Chapter 59 : Love, accepted.

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Warning : Don't worry there isn't much. It isn't any more than 13+ And that too towards the end. So please do finish the chapter. But I decided to add this in the last minute. 

Third person point of view

" Ummm....also......" Luke moved closer to Leo. They were only inches away. " I love you Leo. I really do ". Leo stared at Luke's eyes which reflected how sincere he was and how much his words meant. Leo smiled and hugged Luke. " I love you too ". Luke was surprised and he was so happy. He hugged Leo tightly. Leo smiled as he hugged Luke. They pulled away, but Luke still held Leo in his arms.

" I wanted to buy a ring, but you already have one from our wedding, so I didn't buy it at the end ". Luke said feeling uncertain. Leo smiled. " It is fine. I like this a lot anyway. So it is okay ". Luke sighed. " I really hope I knew you before ". " Why ? " " I want to propose to you and get an answer from you in a really romantic way ". Leo chuckled. 

" Go ahead and try it. I will give you an answer ". Luke's eyes went wide. He sat down on one knee. He took Leo's hand in his. " Will you, Leo, be willing to spend the rest of your life with me ? " Leo paused before giving his answer. Luke was looking at Leo with eyes full of anticipation. " Sure. With pleasure ". Luke kissed Leo's knuckles and looked up smiling at him. Leo shook his head smiling. 

Luke chuckled standing up. " Also..." Luke scratched his head. Leo saw that Luke was hesitating. " You have something else to say ? " Luke nodded slowly. " You shouldn't be mad at me. Promise ? " Leo lifted an eyebrow. " What did you do that is going to make me mad ? " " Promise first ". Leo did anyway, he nodded his head. " Fine. Promise ". " You shouldn't do things like not speaking to me and all ". Leo rolled his eyes. 

" What is it ? Just tell me already ". Luke gulped hard. " So the thing is..." Luke explained how he planned out all of the things with the companies. Leo opened and closed his mouth not knowing what to say. " I am sorry Leo. But then I couldn't just sit and watch as things were getting out of hand. I found out everything about Kayla as well. I knew she had a purpose in joining your company. I made sure that her plan back fires. You need not worry about anymore problems ". 

Luke smiled warmly. Leo was in a dilemma. " But then..." Luke put his index finger to Leo's lips. " No buts. It is fine. I have no problem at all. Who do you think will help you if not me ? Don't even think of somebody else helping you. Only I have the right to do so ". Leo rolled his eyes. " You act like you possess me ". Luke smiled proudly. " Of course I do ".

Leo hit Luke's chest playfully. " But-" Leo's words were cut off because of the peck Luke gave right on his lips. Leo stared dumbfounded. " The thing-" Luke did it again. Leo opened his mouth first but Luke beat him to it. " One more word and you will see what I will do. I will not say it ". Leo shut his mouth. Luke smiled triumphantly. He pulled Leo closer by his waist. 

" Don't think too much into it. Nothing will happen. Believe me ". Luke kissed Leo's forehead. Leo smiled. Luke pulled away. " Shall we have dinner ? " Leo turned to the table that was set in the room. " Sure. But do you think the food is still hot ? " " I think it will be. Let's see ". They sat at the table and Leo was surprised to see all of his favorite dishes. " You made all these ? " Luke nodded. " Wow. You really impressed me. You've put so much effort. I love it ". 

" Me or the decoration? " " Will there be a problem if I say both ? " " Ohhhhh~~~~" They laughed and Luke served the dishes. " It is so tasty. Thank you so much ". " Oh come on. No need to thank me. I am happy that you liked it. If you think you should really thank me, then think of how much I would be indebted to you. You always do most of the work at home ". " It is fine. I don't mind doing it and you help me too ". 

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