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Took a load of courage, but I'm finally going to make a book about aul! And I'm super excited for it ngl-

Anyway, rules, per usual.

No smut/lemons. I may read it occasionally, but hell no, I'm not writing it.

There will be cursing, so theres no need for a TW every chapter. I'll out in TW's when necessary though.

Angst. Makes me sad. And I'm crap at writing it.

Zero Oc requests! The only Oc around here is JellieCat, and that's the gorgeous bean up there, with her daughter Smoosh.

I'm a multi-shipper at heart! Feel free to request anything, but give me a general storyline. I'm terrible with those. I only have a few ships that I hate, so don't be shyyyy!

So... this shipping list is being updated as of the 40th chapter in this book.

I've found out that I ship more things than I don't ship, so it's more efficient to write the things that I don't ship

So, here's what I don't ship.

Anything with Dum in it. Very specifically Captain x Dum.

Anything with Greaser in it. He's a git.

Anything with Goober. I headcanon her as 10 years old

Gentlemother, pretty much everything that's not straight

I make... everything gay.

Of course I ship the canon ships, exept Dum and Captain.

OC's x one of the characters. Idk, it makes me uncomfortable

I'll probably add to that later-

Btw, I support any ship! I mean, I'll judge you in my head and probably not answer is a super happy-esc way

At least I keep to myself

But if you ship Captain x Dum, you are just fucked up. And if you start an argument on why its alright, I will not hesitate to smack you in the face with my folder of reasons why it's so wrong.

I will then proceed to block you if it goes too far.

So, have fun, and maybe request something!

I'm actually more well known for art, but... you can request that too!

Have funnn!


|| Among Us Logic- Artdump, headcanons and ships (Mostly)Where stories live. Discover now