Chapter 52 : Hubby likes to tease wifey~~

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Third person point of view

Leo was cooking breakfast like he does every morning. He makes sure to do it almost everyday, because he enjoys it. Luke entered the kitchen to see Leo busily working in the kitchen. He smiled and walked up to Leo. Leo was standing near the counter and when he was about to turn around he felt Luke hug him from behind. He turned around and found Luke smiling at him. " Morning " Leo gave a small smile, but Luke didn't move away. " Move ". Leo said trying to move but Luke blocked his way and moved forward closing the distance between them. 

" Call me hubby ". Leo shook his head. " No, I will not. Move Luke~~ ". Leo tried pushing Luke but he didn't even budge. " Come on Luke. Please ". Luke was enjoying teasing Leo. So he shook his head. " Not until you say it. Or even better call me daddy ". Leo looked up with wide eyes and he huffed in anger. " What are you saying ? " Luke only smiled without moving away. Leo pushed again. " Luke~~ ". " Nope. Not until you say it ". Leo knew how stubborn Luke can be. It would be over if he says it once. He glanced at Luke and looked away. 

" Hubby ". Leo only murmured it. " What ? Huh ? I didn't hear you ". Luke put his ear closer. " Hubby ". Leo said it out loud this time. Luke grinned and saw how Leo's face was gaining color. " So cute ". " Now move. The food will burn and you will have nothing to eat ". Luke moved aside and gave way to Leo. " I can just eat you then ". Leo scoffed at Luke's words. " Pervert ". Luke laughed and went to sit at the table.

Luke walked into his office and met Ken on his way. " Hey, morning ". Luke nodded. " How are things going ? " Ken gave a thumbs up. " Everything under control ". " Good ". Luke gave Ken a fist bump and walked to his office. Luke was looking through a file when he heard a knock. " Come in ". Luke answered and looked up to see a man enter his cabin. He immediately stood up to greet him. " Good morning, Mr. David ". The man extended his hand and Luke took it. Ken was the one who escorted David. Ken stood beside Luke who was sitting on the sofa chair. David sat on the sofa. 

" You asked me to meet you yesterday, so I was wondering if it is about the gallery ". Luke smiled. " Yes, sir. I wanted to speak about the gallery. I would've come to you, but it has been pretty hectic recently. So I had to trouble you to come till here ". David was older and also was running business for so long. He knew how it would be. " No, it is nothing. I know how much of work load you might be handling. So you need not feel apologetic about this ". " That is really very nice of you. And the thing is,...umm.." " Is something wrong ? You seem to be hesitating ". David knitted his eyebrows. 

" Regarding the gallery, he is not interested in it anymore. I am sincerely apologizing about it. I am so sorry it happened, but he said he didn't want to ". " If I am not being nosy, can I know the exact reason ? If there are any terms and conditions that he doesn't like, I don't mind changing them ". Luke smiled a little. " No, there is nothing like that. He said he wants it on his own. Not because I give it to him. So he decided to not do it ". David nodded in understanding. " I get it. It is sad that I am not able to do it ". Luke smiled apologetically.  " I am sorry once again ". 

" Come on, it is fine. I understand. I got a few things to handle, I guess I will take my leave then ". David stood up and shook hands with Luke. " Thank you so much for understanding once again. Take care sir ". David smiled and Ken escorted him out. Luke sighed and went back to his seat. Ken walked in again after sending off David. " What happened ? Did you guys fight again ? " Luke looked up to meet Ken's eyes. " You didn't fight I guess. Your mood would have been terrible if that was the case ". 

" Am I that readable ? " Ken shrugged. " Since I know you for this long, I can see it easily. But when it comes to him, anyone will be able to say with just a look ". Luke rolled his eyes and turned away. " Anyway, what is it ? " Luke told Ken about the conversation he had with Leo. " I will not force him. It is for him, so it is his choice ". Ken nodded. " When did you become such a nice person ? " Luke glared at Ken and Ken only smiled in return. " I will leave now ". Ken left the room smiling. Luke couldn't help but smile, shaking his head.  

Ken walked to the parking lot to go back home. He saw Jade standing near his car. " Hey ". " Hello ". Ken greeted with a smile. " Where did you run off to yesterday ? I couldn't reach your phone ". Ken gave a grin. Jade grew suspicious. " Where were you ? " Ken gulped at Jade's serious tone. " Umm.. so.. there was something I had to handle, so I left early ". Ken blinked trying to make it look as real as possible. " Does it include guns and violence ? " Jade asked folding his hands taking a step closer to Ken. Ken nodded slowly. 

Jade pulled Ken and pinned him to the car. Ken's eyes were wavering as he was shocked due to the sudden actions. He could see how furious Jade was from his eyes. " I told you to stay out of danger, didn't I ? " " It is my job ". Ken answered firmly. " Then take me with you from next time ". Ken shook his head. " What ? Why ? " Jade knitted his eyebrows. " I don't want to regret anything in my life ". Ken answered looking straight into Jade's eyes. Jade nodded. 

" Fine. Then tell me before hand when you do things like this ". Ken nodded. " Okay ". Jade nodded too. " I can protect myself. You still don't want to take me ? " Ken looked up with hope like he was expecting Jade to fall for it. " You think you are scared of blood ? " Jade chuckled. " No, I am not ". Ken looked way. " But still nope ". Jade shook his head. " Fine. I respect whatever your decision is ". Ken smiled feeling grateful that Jade was convinced. Jade smiled and took a step back. " You are so rough ". Ken pouted. 

" I am just worried ". Ken rolled his eyes. Jade moved closer again and Ken looked up his eyes going slightly wide. Jade held Ken's face and kissed his forehead. Ken froze for a second. He recovered from the shock but couldn't bring himself to look into Jade's eyes. " Be careful ". Jade patted Ken's head his eyes soft and full of care. Ken only nodded still not meeting Jade's eyes. " I will be leaving. Drive safe ". Jade walked way from there. Ken supported himself holding onto the car. His knees felt weak all of a sudden. He blinked continuously and steadied himself. He smiled scratching his neck and got in the car to go home. 


Author notice :

What the hell is that title ?! Ew. I cringed so hard. 😂🤣 Too cheesy. 😂😂

These people are feeding me too much dog food these days. 😂😂 And Leo calling hubby........ahhhhhhhhh my heart 😂💘💥💖 It is so cute. 🥰

I don't know what I really wrote for this chapter. 😅😂🙈 I don't think it is that bad though. Hehe. My BR said it was fine, so I guess it is.  😅😂

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