The Party

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The three girls entered into house. A girl with strawberry blonde hair flounced up to them.


Himiko ran over to a girl with white hair and Kaede put her hand on Maki's shoulder and said something to her.

"Hey I'm gonna go find Shuichi, if you need me call me and I'll tell you where I am, okay?" Maki nodded and Kaede walked away.

Maki didn't feel comfortable in the crowd and even though she had only been there for less than 3 minutes she already regretted coming. She remembered what Miu said about the bathrooms, she managed to find the staircase and proceeded to walk upstairs. Quickly she found the bathroom and as she opened it she realised in was locked. She knocked on the door.

"Are you coming to actually go to the bathroom because if you are there's another one down the hallway but if you came to get away from the party let me know." A high pitched voice said from behind the bathroom door. Maki was shocked, she never thought people would have the same kind of mindset has her.

"I'm coming in to get away from the party." she said depressingly. Click click. The door was unlocked. When she walked in 3 other people were already in there. It was a big bathroom so there was space for her. There was a boy with dark green hair which was long but very straight and who also wore a facemask. A tall girl with long slightly curly navy blue hair who wore glasses and a short man who had ginger hair but covered it with a beanie.

"Another person added to the bathroom club," the blue haired girl said.

"For the last time it's not the bathroom club it's just we're not good at parties," the man wearing the beanie said in a monotone and low voice.

"So what brings you here?" The man in the mask asked.

"This is my first party and it's not been fun so far"

"I feel you," the blue haired girl said.

"I better go I don't want to disturb you guys," Maki said, leaving the bathroom.

She made her way back downstairs. It was so loud and she hated it. She overheard someone's conversation: 'hey do you wanna go outside?' 'nah I'm good'

That was it! She'd go outside. The door was at the other end of the room. She picked up an orange juice that she could drink outside. Just before she could leave she got stopped.

"Hey, Maki! You okay?" It was Kaede.

"Yeah I'm fine," She lied.

"Alright remember to call me if you need anything!"

She got out and saw two vacant seats. She sat down and began to sip on her orange juice. She zoned out and stared at the squirrel on top of one of Miu's neighbours house. She was calm until...

"Hey Maki ro-" BAM! Maki punched them in the face. Shortly after that she realised it was Kaito.

"Oh, Kaito. Sorry," she said as she picked up her orange juice she accidentally threw on the floor, fortunately only a few drops spilled. She quickly lost eye contact with him.

"So, what are you doing?" he asked her.

"Sitting," she answered bluntly.

"Hey, what happened to us being on good terms, Maki Roll?"

"First of all don't call me by that stupid nickname. Second, the more we didn't talk the more neutral I became towards you."

"We talked at the restaurant,"

"Yeah but not directly to eachother. Also I only went because Kaede invited me."

"Well, I miss when we hung out on the project so we're meeting up on Saturday, 7 PM at the park. No buts or nos, see ya then Maki Roll!" Kaito said smugly as he walked away. Why was he so annoying? Maki thought to herself. She regretted coming and texted Kaede saying she was going home.

WC: 686
A/N: OKAY PHEW THIS CHAPTER IS FINALLY DONE WOO. I promise I'll get into ship stuff soon. I don't want to rush their relationship too much but anyways see you guys at the next chapter!!!

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