Chapter 4:

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I was getting ready for my night with Virgil I decided on a Black dress with a Black belt that has a sunshine in gold on the buckle, a light blue ripped denim jacket from what the pups did on the way home, I put my hair in 2 messy braids and threw on some vans

I didn't notice Roman, Patton and Thomas were standing at my door until I heard someone gasp, I'm assuming Patton "oh, hey guys didn't realise you were there" there was a pause before Thomas replied "oh erm well we just wanted to tell you that vir...

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I didn't notice Roman, Patton and Thomas were standing at my door until I heard someone gasp, I'm assuming Patton "oh, hey guys didn't realise you were there" there was a pause before Thomas replied "oh erm well we just wanted to tell you that virge is waiting downstairs and we didn't wanna interrupt your concert" Thomas managed to say before I noticed a soft blush coat his cheeks and then running away "ok tell Virge I will be down in a minute just have to do a few more things" by that I mean spray perfume and grab my clutch that will have my phone and purse in it Incase, I take a last check at myself before heading downstairs, I look over at Virgil... and the other guys who are staring at me In awe making my already lightened blush darken because of the attention, I was getting flashbacks of my life in the past from how I was treated, anyway that's the past surely it can't happen again right? "You ready princess?" Virgil stared blankly at me whilst gesturing for me to hold his arm like they do in Disney movies "as ready as I'll ever be my dark storm cloud" that bought a smile to his face Patton just gasps In proud dad because of the nickname I gave Virge, even though creativity is not my department, romance is so I guess so I guess it kinda does... huh "ok let's go" Virgil states I could tell he was growing anxious about this night and I hope it's for the good reasons

Virgil's POV:
I have to admit she looks adorable dressed the way she is the way her hair falls perfectly in front of her shoulders, her casual yet princess look about her just makes me like her even more which is unlike me considering I am Thomas' human form of anxiety and I am suprised even more by the thought she feels the same way I suppose I shall find out later on

Time slip a 1 hour 30 minutes drive •

The sun was just getting ready to set and I parked up about 5 minutes away from the beach part I have asked Patton and Roman to set up earlier, it took a lot of convincing and name calling for sir- sing a lot to agree but we got there and I'm not going to lie they did a pretty decent job

The sun was just getting ready to set and I parked up about 5 minutes away from the beach part I have asked Patton and Roman to set up earlier, it took a lot of convincing and name calling for sir- sing a lot to agree but we got there and I'm not ...

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I just hope she likes it I start growing more anxious by these thoughts but try not to show it because it might ruin the night •Trigger warning of panick attack incoming •

"ok Virge I need you to do this for me, 5 things you can see?" Oh shoot she caught on to my panick
" well you, water, sand, buildings and sea shells"
"Good now 4 things you can feel?"
" Ok sand, clothes, wind and... your hand"
I blushed and mumbled the last one "great now 3 things you can hear?" The concentration in her voice makes me relaxed "you, the sea and the wind"
"2 things you can smell?"
"The sea and..." I move closer to her because I noticed earlier she sprayed perfume "your perfume" she's so cute when she blushes "ok and finally 1 thing you can taste"
"The water I drank in the car"

• trigger warning over •

"Good now how do you feel?" I paused before giving in and kissing her "better" was all I could say through a massive smile "good, glad you do" she managed to say through her blushing, and smiling which to say she is bad at hiding hehe

