " Leo asked his voice still showing the sleepiness. " A few minutes ago ". " You should have woken me up. Did you have anything ? " Luke smiled and nodded. " Yeah, a little ". " Then do you want something to eat ? " " Some fruits should be fine ". " Let me get them for you ". " Will you be fine ? " Leo nodded and went to the kitchen. " I will take a shower ". Luke went to their room. By the time he was out, he saw Leo has brought the fruits for him. " I would have come down ". " It's fine ". 

Luke ate some, feeding a few to Leo as well. He went to the kitchen and put the dish in the wash basin. When he entered the room, he saw Leo was already asleep. He must have been really tired. Luke got on the bed and pulled Leo closer. Leo snuggled up feeling comfortable. He spoke with his eyes still close. " I wanted to wait for you, but you were too late ". Luke felt bad for making Leo wait for him.

" Don't do that from next time. I am sorry. I didn't find time to even text you. From next time I will let you know beforehand. And you need not wait for me. Have dinner in case I am late. And also go to sleep if you feel tired. You have so much to do and will be tired. So don't wait for me ". Leo moved closer. " It is fine. I don't mind it. I want to ". Luke smiled and kissed Leo's forehead. Leo smiled and let sleep take over him.


Author notice :

Tsk. Tsk. Look's like Luke is way too whipped.   😂😂

Ken : That was what I was saying for a long time now !

Author  : Ah okay, okay. Got it. Why did you come in between ? Let me finish what I was speaking !

Ken : Fine, fine. I am leaving.

Author : Byee~~ ( Ken leaves ) I know Jade is the same. ( rolls eyes ) Let's get back.

I sent a text to my BR while writing this chapter. I told that I just realized it and my BR agreed too. So I said ' Luke fell faster but Leo fell harder '.  A few people might already know this kind of statement and I think it applies to these both too. Frankly speaking, the more I think of it, the more I am convinced that it is true. 😂

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