Chapter 43 : A fun date.

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Third person point of view

Luke came into the room and saw Leo on the bed. He walked up to him and got on the bed snuggling up to Leo. Leo opened his eyes when he felt Luke hug him. He saw Luke who was hugging him with his head on Leo's chest. Leo put his arms around Luke and kissed his head. Luke smiled and nuzzled his head on Leo's chest. Leo smiled and closed his eyes. They fell asleep after the long day. The next day, Luke had more surprises for Leo. 

The next morning, they woke up and went to the beach. Luke has arranged a yacht for them to go around. " Wow ". Leo said looking at the sea while they were riding. When they went a little far, they tried Fly-boarding. The next was Jet skiing. " I won't die here, would I ? " Leo said teasing Luke. Luke rolled his eyes. " Believe your hubby a little will you ? " Leo laughed. " Fine, fine ". He put his hands around Luke's waist holding him tightly. 

" Let's go ! Woohoo~~~" Luke took off and he was very good at it. " Woah. It is so much fun ". Leo smiled widely as they got back on the ferry. " Happy now ? You are safe and alive ". Leo chuckled. " Because my hubby is unexpectedly really good at it " He turned around after saying it. " I will change and be back ". He walked into the room. Luke smiled.

They had a change of clothes and even had lunch on the yacht. They sat on the deck enjoying the view. After a while, they were back to the land again. They went back to their room. Luke immediately fell on the bed as he felt tired. Leo smiled shaking his head and sat on the bed. Luke sat up after a few seconds and saw Leo who was sitting on the bed looking at his phone.

" Let's change and we will go somewhere ". Leo looked up. " You have more surprises ? " " Of course I do. How can I miss the chance to have such nice fun time with you ? " Leo smiled. " Let me take a shower and come ". Luke got up and walked to the bathroom. The sea water made them feel a bit sticky. So they decided to take a proper shower to get rid of it. Luke took a hot shower to get rid of the tiredness.

It helped him relax. Once he was done, he picked a pair of baggy jeans and a loose sleeveless t-shirt. He tucked the t-shirt in a French tuck. " Will you take a shower too ? " Luke walked out drying his hair with a towel. Leo looked up to see Luke in that dress. He opened his mouth but nothing came out. It wasn't anything special, but Luke really pulled it off so well. Luke tilted his head and the sunshine from the window was falling on him creating a halo. " You don't want to ? " Leo came out of the trance. " Huh ? I will ". He got up and walked to go to the bathroom.

But before entering he glanced at Luke whose back was facing him. Leo looked at Luke's back and his biceps. He scratched his head and walked into the bathroom. Luke waited for Leo. Leo picked a pair of baggy pants too, but he preferred a t-shirt with sleeves that reached till his elbows. He walked out and stood in front of Luke. " Let's go ". Luke nodded and they walked out of the hotel.

They took a taxi to go to their destination. " Where are we going ? " Luke smiled. " I will not tell you ". " Come on. Tell me ~~ " Luke shook his head and zipped his mouth. Leo huffed. " Fine ". The ride wasn't that long. Leo's mouth was agape when he saw where they were. " Amusement park ? " " You like it ? " Leo smiled. " I love it ". Seeing how happy Leo was Luke smiled too. They went in and walked around for a while. " Which ride do you want to go on ? " Leo looked around. 

" Roller coaster ". Luke got the tickets and they went on it. They both enjoyed it a lot. " Wow ". They both laughed and went on a few more rides. Once done with them, they went around looking at stalls to play some games. The went for a shooting one. Luke was the first one to try. He hit the balloons perfectly in all his tries. " Woah. You are so good ". Leo said with amusement. " It isn't that difficult ". " It won't be if you are that good ". Luke shook his head. " Nothing like that. Come on. You want to try ? " Leo shook his head. " Just give it a try. Come here ". 

Leo picked up the gun and stood in the position. Luke put his hand on Leo's holding the gun in place. He adjusted the position. He stood beside Leo and adjusted his shoulders. He held the gun along with Leo and the other was loosely resting on Leo's waist. Luke did it without noticing, but Leo gulped and tried concentrating on the task. When Luke's breath hit his neck, he had goose bumps all over. " Try it ". 

Luke's voice was right beside his ear. But Leo closed his eyes and took a deep breath. He concentrated and aimed. He pressed the trigger and it did hit the balloon. He gave a big smile to Luke. When Luke told him how to shoot, he tried and did succeed a few times. Luke smiled when he saw Leo beaming. They were done and returned the gun. The owner of the stall brought them a teddy bear. 

" You want us to take it ? " They were both shocked. Luke turned to look at Leo and both of them didn't know what to do. " Since you did win it, you have to sir ". " It is fine. You can give it to someone else ". " Sorry sir, we cannot do that ". They tried convincing the owner in rejecting it, but failed. Leo took it reluctantly. They were finding it weird to have two grown up men carrying a teddy bear. " What do we do with this ? " 

Luke didn't know what to do with it as well. They were walking around to find a food stall. Luke stopped Leo by holding his arm. Leo turned to Luke. " What is it ? " " Let me take a photo ". Leo was confused. Luke moved a little away. " Hold it properly and give me a smile ". Leo shook his head. " No. I am not doing it ". Leo was flustered. " Please Leo. Please, please ". Leo still shook his head. " Why ~~? It will be cute. Just one. Pretty please ". Leo looked at the teddy bear in his hand. He sighed and nodded. " Only one ". " Yes. One ". Luke smiled and adjusted his phone to take a photo. 

The teddy bear was not too small nor big. It fit in his arms and he smiled holding it. As soon as Luke said it was done, Leo's smile dropped. Luke smiled at the picture. Leo clenched his teeth cringing. " Did it come out well ? " Leo saw the picture and saw Luke who was beaming at it. " I am jealous. I hope I can be hugged like that too ". Leo gasped and hit Luke's arm. Luke laughed. " True though ". Leo rolled his eyes. " Fine, fine. Let's go. We need to find something to eat ".


Author notice :

Actually when I read the first paragraph, I felt for the first time that Luke really acted like the younger one. 😅 I mean it in a good way. 😂

What is going on in that head of yours Leo ?! (¬‿¬) WHY DID I MAKE LEO LOOK SO PERVERTED ?! 😂🤣🤣 But it is totally fine. It is not like he is staring at some outsider. He is just checking out his hubby. Which is absolutely okay. So nO ProBleM. 😌

They are so cute !!!!!! 😭😭 

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