Bonus Chapter: Halloween

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Virgil's POV:

today I woke up feeling more happy than ever... reason? IT'S HALLOWEEN!! my favourite time of year, Thomas, Roman, Patton and Y/N have planned to have a party heck yes!! I get to be spoopy and for once NOBODY is allowed to question it, without hesitation I go downstairs and making a coffee whist also greeting everyone else in the process

"good morningggg" I said overly cheerily, great now they're gonna question everything, I might as well be sad now

"good morning Vee, you seem cheerily today" y/n asked curiosity transparent in her voice

"well... it is my favourite time of year so why wouldn't I be happy?... its a rhetorical question Logan" as if I read Logan's mind as to which he us nodded in response and not looking at me confused it was now 12pm and we all decided that... well y/n decided it would be a good idea if she would do our makeup (the only thing I know is how to do eyeshadow under my eyes) we all decided now would be a good time to start


So ive noticed V is very happy honestly it is October 31st so I don't blame him... as soft as I may come across Halloween is my favourite holiday also, all the others like Christmas, easter etc im not big on even my birthday as a way I see it, i'm celebrating getting older and that's a scary thought when u think about it especially when you reach big numbers such as 16,18,21 so on so forth I just don't really see a point, like fair enough if you have good reasons to be celebrating but personally I just love the idea of Halloween- i'm rambling on now aha. anyway me, Thomas, Roman have planned a Halloween party to have and because we decorated the house last night all we need to do is just get into our costumes (a/n: the boys costumes are above) (I'm gonna show u 2 dresses u can either chose them or think of an outfit yourself)

 anyway me, Thomas, Roman have planned a Halloween party to have and because we decorated the house last night all we need to do is just get into our costumes (a/n: the boys costumes are above) (I'm gonna show u 2 dresses u can either chose them o...

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I decided to go as a devil (very typical I know) but it's something as Virgil took my idea aha, i spent 50 minutes doing Virgil's makeup, having a coffee break in between which may I say was well needed about 30 minutes doing Patton's, makeup, Log...

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I decided to go as a devil (very typical I know) but it's something as Virgil took my idea aha, i spent 50 minutes doing Virgil's makeup, having a coffee break in between which may I say was well needed about 30 minutes doing Patton's, makeup, Logan said he will do his own makeup but will come to me if e needs help (I think he will at some point) and an hour on Romans makeup and costume construction time time was now 2:20pm and that left enough time to do my makeup before the party starts and people starts arriving

Thomas' POV:
I was amazed at all my sides and how they've dressed up this year, I have to admit my costume was not scary as I was spider man I was more of a hero than a villain, I have to admit I didn't get the memo "how did u not get the memo Thomas, we literally discussed this in ure head"

"I know RoMaN" my quick sarcastic remark made me chuckle and Roman just furrowed his brows anyway, y/n finally came down the stairs and my heart pounded, Virgil more than likely felt this anxiety building in me because he shot me a 'are u serious?' Look as to which I just nodded a response, warning an eye roll and sigh from Virgil as he mined for me to do the breathing technique (breath in for 4 seconds, hold for 7, out for 8) it works every time aswell as the 5 senses technique, anyway she looked... different like a whole new side had taken over her body... nO THOMAS!! STOP THINKING LIKE THIS SHE ALREADY HAS HER MIND SET ON VIRGIL snap out of whatever ure thinking before anyone notices

Pattons POV:
The time was now 5pm and we- by we I mean, Virgil, Thomas and Y/N we're setting up 'pre drinks' which I think means drinks before the event I'm not sure what good that'll do because they'll need drinks during the event aha. People started to arrive soon and quick enough, the first to come over was Joan and Talyn, their costumes were co-ordinated it was adorable, soon after everyone turned up to get this party going we started with Disney songs like 'this is Halloween' which both Virgil and Roman enjoyed and thanked Thomas for adding it the Playlist after having their moment because who doesn't like Nightmare Before Christmas?

The time was now coming up to Midnight and it's fair to say we were all tired, Logan had gone to sleep as he didn't really do parties, he would greet everyone and then disappear to his room to either study something or to sleep, I have to admit this is late for me, so I also decide to go to bed, after saying goodnight to everyone and without hesitations soon as my head touched the pillow l was unable to keep my eyes open... tonight was fun

Narrator POV:
And so everyone slowly vanished as the night went on, it was now coming up to 3 am and Virgil and Y/N were the only people awake at this point nearly everyone had went to sleep, friends like Valarie, Joan, Talyn, Terrence stayed over Thomas' because he was not letting them drive that long distance on a Halloween night, such late hours, so some of the sides ended up sharing rooms for the night, Logicality stayed in Logan's room, Roman had his own room, Virgil and y/n stayed in Virgil's room so Joan and Talyn stayed in Y/N's Room and Valarie and Terrence stayed in Patton's room in separate beds, Logan had his actual bed and a sofa bed and with that, it was lights out, all out

Heyyyy is this is a lil chapter as I have writer block for Chapter 7, but just know it is in the works. College has been hectic but hopefully it won't be much longer of a wait, hope u enjoyed this chapter tho, sorry it's not as detailed as the rest of the story but this was like a little side chapter as today- well yesterday it's now 3:30am on November 1st 2020 it was Halloween and so I thought I might aswell do a smol chapter :)

Until next time take it easy
Guys, gals and noon-binary pals PEACE OUT 🎃🌹🖤

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