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Olivia's POV

I was riding in the car with Lydia and Allison. She just got back from a summer in France.
Lydia: "It's not a double date. It is a group thing."
Allison: "Do they know it's a group thing? Because I told you I'm not ready to get back out there. Olivia back me up on this."
Olivia: "I'm staying out of this one. It's got nothing to do with me."
Lydia: "You were in France and didn't do any dating for four months?" She shakes her head.
Allison: "Did you? I mean after..."
Lydia: "Don't say his name."
Allison: "Is he okay? I mean did everything work out."
Lydia: "The doctors looked like total idiots when he turned up alive but everyone got over it. And yes Derek taught him the werewolf 101, like how not to randomly kill people during a full moon."
Allison: "So then you've talked to him?"
Olivia: "She's hasn't spoken to a word to him since he left for London. She won't do it."
Lydia: "He's the one who left!"
Allison: "You mean his father moved him to London."
Lydia: "Whatever. He left. And seriously? An American Werewolf in London. Like that's not gonna be a disaster.
Allison: "So you're totally over him?"
Lydia: "Would I be going on a double date if I wasn't." Allison laughs. "Yes... it is a double date. It's not an orgy. You'll live."
Allison: "What about Liv? How come you're not setting her up with anybody?"
Lydia: "She's too busy doing it with Issac."
Olivia: "Lydia!" She laughs.
Allison: "Wait? Issac, really? What about Stiles?"
Olivia: "For one Stiles is still completely in love with Lydia here. And come on? Have you seen Issac? And he's actually really sweet."
Lydia: "She's got a point Issac is pretty hot."
Olivia: "Wait until you see him without a shirt on." Both girls laugh.
Allison: "So are you two dating then?"
Olivia: "No. We aren't anything. Just friends. It just happened a few times over the summer. We won't continue hooking up once school starts."
Lydia: "Yeah, friends who've seen each other naked." I laugh and roll my eyes.
Allison: "There are not any romantic feelings between you two at all?"
Olivia: "No. He's a pretty great person once you get to know him better. He's a lot of fun and he does care about people. We've become really close friends over the summer. And not just because we've had sex. We both agreed that it was nothing more than that. And he knows how I feel about Stiles. We just happened to be able to fulfill each other's needs."
Lydia: "Oh I'm sure you guys fulfilled them alright. Hot werewolf sex? I mean damn."
Olivia: "Lydia you are awful!" I say joking around.
Lydia: "Well am I wrong?"
Olivia: "No. Definitely not wrong. We were just having a bit of fun." I say smiling and the girls laugh lightly.
Allison: "And your feelings for Stiles are gone?"
Olivia: "If by gone you mean shoved deep down inside then yes."
Allison: "Why don't you just tell him?"
Olivia: "Because it will mess things up. And like I said he's in love with Lydia. Which is totally okay, but I'm not just going to sit and wait for him to give me a chance. "
Allison: "You mean like he's doing with Lydia?"
Olivia: "Yes! Exactly."
Allison: "How does he feel about you and Issac?"
Olivia: "He still doesn't like him. I've tried to tell him he's not that bad but he's stubborn. Neither of you can say anything about Issac and I hooking up though. He would not be very happy If he knew. All he knows is we've been hanging out when he's not with Derek." We stop at a red light.
Allison: "We won't but he'll probably figure it out anyway. You know how he is."
Olivia: "Trust me. I do." Allison laughs and looks over and her smile drops and she starts panicking. I follow her gaze. Scott and Stiles are stopped right next to us.
Allison: "Oh my god. I can't see him. Not now.
Lydia go!" She says covering her face.
Lydia: "But the light!"
Allison: "Just go!" Stiles starts to roll his window down and Lydia takes off skipping the red light. Allison looks back and sighs.
Lydia: "You alright?" She nods and looks back.
Allison: "Lydia, stop. We need to go back and talk to them." Lydia stops the car. We all look behind us to see them stopped too.
Lydia: "They stopped too."
Allison: "Why would they stop too?"
Olivia: "This is Stiles and Scott were talking about."
Lydia: "Do you really want to try applying logic to those two?" I hear this strange noise and get this overwhelming scent out of nowhere.
Olivia: "Guys, somethings wrong." I say turning to face them. Just then a deer crashed through the windshield sending glass flying everywhere causing Allison and Lydia to scream.
We all get out of the car and Stiles and Scott coming running over.
Scott: "Are you okay?" Scott says going to Allison.
Lydia: "It came out of nowhere."
Stiles: "Are you hurt?" He asks going to Lydia.
Lydia: "It ran right into us." I walk over to the front of the car to examine what the hell just happened.
Scott: "Are you okay?" He asks Allison again.
Allison: "I'm okay."
Lydia: "Well I'm not okay! I'm totally freaking out how the hell does it just run into us. I saw it's eyes right before it hit us. It was like... it's like it was crazy."
Scott: "No, it was scared."
Olivia: "Terrified, actually. I could smell it right before it happened."
Stiles: "You okay, Liv?" He walks over to me and places his hand on my shoulder brushing off some glass shards.
Olivia: "Aside from almost getting impaled by giant fucking antlers, yes I'm fine."

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