Chapter 7:

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the next day

Patton's POV:
Today was a new day,and I don't know what the sides have planned or if Thomas has anything planned today "good morning kiddo" I say to y/n

"Good morning papa" she replies back in a cheerful, tone today its mine and y/n day to hang out and I have no idea what's going to happen but im sure she has something in mind, she always does


today was mine and Pattons day to hang out, learn more about each other so I thought today would be a chill day baking cookies, watching films and just genuinely chilling
"Patton, do we have ingredients to bake some cookies?" I ask walking through to the kitchen, Patton following behind

"we should have kiddo, I will have a look whilst you look for recipes" I just nodded a response whilst looking for a recipe

120g butter, softened

75g light brown sugar

75g golden caster sugar

1 medium egg

1 tsp vanilla extract

180g plain flour

½ tsp bicarbonate of soda

150g dark chocolate, cut into chunks

"yeah kiddo we have the ingredients" patton says after retrieving the ingredients from the cupboard and closing it.

"ok thanks Patton" and so we baked cookies for an hour and to say that we had filled the cookie jar was an understatement aha there was enough cookies to last a couple weeks... or days with the way me and patton eat cookies, which Logan don't really like us doing because we eat too many cookies that we can't eat food that night, speaking of Logan I haven't spoke to him much yet if at all, I'll have a chat with him later and formally...

Virgil's POV:
I was awoken by the smell of cookies? That's odd, usually it's pancakes or waffles... anyway I can't help but get frustrated for some reason, I knew this would happen to y/n just going to have to keep an eye on her and hope for the best.. gosh I sound creepy but it's for the best...

Patton's POV:
"Kiddo the cookies are ready, be careful though they have just came out of the oven wouldn't wanna burn ourselves to crisp would we?" I say chuckling to myself because of
the pun, I can't help myself it's what I do. It's funny though because y/n also shares a trait of mine which some would say is my 'childish' side as Logan calls it mainly and I'm glad to have someone who shares that

Romans POV:
I'm lay in bed staring at the ceiling thinking about last night and that's when the smell of cookies came through my room it could be one of 2 people, Patton and Logan or Patton and Y/N, I'll wait until later to find out who baked the cookies, I'm still trying to figure out what happened to y/n... she was happy all day and then out of nowhere she becomes ill, I thought she was a massive Disney fan? I mean that's what I was told right? She did say Disney right? Saying that though she did know most of the songs and was as happy as I were... and it was real... right?

Virgil's POV:
I decided that today was going to be the day, the day I'm going to do it, I'm gonna ask her to officially be mine before anyone else beats me too it. However I just need to do one thing... tidy my room, so I do that and then grab a coffee from the kitchen, it's the only way I'm gonna see her before tonight, "hey y/n I was wondering if you'd want to have a movie night in my room tonight, it's been a while since we last had one" I asked throwing myself on top of the counter top and grabbing a cookie to munch whilst I wait for the coffee machine to do its thing

"Oh erm sure Virgil, how about I come by ure room say 9:00? And we start with Nightmare Before Christmas?" Gosh- I didn't even think she'd watch those type of Disney films, "y- yeah sounds like a plan"

"Cool see u then" I ran out of the kitchen because my face was blushing

"Hey Patt?"

"Yeah kiddo"

"I didn't really have much planned for today apart from baking cookies and watching films"

"That's ok with me, I didn't have anything in mind for today anyway"

"Cool, I guess u could say today is a pajama day... unless Thomas wants to film"

"Erm I don't think he does, soooo movies?"

"I was thinking a Disney marathon or cartoon marathon? Up to u"

"Oh we could watch Steven Universe, or Gravity falls, or adventure time those 3 are my favourites"

"I like them too!! ... erm I haven't seen Steven Universe in a while wanna binge that also the others can join"

"Cool" and with that Patton bolted up the stairs gaining everyone ready for the cartoon marathon... I feel bad though because I've never seen Steven Universe before... because of reasons I'll explain later and with that said everyone was on the couch whilst Patton was setting up the thing, I made an excuse to go to the bathroom before it started

Remus' POV: (oof plot twist)
Today I was going to do it, today was the day where I would reveal myself "Remus, their having a cartoon marathon to finish the day I think now would be a good time" I heard Janus say walking and sitting near where I were sitting eating deodorant "how funnn, let me finish this bottle first then I'll go reak some havoc"

"That'ssss my boy" Janus hissed as he knew my plan... we've been planning this since Virgil left

"Ok doneeeee"

Thomas' POV:
We were all sat on the couch watching Steven Universe... well y/n made an excuse to go to the bathroom and I did so myself just to be sure ⚠️ T/W: intrusive thoughts in detail, please skip if this isn't ure thing ⚠️
As I was finishing in the bathroom a disturbing thought/ vision crept up on me like a villain in a video game it was of me but I was burying someone..? They were faceless so I couldn't really work it out, but it was someone with H/L H/C hair... that was when it hit me Y/N! Why did I get that vision she's alive, she is literally upstairs in her bathroom... or is she?? ⚠️ T/W: Panic attack ⚠️
I screamed and was immediately caught in the glimpse of Virgil

"Ok ure having a panic attack, I have an idea why but I'm not gonna talk about it till I'm fully sure, do me a favour and breathe in for 4 seconds, hold it for 7 and breathe out for 8" i obeyed on what Virgil said and it worked!! As usual
⚠️ T/W's over ⚠️

Talk about procrastination on writing this chapter 😂 in all honesty I did lose motivation to write and I did have writers block because college literally takes all of ure ideas from u and it's not fun 🥺 anygay sorry for the lack of activity, I'll try and not leave it this long again (emphasis on try) : ) also mental health is a bitch aswell it's taking a turn but it's ok, I'm somehow surviving also whilst ure still reading this, my friend VinylDashXD has started a prinxiety one shot book, it's worth giving it a read 🖤

*que Thomas' voice*
Until next time take it easy guys, gals and non-binary pals peace out 🌹

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