Chapter 5:

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I woke up with a smile on my face as flashbacks from yesterday recurred in my mind from my day out with Thomas and my 'date' night with Virge and he kissed me... I didn't realise my small s/c fingers were fragilely touching my lips as if they were glass I'm bought back to reality when I hear a knock on the door "heya kiddo it's just me patton, hehe are you awake?"

"Erm yeah I'm awake just about, come in" and without hesitation the door flies open and Patton leaps at me with excitement "how did last night go with Virgil?" There was a moment of silence before I felt a smile form on my lips and so I replied quite cheerfully "it was great patton everything was perfect" saying that only made patton croak even more "well your welcome, me and Roman set it up and I'm glad my dark strange son was also doing good" that made patton chuckle

"I'm making pancakes for breakfast if you want any? Have you got any plans for today?"

"I think I'm not doing anything today also is that even a question of course I would love pancakes!! Oh patton you do know how to make me smile and start the day right"

"Haha your welcome kiddo they'll be ready in about 5 minutes"
And with that he left today felt odd for some weird reason, I don't know why I just felt like there was an unwelcome presence in the room but I brushed that off my shoulders as I don't want to think about him right now

Today I woke up with a smile on my face as flashbacks from yesterday recurred in my mind, from waking up till my date with y/n and the panick attack and... I kissed her I didn't realise my large pale fingers were fragilely touching my lips as if they were glass I'm bought back to reality when I hear a knock on the door "hey kiddo it's just me patton, hehe are you awake?"

"Erm yeah I'm awake just about, come in" and without hesitation the door flies open and Patton leaps at me with excitement "how did last night go Virgil?" There was a moment of silence before I felt a smile form on my lips and so I replied quite cheerfully "it was great patton everything was perfect" saying that only made patton happy even more "well your welcome kiddo, anything for my dark strange son" that made patton chuckle

"I'm making pancakes for breakfast do you want any? Have you got any plans for today?"

"I think I'm not doing anything today also is that even a question of course I would love pancakes!! Oh patton, thank you for everything last night"

"Haha your welcome kiddo they'll be ready in about 5 minutes"
And with that he left today felt odd for some weird reason, I don't know why I don't think I even wanna know why

Thomas' POV:
Today's started off weird but I cannot put my finger on it, Patton's happy and making dad jokes and cooking pancakes, y/n is watching tv and scrolling through tumblr, Virgil is sat at the table listening to music and Logan is helping Patton to make sure we still have a house to live in,
panick attack incoming

Roman... "does anyone know where Roman is" I say panic crispy clear in my vocal chords the house fell silent I couldn't even hear Virgil's music playing, my breathing started to accelerate in speed, my vision started to get blurry "guys..." this made all the sides rush over to me as Logan began to speak with y/n "ok Thomas what are 5 things you can see?"

"You, y/n, Patton, the carpet, my jeans"

"Good now what is 4 things you can feel?" Y/n asked after getting a nod from Logan

"My hair, my jeans, my shirt and my jacket"

"Your doing great Thomas!! Now 3 things you can hear?" Logan asked adjusting his glasses and noting something in his notebook

"You, my breathing and the tv" I stated starting to feel myself calm down

"Very good! Now 2 things you can smell?" Y/n asked holding my hand

"My cologne and something burning"

"Awesome!! Also Patton go and sort the pancakes out hehe, now 1 thing you can taste" Logan said going back to seriousness

"The water I just drank"

" now Thomas I want you to do these breathing exercises with me" Virgil then interrupted and Logan went to sort food out with patton "Breath in for 4 seconds
Hold it for 7 seconds
Breathe out for 8 seconds" y/n was still holding my hand at this point I didn't mind so I did what Virgil told me to do and I'm so glad that I have these guys

"How do you feel now?" Both y/n and Virgil said at the same time which I found cute and I'm starting to form a ship between them too

"Oh erm I feel fine now thank you guys, but seriously where is Roman?" I said calmly

panick attack over

I was in my room singing and dancing to 'I see the light' by Mandy Moore and Zachary Levi (repunzel and Flynn) when there was a knock so I grunted, turned down the music, looked in my mirror and answered my door "... greetings princess how may I help you on this beautiful morning?" I asked bowing as she's my queen even before Virgil stole her,

"I was wondering if you would want to spend the day with me today?" Y/n asked being all cute and innocent

"Sure!! Anyday with you is spe- appreciated we live with each other after all" I nervously chuckled because I didn't want her to know I want her, she just laughed in response, probably noticed that I messed up

"Oh erm Patton made pancakes earlier but you weren't there to eat them with us? Are you ok? Your usually awake and ready for the day ahead before Thomas, Virgil and I" I clench my fists by hearing her say "Virgil and I" but before she notices I unclench them

"Yes princess I am perfectly fine I just needed my beauty sleep that is all" I faked a laugh which I made sure was convincing because as an actor i can do that

"Ok see you downstairs then prince" I tried not to squeal or fanboy in front of her when she called me prince, that has to be the first time she's called me that... I'm sure of it

"Roman will be down in a moment he sends his apologies for not being here earlier he said he had sleep to catch up on, wouldn't suprise me if he was watching Disney films all night" I state to the group as I reach the kitchen opening to grab a drink, I've decided today I'll be spending the day with Roman as friends, Virgil is the one for me, I decided to go and get ready

Y/N POV: "Roman will be down in a moment he sends his apologies for not being here earlier he said he had sleep to catch up on, wouldn't suprise me if he was watching Disney films all night" I state to the group as I reach the kitchen opening to g...

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It's a bit edgy than my usual but I like it...
Virgil's POV:
"Roman will be down in a moment he sends his apologies for not being here earlier he said he had sleep to catch up on" y/n said as she came down the stairs... dressed? I thought she had no plans today I'm not complaining she looked hot... what no Virgil your not even dating her yet, but she did though she should wear that sort of stuff more often because it suits her "what's the occasion?" I asked and it came out in a way I didn't want it to, great now she probably thinks you hate her
"Well I've decided that because I've spent the night with you, and a day with Thomas that I would do that with all of you, and today is romans day, I'm taking him to see Disney on ice" (A/N: please don't attack me I'm not sure if this exists in America because I'm from the UK) I just groan but let her go about her day I suppose it's a way to get to know us all... even though I know something that the others don't but I think she knows that I know... anyway it's not my place to say

A/N: woah ok another long chapter I'm gonna have to make these into 2 part chapters from here on out, my updates are going to be slow because I'm not in the best of mind palaces right now...

Until next time, take it easy guys, gals and non-binary royalty

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