Art + rant

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Was gonna make a headcanon chapter, but Wattpad decided to delete the whole thing.

I never damn learn.

Anyway, art for today!

A very British Mr Egg!

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A very British Mr Egg!

I love this bean, and won't stop. Hes just so damn British and I love it.

As requested by a beautiful bean in the comments! Sorry, I can't do tags ;-;

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As requested by a beautiful bean in the comments! Sorry, I can't do tags ;-;

I hope it's what you wanted! Honestly the only reason I make art all day is to have people be happy, and for people to understand I have somewhat of a talent. (Not to be narcissistic-)

I started this a few days ago, but never got round to finishing it

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I started this a few days ago, but never got round to finishing it. So here's Ninja! I told you I had Ninja art-

 So here's Ninja! I told you I had Ninja art-

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Aww, it's Angel. As requested by a bean in the discord. I legit finished this like 5 minutes ago, so yh.

It was extremely rushed, and it looks tacky. It's not my best at all.


Woa, I did a lotta art today, didn't I? I guess I had a butt load of motivation. Anyway, it's like, 2:42am rn, and I gotta sleep -w-

I have school in the morning and dint do any homework whatsoever.

Fuck my procrastination.

Anyway, byeeee-

-A tired JellieCatMC

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