Babies and Rings

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*7 years later*
(Liam's POV)

"Dammit Lux, can you not throw up on me" I said a little bit too loud, okay note to self. Don't bring twins to the movie theaters, even if your friends make you.

Every time I look at my two babies, the girl (Lux) looks so much like Ingrid. Then there's the boy (Tyler) who looks very much like me.

Speaking of Ingrid what's taking her so long! Oh, ha speaking of the devil Ingrid runs out of the bathroom
"Okay ready to go, oh no Lux. Liam did you give her milk again?!" Ingrid sighed

"Umm.. I- um.. Yeah" I scratched the back of my head. That makes me feel guilty for not listening to her, I knew she said something about milk! But I was way to busy reading files.

"Tonight, Harry and Liaynes want to take care of the babies to give us a break for some reason..?" She looked at her phone screen then looking at me.

Oh shoot! July 16th, today was the day. She didn't know, but we all knew today was the day I'd propose.

"There's this dance I made, for you. Since you always dance. I'll perform it for you tonight" she giggled at what I had just said

"Alright, I'm looking forward to it" she winked and we grabbed our things meeting up with Harry first. We gave him the babies, then Liaynes made it just in time.

"If their in our hands, they're perfectly fine" Harry said, and Liaynes gave us an assuring smile. God I love them both!

*Later that night*

Ingrid walked in the empty theater where our lives were about to change forever

"Wow nice nice" she walked up the stairs to the stage in her cute summer dress and flats. For a women who gave birth to two in one day looks amazing.

"Okay so this dance you were talking about.. Do I get front row seat?" She laughed

"No, you are in the dance love" I smiled starting to play the slow music, I took her hand

"May I have this dance?" I chuckled a bit, and so did she nodding. We danced for a while and then I thought it was time

"Sit in this chair, and wear this scarf around your eyes. Weird favor, but don't worry, it's life changing" I handed her the scarf, she didn't question me and did as told. I dimmed the lights and made the stage lights point right on her. I kneeled down and removed her scarf. She still had her eyes closed. I didn't take the ring out yet

"Hey, how are Ya!" I said once she opened her eyes and we bursted into laughs

"Okay okay, um.. Wow. It all started that day we worked at Starbucks as teenagers. I knew you were the one, I never wanted to let you go. You were so sweet and still are, so -just everything I ever imagined. We were both shy, and out first date at Nandos. All so perfect, just like you. As we got older and went to college, I'm still surprised we actually made it. With people getting in our way you know? I've been thinking about this moment since the day we layed eyes on each other. I should've done this earlier, but we were younger and I wasn't ready yet. But I was always ready for someone like you. So, my beautiful love.." She was already crying of happiness and smiling

"Ingrid, will you marry me?" I pulled in the box and opened it

"YES YES! No doubt" she jumped on me crying and then Louis, Niall, Zayn, Ashley, Francis, Ashton, Harry, Liaynes, and our two beautiful babies carried by Harry ran in and were clapping.

I placed the ring on her finger giving her a passionate kiss, while you hear Louis screaming. Which makes us all laugh of course

"I love you Liam"

"I love you too Ingrid"

"So like um when are you guys getting married?!" Ashton yells

"Soon, we promise" we both smile and then Harry is tense, very nervous in the back

"Hey, we have some news.." Liaynes held Harry's hand super tight

"So.. Erm.." Liaynes couldn't really get her words out so they Harry goes

"THERES A BUN IN HER OVEN!" He yelled and everybody started yelling, and clapping

"My baby girl! Is pregnant OMG this is big stuff!" Ingrid jumped off the stage and ran to Liaynes

We all fight but at the end of everything we're all one happy family.


Hate me forever because I never update lmao. Sorry, I have one more idea so I'll have a nice little chapter for next time. It will be the last for sure, sad face. But it was good journey, thanks for your support!

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