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Hello, it's your neighbourhood disappointment!

I only did one piece today, and I had no back ups for any sort of fic, headcanons or any other thing.

I mean, I did this-

PoopyFarts96 actually being kind cute! And he's talking-

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PoopyFarts96 actually being kind cute! And he's talking-

I wonder who hes blushing atttt-

I guess I could write a short fic about him, but that would have to be tomorrow.

I didn't make a Wattpad specific doodle, but I have loads of pictures I made with Ibis Paint on my phone, so I can just add one of those really.

I didn't make a Wattpad specific doodle, but I have loads of pictures I made with Ibis Paint on my phone, so I can just add one of those really

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Wattpad specific doodle!

Their names are Csokoládè and Gold, and they're part of an Among Us roleplay I made with my best friend.

So yeah, there you go.

I actually havee tons of art from my phone I can share, so yeah, I guess you won't get too disappointed..?

I hope.

I'm in the middle of making some Captain x Mr Egg,

So that's fun

Tell you what, give me a request of what to draw, and I'll draw it tomorrow-

I'm running low on ideas, and need creative fuel. 

Sorry about the crappy day again-

-Again, an apologetic JellieCatMC

|| Among Us Logic- Artdump, headcanons and ships (Mostly)Where stories live. Discover now