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Chapter 2 : Amenable

The unclothed man released her and then stepped away, "Now you can come willingly . . . or not. Your choice."

"M-m-mate? A-alpha of the pack? Around here? T-the P-p-pack of New York State?!" Esmeralda stuttered, her voice getting loader with each mini question. Well, I guess that's why I felt safe.

"Y-yes." He mocked her, she glared but couldn't keep it. She was still shocked. 

Slowly it dawned on her what else he had said. "Excuse me?" She asked him, incredulously.


"I am not, I repeat not, going anywhere with you."

"Yes, yes you are, you are my mate, you belong next to me. Now if you wouldn't mind. . ." He motioned with his hand for her to follow him. Esmeralda sighed and started walking behind him through the forest. There was no way out of this. He was stronger and quicker. And she, unfortunately, was a pushover who gave up easily.

After a moment " So. . .what? You're kidnapping your mate?"

"It's not called kidnapping, it's called keeping you safe."

"I'm pretty sure its called kidnapping." She muttered under her breath, before she stopped walking and turned to face him. Realizing he was still very much naked, she covered her eyes for the second time, "What do you mean keep me safe?"

"It's not your concern. Keep walking."

"I'm pretty sure it is. I'm also pretty sure you're the one I need saving from."

No sooner than the words had left her mouth, he had a soft hold of her wrist and pulled her hand away from her eyes. Golden eyes met her own wide blue ones. "I think you know that isn't true."

"Esmeralda, right?" When she didn't answer, he asked again, more demanding. She nodded. "Esmeralda. A beautiful and unique name." He said, under his breath to himself.

"My parents named me after the color of my eyes and my great grandmother, I look just like her. Her name was Esmeralda." She paused, looking off to the side. "Or maybe it was my great-great?Great-great-great. . ?" She shook her head, not important, she thought.  Why am I telling him this? "What's your name?"


She nodded at him and removed her jacket, "well, Logan, please kindly tie this the best you can around your waist." She told him politely, handing him the jacket she had.

He took it laughing, "I'm your mate, you shouldn't be so -"

"Put it on." She interrupted. "Please."

He laughed again, but obliged. "Why? Can't take your eyes off me?"

Her face turned bright red, and she looked the other way. "That's not it at all."

Still laughing, he asked, "So, how old are you?"

She opened her moved to respond, then stopped, another question at the tip of her lips. "How did you know my name? And if you knew my name wouldn't you know my age?" She accused and when she glanced his way, he had the decency to look a little guilty. 

He gave a small chuckle, "You're 16, 17 in a few months."

"And you are?"


"My dad is gonna flip. I mean, I guess that's not too bad. . ? I mean it's not like any thing is going to happen. Unless of course he rapes me? That would be something. Dear God. I'm stupid." She whispered to herself, while walking slowly beside him. She tried to hang back, not wanting to be near him, but every time she did he stepped in beside her. She kept her eyes on the ground not once daring to look at the – very naked - man beside her.

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