Chapter 40 : Fun in the office.

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Third person point of view

The doors of the elevator opened and Luke walked towards his office with Leo trailing behind him. The room was good. It had a floor to ceiling window with the city view and also a desk to one side with chairs. Leo sat on the couch which was opposite the window. Luke sat in his chair. One of the assistants came in to give a few files to Luke. " These are the reports sir ". " Thank you ". Luke tilted his head to look at Leo. " You want anything ? " Leo shook his head. 

" Send a cup of coffee and a cup of milk and also some fruits should be fine ". The assistant was surprised. Luke never really ordered anything. He would have a coffee sometimes and that was all he asked for. Now he was pampering Leo so much. Leo didn't know why Luke did that. Once the assistant left, Leo turned to Luke with a solemn expression. Luke glanced at Leo with a smile and turned to the file again. 

The assistant brought them and placed them before Leo on the table. Leo smiled politely and thanked him. He then took the coffee to Luke and placed it on his table. Leo drank the milk but didn't touch the fruits. Luke was done with the files, he closed the last file and got up from his chair. He went and sat beside Leo. He saw that Leo didn't eat much of the fruits. 

Luke picked up a slice of an apple with a fork and held in front of Leo's lips. Leo glanced at the slice and then back at Luke. Luke was only smiling, but Leo knew better. He did not miss the glint in Luke's eyes. " What ? " He asked carefully. Luke chuckled. " What do you think it is  ? Apple. Come, eat it ". Leo was doubtful. He tried thinking about what Luke might be up to. He still opened his mouth and held it in between his teeth. Luke smirked when he saw Leo bend forward to eat it. 

He pulled the fork out of it and leaned forward too. He ate the other half shocking Leo. Leo did not see that coming. He thought that Luke was growing bolder day by day. He hit Luke's chest which cracked up Luke. Leo grumbled while chewing it. " You are such a conman ". " It is also a skill. Not every one can do that ". Luke said proudly and Leo rolled his eyes. Luke laughed picking up another slice and showed it to Leo. Leo glared at him and Luke shrugged and ate it.

They heard a knock on the door. " The meeting is going to start in 5 minutes sir ". The assistant informed and left. " Shall we go ? " Leo nodded and followed Luke to the meeting room. " But why do you want me to come with you ? " Luke never answered this question, so Leo wasn't expecting one this time. " To show off what's mine ". Luke answered and winked. Leo narrowed his eyes and shook his head.  

The employees were shocked to see that, Leo even came to the meeting. But they didn't dare to object it. Luke sat at the center of the table and a chair was placed beside him for Leo. Leo was not really interested in the meeting, so he was playing on his phone sometimes or was just looking around. They found it rude, but no one dared to point it out. But then some of them kept sneaking glances at Jennifer, who was also a department head. 

The employees knew that she had a liking towards Luke. She was sad when she heard the news of his marriage, but what enraged her was the fact that he even brought him here. She decided to seduce him this time no matter what, but she didn't know what to do now and was aggressive. She always paid attention to her dressing and make up whenever he visited, but he never even glanced at her. Now that he was with Leo, he was not even looking at anyone else. He only had eyes for the screen and Leo. 

Anger was bubbling up in her. She had a calm expression even if she was so angry inside. The meeting ended with Luke pointing out the mistakes and scolding them. The employees left the room and they were left alone. " Can I ask you something ? " Luke gave his full attention to Leo. " Who was the one who sat in that chair ? " Luke saw where Leo was pointing to and gave it a brief thought. " Jennifer I guess. Why ? " " It seems like she has a thing for you ". Luke went back to the file he was holding. 

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