Mellow lore I guess

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Hi lovelies

My beautiful beans

So, idk, before I get to the Mellow lore I kinda wanna just ramble

I wanted to start making more meaningful content, but it's my book, so I can do whatever the fuck I want.

Skip it if you want idk

So, I took a personality test and I feel so... not to be narcissistic, but I feel very good

Like, I feel so weird to be understood and not alone

Like, I feel so weird to be understood and not alone

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I'm a Logician apparently


Anyway, this makes me feel a whole load better about me not understanding emotions all that much, and that I tend to overlook other people's feelings by accident

Maybe I'm not that narcissistic. Maybe it's just my personality, idk

Also, I make up 3% of the population, and it feels really nice to not be common

I hate being generic

Anyway, idk, take the quiz yourself!

It's called 16Personalities

Also, apparently Albert Einstein was INTP aswell


This totally makes me understand the way I headcanon

I took fact from what Captain said. Saying he took flight school, and I completely go with the fact that hes 30+

Dum said she was in college, so I worked out she was 17 or 18, according to Britain

Shipping them is a full no.

So, I use facts and stuff to come up to a conclusion

And my own imagination because who the hell doesn't use that to come up with some crazy-ass backstory of one of your favourite characters?

Anyway, ART.

May I introduce you to

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May I introduce you to... P.O.O.F!

It's my first bit of major Mellow lore

It stands for 'Protection Of our Owners Foundation'

These are the main 3. Mellow being one of them

I still need names for the other two, so for the people who care, maybe you could give me some ideas?

It took me 9 hours, 3 days total. I'm super proud.

Anyway, all their characters so you can get a feel for em!

The middle catto is an extremely good stalker and carrys a gun wherever he goes. He's a part of POOF because his owner was experiencing major blackmail, and needed to... Get rid of them...

He has a German accent, and has one of those owners who like to put him on clothes. He doesn't mind.

He's the leader, obviously, and takes his role very seriously

The catto on the left is a girl, and she is like a secretary

She's rather shy, and can be classed as a nerd. She's really nice and funny when you get to know her though.

She totally ships middle Catto and Mellow, and is extremely clever.

She's in POOF because her owner, who is a young girl, has a load of difficulty with school, and can't get her work done. She needs the schoolwork for good grades, and if she doesn't have good grades, she gets punished.

So, secretary catto completes her homework for her, and often writes out school notes for her to study from

Mellow is a psychopath. Sure, he is seemingly innocent, but he has a vendetta.

He has stayed innocent all his life, but has recently 'let go,' and let the killer side of him take control.

After reading Mr Egg's diary, he decided that he needed to kill someone to ensure his owners happiness and to make sure he would never be plagued by him ever again.

He only joined POOF a few months ago, but has since risen to the top because if his goals and detailed descriptions. He works alongside Leader catto, and is planning murder with him.

So, there ya go!

Have any ideas on their names?

If you don't, then sure, I'll make some myself-


Anyway, I'll be doing the request tomorrow, do not fear!

I love you all, my beautiful beans!

You all give me reason to actually be productive, and I'm super thankful for that...

Again, I love you all!

-A happy JellieCatMC

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