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School ends

After all the class ends, Y/N was standing outside the school building, waiting for Hueningkai and the other boys so they could go. She was searching the group of boys. After sometimes she spotted Hyuka and the boys coming towards her.
"What took you guys so long?" Y/N asked.
"Some fangirls stopped us." Taehyun replied clearly annoyed.
"Awww I pity you." Y/N said. Hyuka noticed Y/N's hand and Immediately grabbed it.
"What happened to your hand, why is it bandaged?" Hyuka asked. Concern and worries was evident in his eyes.
"O-Oh ummm..... I accidentally s-stucked yeah stucked my hand in my locker's d-door." Y/N lied.
"Are you telling me the truth?" Hyuka inquired.
"Of course, I'm telling you the truth." Y/N assured.
"You should be careful CH. Look you've hurt yourself." Hyuka said.
"I know, I will be careful next time." Y/N   said as she smiled seeing her best friend worried for her.
"Aish you guys are really like a couple." Yeonjun teased. Y/N blushed.
"Hyung we are not a couple." Hyuka said.
"Okay okay let's go kids."

They were walking home when Soobin started to talk.
"Guys I'm hungry." Soobin said.
"Me too." Beomgyu agreed with him.
"Let's go to eat somewhere then." Y/N offered.
"Oh yeah! We should go to this new restaurant that opened some days ago.
"That sounds good. Let's go then." Yeonjun stated as they walked to the restaurant.

They finally make it to the restaurant and all took a seat at a table. A waitress soon comes and hands them a menu. She leaves and looked through the menu.
"Guys!! There's an eating challenge!! We should try it. It's a partner thing." Beomgyu suggests.
"Oh yeah we have to eat these spicy chicken pieces with a salad and two big glasses of water under 10 minutes." Yeonjun reads the menu.
"That's a lot of food, can we do it?" Y/N asked unsured.
"Sounds like fun, what does the winner get?" Asked Hyuka.
"The winner gets two shirts that says I won the eating challenge at Royal Chicken." Yeonjun replied.
"Guys I want that shirt and I will get it. CH be my partner." Hyuka said determined as he told Y/N to be his partner.
"That's a lot of food you dumbass! Do you think we can make it?" Y/N asked.
"Of course we can make it. TEAM S/N (ship name)." Y/N rolled her eyes.  The other boys stare at them as Hyuka hugs Y/N. He grabs her shoulder and pulls her closer to his face. Y/N's heart skips a beat.
"We are gonna win the shirts okay CH!! We are gonna try our best and beat the other guys." Hyuka encourages.
"Nah,nah,nah me and my boy Taehyun here, we're gonna beat you guys. TEAM TAEGYU BITCHES."
"That was the cringest thing I've ever heard. Please don't say it again Beomgyu." Y/N cringed.
"I bet me and Yeonjun can beat you! TEAM YEONBIN!" They gave each other a bro hug.
"Bros forever!!" Yeonjun said.
The waitress comes back.
"Sorry for the wait. What can I get for you?"
"Can we get three of the food challenge? We want to try it." Taehyun orders.
"Okay your order will be ready in few minutes." The waitress left. They wait and talk about some random stuff. After sometimes, the food arrives.
"Okay here are your meals. You have exactly 10 minutes to finish the meal. If you finish the whole meal on time, you'll get our restaurant's shirt." The waitress explains.
"That's a lot!!" Y/N's eyes widened.
"Oh come on CH we can do it." Hyuka assures.
"Here's the timer. Are you guys ready?"everyone nods.
"Ready,set and go." She pressed the timer and they began to eat. Y/N tries her best to eat the chicken as Kai eats the salad. Kai turns and saw the time is is 5:45. He turned to look at Y/N and saw her struggling to finish the spicy chicken. Kai pulls the chicken away from her and gives her the salad. He noticed that her cup of water was empty so he gave her his.
"Kai use a fork-"
"Who gives a fuck. We are gonna win. Using hands won't kill you."
"But it's your water are you really sure, the chickens are really spicy-"
Kai ate the chicken and saw that the time was 2:14. They tried their best to finish the food. Kai and Y/N felt like they were eating for hours and finally stopped. Y/N looked all their plates and glasses and they are empty. She also looks at the others plates and there are some foods left.
"Woah, you guys are the first to complete the challenge. Let me get the shirts." The waitress went to take the shirt. Kai gives Y/N the biggest hug not wanting to let her go. Y/N also hugs him bag.
"I told you we would win." Kai said and Y/N smiled.
"Bruh you couldn't even take the chicken." Beomgyu scoffed.
"Shut up Beomgyu, you can't even eat the salad." They laughed.
"Guess we lost. It was fun though." Soobin said.
"Yeah it was." Yeonjun agreed.
The waitress comes back with the shirts. Kai grabs them  and put one over Y/N's head. He puts his and she puts her on.
"You look cute CH."
"Thank you dumbass, you look cute too."
"Okay let's take a selfie." Kai pulls her close to him and takes picture of the both. Y/N feels butterflies in her stomach."

"Why am I feeling like this?" Y/N thought.

To be continued

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