We arrived at this super cute location which was hidden yet out in the open, I have no idea how he managed to pull that off but it's perfect with the lights hanging off the ceiling, the way the tables layer out (A/N: the picture from Virgil's PoV) I have instantly fallen in love there were Prosecco glasses on the table with a bottle in an ice bucket.. I truly am lost for words "this place is amazing Virge" I managed to say still admiring the layout of the place "good I'm honored that you like it hun" I blush at the nickname as Virgil gestures for me to sit down and then offers me a drink I gladly accept his offer. We sat in a comfortable silence for what felt like forever watching the sun go down until Virgil spoke up "would you like some food mam?" His impression of trying to be Roman makes me chuckle "yes please I'm starving" I say wining yet excited to see what he has in mind, as if I'm que he pulls a basket from under the table which had my favourites in there: mini pizzas, fruit skewers, cheese and pineapple skewers, a freaking fruit bowl!! Heck yes!! I swear I know we aren't a thing but I really don't deserve him. "I told Patton and Roman to help with everything, so I'm sorry if you don't like the food"
"Are you kidding me??!! They have done a great job they've picked my favorites" I beamed with happiness, I could see Virgil hiding away with a smile on his face and he looks cuter every time, I was already tucking into my food before V had the chance to say I could "so... how was your afternoon with Thomas?" Virgil asked to make conversation whilst biting into his pizza "it was good we saw lots of puppies, talked about the tickling fest we had this morning erm w-"
"You didn't mention any of the heated stuff right?" Virgil cut me off mid sentence "no I didn't don't worry" I reassured him by holding his hand, smiling and staring into his deep and mysterious chocolate brown eyes "anyway carrying on hehe we had ice cream, and a laugh, how's your day been?" There was a pause before he sighed "the usual, listen to music and get ready for tonight"
"Well that sounds fun" I remark sarcastically as I know he's the sarcasm king from watching sanders sides videos, I have learnt a lot about him and there are things that me and him relate to, I start getting flashbacks from the past before I am bought into a warm embrace. I then have a de ja vu moment but shake it off as I am a new person now, my past is my past and I shouldn't let that take over me like some lion devouring its prey. We then continued to sit in a comfortable silence before I looked at the time 10:30 pm "we should start to head back it's getting late and we'll get back around midnight" I suggest, Virgil mods in agreement and starts to help me pack up "Thankyou for tonight it has been a blast and I mean it virge, I enjoy spending time with you"
"Your welcome princess"
• Time skip journey back •
It was now just gone midnight and we just pulled up in Thomas' driveway all the lights were off except for the living room? Who's awake at this time? Thomas? No he goes to bed early, Logan? Possibly he drinks a lot of coffee especially in the night whilst he does research on nerdy teacher stuff, or watches documentaries on serial killers or simply reading a book "and on that note I am heading to my room" V states before sinking out "oh ok goodnight" I say sighing and opening the door to be greeted by Thomas?

Thomas' POV:
I heard a car pull up and 2 voices outside as I recognise as 2 of my sides y/n and Virgil then the door opens to only show one side "oh let me help you with that" I run to the door to help y/n bring in the bags "Thanks T" she sounded happy "your very welcome" I say cheerful before continuing "so... how was it?" I ask making conversation and walking towards the coach which she follows me "well it was nice we went to Crescent Beach and had a picnic whilst watching the sunset and listened to the sound of the waves calmly crash against the shore" I started feeling all fuzzy and warm like when she first arrived which made me smile for about the 10th time today I swear she is the reason I smile "well I am glad everything went well" I say throwing a smile at her "oh and Patton has told me that he has named the puppy Coco and that he is stealing her"
"Why am I not suprised" y/n replied through a chuckle which was adorable do I need to say "because this is Patton hehe" I also chuckled at that thought "and on that note I'm off to bed" y/n states mid stretch "oh ok goodnight" I say getting up to hug her but she tackles me into a hug "night sanders" she chuckles before sinking out to her room, I sit smiling for a minute getting deeper into a blush then once I am sure I have recovered I head up to bed myself with it being 1:45am

A/N: sorry for the longish chapter hope you enjoyed reading it and sorry it took so long to upload I've been really busy with multiple projects, also updates may be slow because I'm stuck on the iPhone 5s and it's really laggy and glitchy I might be getting a new phone for Christmas 🥰

Until next time take it easy guys, gals and non-binary pals PEACE OUT

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