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The title may seem aggressive, but it's just headcanons

All caps titles exept "SHIT" are headcanons

Just sayin

Also, probably some spelling errors. Couldn't be bothered to spell check it

Anyway, what the crew hate about aul character!



He can get really mouthy and rude, and can often hurt people's feelings a lot.


He gets extremely competitive, and when it comes to some games, can be an extreme sore loser. He can also rage a lot -w-


He's real clingy and childish, given his age. He often makes bad decisions, and is rather dim. People often say his voice is extremely annoying. (Which is extremely untrue ÙnÚ)

Mr Cheese-

How much of a dick he can be honestly. He can be arrogant and rude, and that doesn't bode well with the crew

Mr Egg-

He's often seen as the horrible one who replaced oh so sweet baby boy Mr Cheese, and he's generally looked down upon because of it.


He can be kinda rude and over-ruling


He stinks of weed


He can just be really mean. Let's just say that


It's obviously that he don't speak English.


He can "talk" at very... not-laughable moments


Idk, she can be over-optimistic-


His voice.


She can be so deceiving that people have started losing trust in her, even when she's telling the truth. Just like the boy who cried wolf.


His lingo. It gets highly annoying and it can sound weird.


He's too clever and straightforward for the crews liking, and he cheats. Soooo-


I think about all the aul crew hates his guts. From stealing their colours to straight up cheating, he's an arse. I love him nonetheless though.

Sir Clogsworth-

Idk... He's actually super likeable. People probably hate that hes super closed off about his past and how he got where he is.


He can be a douche, saying that he know everything and all that jazz


The can be super squealy and be very lovey in front if everyone. And it's rather awkward.


Just... Her in general. Like, how the hell did you get in this lobby, you are ten.




Hope you liked!

I'll probably make a fic or some more headcanons tomorrow

Still on an art break

I hope you have a good rest of your day, and I love you all

You're all my beautiful beans!

Goodnight from me, its 3:30am

-A tired JellieCatMC

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