Chapter 30 : Family meeting.

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Third person point of view

Luke was waiting for Leo who was not out of the closet yet. He glanced at his watch and decided to check on him. He walked in and saw Leo who was looking at the shirts. He was in a blue jeans and white t-shirt. Luke sighed and walked up to him. " What are you doing ? " Leo turned to Luke with a small pout. Luke found it so cute that he wanted to pinch his cheeks. But he knew Leo will kill him if he does that. Even though his hands were itching to just do it and take the risk, he controlled it. No one wants to die young, now do they ? 

" I don't know what to wear ". Luke was dressed up already. He was in a light blue jeans and a burgundy color shirt. Luke wanted to help and get it done, so he started looking around too. He took out a shirt from his rack. It was a white and blue vertical stripes shirt. He put it in front of Leo. " Wear this ". Leo took it and was looking at it. " It is yours though ". " It is fine. It will match well with what you are wearing right now. Wear it ". Leo was still thinking. " Leo, come on. We are going to be late ". 

Leo wore the shirt and started buttoning it. " See, I told you it will look good. And also everyone will know you are mine ". Leo looked at Luke and started unbuttoning it. " No, don't. Sorry. I am sorry. Fine. Now come ". Luke chuckled and walked out. Leo wanted to drive and so they were in Leo's car itself, on their way to Leo's house. Luke didn't object since it would be easier if Leo drove anyway. 

Once they reached the house, Leo parked the car and then they walked towards the front door. Leo walked in first and Luke followed behind. Luke stopped at the door looking around. Leo took a few steps forward and he didn't find Luke beside him. So he turned around and saw him still at the door. He walked a few steps back and went back to where Luke was standing. " Come on. What are you waiting for ? " He took Luke along with him by his hand. Luke smiled as he walked along with Leo. Leo loosened his grip when they reached the dining area. 

But Luke didn't and walked in together with his hand still in Leo's. Their parents smiled when they saw them. They had lunch with all of them speaking about various things. Once they were done, the elders were talking in the living room and Leo took Luke to his room. The furniture was still the same, but the room felt empty. " This is my room ". Leo thought that it was neat, looks like they were cleaning it regularly.

Luke walked around and thought Leo had good taste. The room had a pleasant feeling. " Nice ". Luke sat on the bed and was looking around the room. Leo watched as Luke was observing the room. He remembered that there were some paintings he left in one of the cabinets. He went to it to check on them. Luckily no one removed them from there and they were still there. Luke was looking around when he found a piece of cloth on the floor. 

Beside a wall to a corner, it looked like it fell down there or something. Luke got up and went to take it out. When he walked closer, he saw that it felt like a frame. He took it out and removed the cloth and found a painting. He saw that and was surprised. He smiled as he observed it and turned to look at Leo who didn't notice this yet. " You paint very well ". Leo heard and looked up to see Luke holding a painting. 

Shoot ! He forgot about this one. He went to Luke running, but Luke didn't let him take it. Leo tried pulling it, but Luke didn't let him. " Give it here ". " Tell me what this is and I will give it back ". " It is nothing. Give it ". " Tell me first ". " It is really nothing. Just give it here ". Luke was walking backward as he tried to move away from Leo. He didn't notice the bed and he slipped when his leg hit the bed. His knees buckled when they hit the edge of the bed which made Leo fall too. He fell along with Luke on to the bed. He was on top of Luke and stared at him wide eyes. Luke could only stare back at him. 

Their faces were close. Leo pulled the painting and got up. He adjusted his dress and walked to the cabinet. Luke sat up and scratched his head awkwardly. But then putting these aside, he wondered about the painting. He liked it. But it looked like Leo wasn't willing to speak of it, so he decided to let it be. They spent some time with their parents and then decided to leave. Leo has asked one of the butlers to bring the paintings to their home. 

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