Kick His Ass

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Lotta time skips in this one, buckle up:)
——Astor's P.O.V.——
"Shroud, I need to talk to you," I'm currently sitting in my kitchen watching my superintendent install plexiglass windows, talking to Kaiser's rep.
"Still trying to get in touch with him, huh?" Shroud's voice on the other end sounding bored, "Well, hate to disappoint you bu-"
"No, no," I interrupt, "We're way past that. I need to set up a rematch duel between Hell Kaiser and Dueling Doll, does next week work for your schedules? I think a week is long enough to get the word out, people online are talking about wanting to see a rematch anyway,"
"Uh-Yeah, sure," Shroud, clearly caught off guard, mumbles, "A rematch would work well for next week anyway. Gotta give the people what they want, right?"
"Exactly, I'm so glad you get it," I make sure my smirk can be heard through the phone, "Have your assistant email me ideal days and times for next week by the end of the day, me and my publicist will take care of the rest. Have a nice day,"
I hang up before Shroud can get the last word.

——(Y/N)'s P.O.V.——

By the time Astor texts me, Nicky's asleep in my lap, and the other two boys were playing mock duels in the kitchen.
My phone buzzes in my pocket, and as I take it out, Astor's contact is illuminating the screen.

'Friday night, Domino Stadium, 6:30 P.M., Steampunk costume.
Kick his ass."

"Oh, I will," I say, apparently with a very big smirk on my face, because when Jaden comes back into the living room he grows curious.
"What's with you?" He whispers, not wanting to wake Nicky.
"Let's talk in the kitchen," I whisper back while carefully pushing my younger brothers head out of my lap.
"So, you guys free Friday night?"
"I don't know, depends how fast I can get back from the island," Jaden leans in the counter, "I could always skip out a day early,"
"Hell no, Jay," I roll my eyes, "You're not using my family bullshit to get out of class,"
"I wouldn't have phrased it that way," Syrus adds, "but yeah..."
"Well we do kind of need him there for me to even consider this thing safe," I look over to Sy, "If you do this by yourself then I can't back you," I turn back to Jaden, "but 6:30 gives you plenty of time to get back. I can write you a note as Dueling Doll," I start to think, "Say you're doing an internship kinda thing. Maybe then you can leave on a chopper instead of the fairy, get here faster,"
"Cool! That might work," Jaden perks up, "That'll show Crowler,"
"Uh, cool?" I don't want him to elaborate, so to cut off any further Duel Academy stories, I grab a pen and paper, "What should I say? I have a stamp to certify it's from me, but I have no idea how to make it seem official, y'know?"
"Okay, here's what you should say...."


Ten minutes later, we have a 'Get Jaden out of School Free' note, and satisfied, I go get my stamp.
As I walk into my room, my phone goes off. A new text message shows up on my phone, this time, from an unknown number.

'See you Friday'

To confirm my suspicions, I get the number under my mattress, Zane's phone number. Sure enough, they matched.
Okay, he's making contact. Possibly non-threatening contact.
I grabs my stamp and put the number back under my bed.
"Alright, let's make this sucker official!"

—The Next Day—

As the weekend ends, the four of us sit in the living room chatting while Jaden packs up his stuff to head back to school.
"Glad I could come out this weekend, Sy," Jaden continues to talk as he tries to fit his new shampoo bottle in his duffel bag, "Even though this was a little rough, I did get to see how your new family works under crisis, and it's nice to see they got your back,"
Jaden zips his now stuffed duffel closed and throws it next to the door.
Sitting next to me in the couch, Syrus picks up his deck and shuffles through it, "Yeah, I'm happy you got to meet (Y/N) and Nicky too, and I'm thankful you'll be there in Friday," Syrus looks up and stops shuffling, "I really don't know what we would of done if you weren't here,"
"Eh, don't mention it," Jaden sits on the arm of the chair Nicky was sitting on, "What are friends for if not for situations like these, right little dude?" Jaden raises his hand for Nicky to high five, which his does excitedly.
"Hey, Jaden before you leave, can I talk to to you in private?" Syrus looks back down at his deck, "I need to ask you for a favor,"
"Sure Sy," Jaden jumps up, and the two walk into the kitchen.
At this point, I pick up Nicky and throw him into my back, "You ready to brush your teeth, rock star?"
"I was born ready!" Nicky yells and points towards the bathroom, "Onward (Y/N), onward!"

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