Chapter 10:

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Thomas' POV:
I wake up confused as I'm surrounded by darkness, I look over my my pillows and see that it's 5:30am... again for some unknown to me yet reason I haven't been getting much sleep if any at all, well might as well try and get a couple more hours (a/n: I wake up for college at 5am but because of covid I've been able to lie in till 8:30am)


I woke up and felt another body next to me, i soon realised it was Virgil the events of last night replayed in my mind and made me smile idiotically as I fall back into a deep slumber, nuzzling my face in his chest as he pulls me closer making me feel safe and secure. I sure am lucky to have him as my man

Logans POV:

It has come to my attention that Y/N still needs a day outing with me, but with everything that's gone on I don't know if she remembers anything so I won't be mentioning anything so I message her to see if she's awake, to my surprise she is. I'm currently sat downstairs drinking my iced coffee reading my favourite book 'The Murder Of Roger Ackroyd by Agatha Christie' (a/n: I am also currently reading this and may I say the twists are definitely transparent in the first chapter) until I hear footsteps walking down the stairs, ah y/n just the person I wanted to see
"Salutations y/n, are you aware that we are yet to still have an outing? I said that I would not mention anything since after yesterday's events but I tho-"

"Oh shitttt I forgot about that!! Are you able to do today or do you have plans?" A hint of sadness glistening like pearls in her iris

"It is quite alright and as far as my schedule knows I do not have any plans today"

"Well good because today is our outing day, and I know the best place to go both me and you would love!!"

"Love is a strong word, may I suggest using really like or enjoy"

"Fine, the both of us are going to enjoy this place... better?"

"Satisfactory" I sat with a small smile because I am still figuring out if I do feel emotions... being the logical side I shouldn't hence why I'm always cold and come across as heartless to many human beings or the other sides

"Awesome I shall go and change into suitable clothing and you should to" I reply before rushing upstairs

I thought that it would be a cool idea if I took Logan the Kennedy Space Centre which is just a 2 hours 29 minute drive from Thomas' 

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I thought that it would be a cool idea if I took Logan the Kennedy Space Centre which is just a 2 hours 29 minute drive from Thomas' 

"y/n may I ask where you have planned to escort me on this outing day we are having?" I just chuckle as I keep forgetting how formal and 'teacher like' Logan is "well I thought it would be a good idea because we both like the concept of astronomy and space so I thought that we could go to the space centre not far from here" when I tell you his eyes were like crystals after I said astronomy and space, let's just say I saw the joy in his face that grew with every word

•time skip the journey because the author doesn't know what to write•

"You have arrived at your destination" the gps coldly, monotonly (a/n: my English teachers probably gonna hate me because I spelt it wrong XD) states as we pull up to the space centre parking lot, after making sure the parking was ok and we paid to park we head inside

"Hello sir and madam, how can I help you today?" They seem nice. "Oh erm well I was hoping to get a pass to explore the museum with my friend, we're both adults" they then do something with the pay thingy before handing us our tickets after we have paid, allowing us to explore this really awesome museum

It was now coming up to lunch time and I was starting to get hungry as did logan so we both decided to head to the cafe that the museum has I decided on a BLT sandwich (a/n: if you don't eat bacon, I'm sorry please change it to something else you desire) , a cookie (which was shaped like a rocket) and a bottle of water. Logan went for the same as me

Logan's POV:
Me and Y/N decided to get lunch because we were both starting to feel a little bit hungry, after all it was 12:30pm so it would make sense. We both got the same it was only easier and the healthiest options that were available "so, what is happening after we have eaten? Carry on exploring, the gift shop or just go home?" I ask out of genuine curiosity "well I was thinking just going gift shop then home but this is a two way decision L, what do you think we should do?"

"Well I am satisfied with your answer therefore we go gift shop and then home, also why did you get two cookies?"

"Oh because I wanted to save it for later? I know Patton has made cookies with my the other day but I like these cookies... I don't know don't put me on the spot like that" she retorts whilst her face literally goes to a blood red colour "Oh I'm sorry, my apologies. I didn't mean to embarrass you"

"Oh no you didn't- it's just I get shy sometimes, when asked about food or am asking someone about food" I just nod in understanding because I would know what that's like

Janus' POV (ayy): (a/n: I'm going to put when Janus lies underlined)
Soooo yesterday I saw that she told them, she told them the truth which I'm shocked she did I'm currently sat in the shadows watching Virgil and y/n watch a movie on Netflix and I decided that today would be the day something isn't going to happen since they all seem to accept her

Him. I'm so lucky to have someone named Virgil Sanders I was sat watching Avatar the last airbender on Netflix with Vi but something felt off and weird, I just shook it off my shoulders but I wanted to know what this feeling is so I made an excuse to go and get a drink of coffee, making Virge one in the process.

Woah ok I'm gonna leave it at that it's already at 1171 words already... also sorry for the angst but like I can't help it XD it's just my writing style I prefer XD , also I've officially cane out as she/they to my sister (fem/non-binary pronouns basically) and she accepts me 🥰

Anygay until next time
Take it easy
Guys, gals and nonbinary pals
Peace out ✌🏻

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