My teir list

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Idk, I've been meaning to make a teir list of the aul squad, and I finally have!

Remember, it's my opinion, not yours

Idk, get a look on how I see the crew

Lez go!


S teir:

Captain: I know about what happened with Dum, but I still love this lil marshmallow. He deserves love and affection, and I would happily give it to him myself. He's super adorable, and if he were to ask me to his birthday party I would actively spend over £50 on gifts for him. Him not having friends and constantly being rejected by people honestly makes me think about myself. Which is pretty sad ngl. He's also my comfort character, so that obviously gives him bonus points

Mr Egg: I just adore this man. I used to think he was annoying af, but when I realised that he was British, I just fell began to fall in love with him (not literally,) and began to look more into his persona. He legit did nothing wrong to deserve the hate people give him. I also love Mellow to death, but he's an oc. So he doesn't count in this list

A teir:

Player: Idk, hes actually super loveable. His scream is actually kinda cute, and the fact that he's so determined makes him honestly relatable

Veteran: His voice is actually super cool. He's also pretty dumb, but idk. I just really like the guy

TheGentleman: I love this bean. He always looks fabulous, and he's British. So bonus points. In my au, hes actually a manipulative, horrible, abusive bastard, but all of that aside, in original aul I always love whenever he's on screen. He's just had so much character development, and I love that

From this point on, I'll only be writing the names. I cannot be arsed to write out all the reasons.

B teir:

Mr Cheese

C teir:

Sir Clogsworth

D teir


E teir


F teir

Ms Pink

Git teir


Death teir



Helo meh beautiful beans

I made no art today, and sadly, I'll be going back to school tomorrow

And cba to do a Wattpad specific doodle so yh

I need to get my bag all packed, and get up super early in the morning

But that does mean I'll be doing loads more traditional art!

Since taking my iPad to school is a bad idea

And I'm most well known at school for drawing traditional

I might actually get a few sales aswell! Last time I sold an unfinished sketch of mine to my mate for a full-ass crunch bar

Best deal of my life.

Anyway, I have my new bed! It's everything I've ever wanted, and I've wanted it ever since I was about 5. Now I finally have it, and I'm super happy about that!

Anyway, goodnight from me, and I love you all!

-A happy JellieCatMC

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