Bonus Chapt: Valentines Day

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A/N: before we get started I just wanna say that only one bonus chapt is linked with the story plot I can't remember which y'all will have to figure that out XD enjoy tho

Virgil's POV:
Today was a special day it was mine and y/Ns 6 months and I decided to plan something special, unfortunate for me because I'm always the last person awake but I'm no stranger to be going out on walks in the house... I do it to calm myself down 'during moments of excessive alarm' as L said in the Christmas video. Anyway so I decided to make an excuse that I wanted to go and clear my head which was fine but I didn't see y/n anywhere "oh kiddo, before you go y/n has said that she has gone to the shops to get something" Patton couldn't contain his excitement even if he tried, "Oh erm thanks padre, can you tell her to meet me at the park not far from here" and with that I head out the door and walk to a shop to buy some stuff like flowers roses are her favourite I believe (a/n: sorry if they're not, change them to ure favourite if it's not roses)

So today is Valentine's Day and I really wanted to do something for Vi so I decided that I would get him a lil something for sticking with me and well because I love him, so I decided to pick up some chocolates, and a matching ring and bracelet, I wouldn't be suprised if princey got jealous at the gifts I got V, I didn't even realise that I was in the driveway till Patton came running at me with pure exhilaration, gosh I love him sometimes. "Hey kiddo!!" My happiness radiating from him because bipolar isn't just one emotion "hey Patton! How come ure so lively?" I shout back with the same amount of enthusiasm as received "Oh erm Virge has just gone out and said for you to meet him at the park near by" ok this is alarming, why would Virge do this? Anyway I don't let fear take over me and decide to get changed into something more comfier as the sun was now starting to go down (a/n: u choose hair and makeup also change the outfit if u don't like it)

 "Hey kiddo!!" My happiness radiating from him because bipolar isn't just one emotion "hey Patton! How come ure so lively?" I shout back with the same amount of enthusiasm as received "Oh erm Virge has just gone out and said for you to meet him at...

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Virgil's POV:
That makes everything finished, I decided that I couldn't do it alone so I asked Prince underarm stink to help. just need to hide the gifts I got her, I decided that I'd make use of today and do a nice night outing for a date so I got some lights and did like a gazebo thing and decorated it all up, with Romans help... gosh he would not shut up he kept on going on about how cute it is that I'm doing this and that he never knew I could be capable of said activity but hey I am, I also have something that I wanna tell her but I don't know when the best time would be, literally nobody knows about this because I'm insecure about it, my thoughts are interrupted by a figure walking towards me, I could recognize that figure anywhere "v- vi- Virgil?" Awe she's stuttering, how adorable "hey, you look amazing!!" I told her, a deep crimson colored blush appeared on both of our pale and s/c cheeks well, that's one way to warm my face I suppose hehe

I was walking along the river of the park Roman drove me to, he insisted that I don't walk alone in the dark nevertheless they don't know that I sneak out every night for particular reasons, until I see a gazebo with lights and familiar purple man standing looking snoıxu∀ so I walk over to it and oh my gosh I'm in love

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