The Overlooked

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Olivia's POV

We drove to Derek's loft to tell him about Ms. Blake. Stiles hasn't said much, which is understandable. We were waiting for Ms. Blake to show up because we know that she would eventually go running to Derek. She walks into the loft calling his name. She hugs Derek. She couldn't see us behind one of the walls in the loft.
Ms. Blake: "Something happened at the recital. At the school. Okay, I need you to tell you before you hear it, before you hear any of it from them."
Derek: "Who?"
Ms. Blake: "Scott, Stiles, Olivia. They're gonna tell you things. Things you can't believe. You have to trust me, okay? You trust me."
Derek: "What is it?"
Ms. Blake: "Promise you'll listen to me."
Derek: "Promise." We peak out from the wall. She leans in to kiss Derek but he doesn't kiss back. She pulls away in realization.
Ms. Blake: " They're already here. Aren't they?" We step out from the wall. She turns to look at us. "So... who told you it was me? That I'm the one taking people."
Scott: "We told him your the one killing people." I glance at Stiles because I can smell the sadness off him. His eyes are glossed over. I nudge him with my elbow. He looks down at me and I hold my hand out to him and he takes it.
Ms. Blake: "Oh, that's right." She chuckles. "Committing human sacrifices? What, cutting their throats? Yeah, I probably do it during my lunch hour. That way I can get back to teaching high school English the rest of the day. That makes perfect sense." Stiles's grip on my hand tightens.
Stiles: "Where's my dad?"  He questions through a hoarse tone.
Ms. Blake: "How should I know? She looks from us back to Derek. "Derek, tell me you don't believe this. Derek glances at us and Stiles's whole body goes stiff and he squints his
Derek: "Do you know what happened to Stiles's father?
Olivia: "What about Lydia?"
Scott: "Ask her why she almost killed her."
Me. Blake: "Lydia Martin? I don't know anything about that!" She says getting defensive."
Derek: "Then what do you know?"
Ms. Blake: "I know that these teenagers, for whatever misguided reason, are filling your head with an absurd story. And one they can't prove by the way."  Scott holds up a small jar.
Scott: "What if we can?"
Ms.Blake: "What is that?" He takes a few steps forward.
Scott: "My boss told me it's a poison and a cure... which means you can use it. And it can be used against you." He unscrews the lid.
Ms. Blake: "Mistletoe?" Scott throws the jar at her. The powder surrounds her and she screams. For a second she shifts into this creature with scarred skin and wicked eyes then she shifts backs. Derek looks at her surprised. She tries to get away and Derek grabs her by the throat, stopping her.
Ms. Blake: "Derek, wait! Wait!" Derek releases his claws. "You need me."
Derek: "What are you?" He says through gritted teeth.
Ms. Blake: "The only person who can save your sister. Call Peter. Call him!" Derek calls him. Cora is in bad shape. He hangs up the phone and tightens his grip on her throat.
Scott: "Derek!"
Ms. Blake: "Her life! It's in my hands!" She struggles to get out. Derek lifts her further in the air. Stiles lets go of my hand and walks towards Derek.
Stiles: "Stop. Derek, stop!"
Ms.Blake: "Stilinski. You'll never find him."
Scott: "Derek."
Olivia: "Let her go. We need her."
Scott: "Derek!" He throws her down onto the ground. She lifts her head up and smirks at all of us.
Ms. Blake: "That's right. You need me. All of you."

Scott, Stiles, and I are in the jeep following Derek and Ms. Blake.
Stiles: "I don't know, something feels wrong about this. We've proved it to Derek. But she still had this look like it didn't matter. You know, like it was all still going according to plan. You guys saw it, didn't you?"
Olivia: "So what? We're walking into a trap then?"
Stiles: "I don't know. Maybe." We pull up to the hospital. It's pouring down rain and is super windy because of the storm. Stiles grabs his bat from the trunk.
Scott: "What's that?"
Stiles: "You guys have claws, I have a bat." Derek has a hold on Ms. Blake and we follow him through the hospital. Melissa comes jogging behind us.
Melissa: "Scott. Scott? What are you doing here?" The hospital is evacuating."
Scott: "We're here for Cora."
Melissa: "What? All of you? Why does Stiles have my bat?"
Scott: "Mom. Just trust me on this. You need to get out of here." She takes a worried glance at us. "Right now."
Melissa: "The building is supposed to be clear in 30 minutes. We've got two ambulances that are coming back. One is 10 minutes out. The other is 20. Cora needs to be on one of those. They'll be picking up in the basement garage."
Scott: "Got it. Okay." We head towards the elevator and push the button to Cora's floor. Derek still has a grip on her arm.
Ms. Blake: "You don't have to keep me on a leash, Derek. I'm going to help." She looks at all of us glaring at her. Stiles has a grip on his bat, ready to attack if needed. The door opens and the lights flicker as we exit the elevator. We reach Cora's room and stop when the bed is empty and there are black slime and mistletoe on the floor.
Scott: "Derek." He looks down on the ground at a trail of black drops leading to a set of closed doors. There's a grunt on the other side and then Peter comes flying across the floor and stops at our feet.
Peter: "We've got a problem." He lifts his head and looks down the hall. "Big problem." The twins are morphed as one and let out a loud growl. Derek shifts and lets out a roar back and charges towards them. He tackles them into the wall and they punch back forcing him to the ground. Scott and I take off at the same time fully shifted. I run and slide under between their legs and Scott runs and jumps off the wall landing in front of them. I kick them in the back of the knee and Scott swings at them. They turn around and throw me into a door sending me crashing into a patient room. Peter and Stiles run past us to grab Cora while the twins have Scott in the air by his throat. I throw pieces of debris off me.
Scott: "Ethan. Aiden. Stop. You don't know what you're doing."
Twins: "All we want is her!" The twins drop Scott and head straight for Ms. Blake. I walk over and help Scott stand up. Peter has Cora over his shoulder. We run into one of the other rooms.
Derek: "Don't stop. Don't stop!" Stiles stops and looks at the bat in his hand. He takes off back in the direction we just came from. Scott, Derek, and I stop and wait to see what he's doing.
Derek: "Stiles!"
Olivia: "What the hell are you doing?" He hides behind the door and waits for the twins to come in. When they get into the doorway he smashes the wooden bat on their head. But they don't even flinch. They just let out a loud growl in return. I pull Stiles back behind us. Scott jumps up and pulls one of the hospital lights down so it comes crashing onto them. We use this opportunity to escape to one of the other rooms in the hospital. Peter lays Cora down on a table.
Stiles: "Where's the big guy?"
Derek: "He's close."
Stiles: "What about Ms. Blake?" He looks at the rest of us and Scott shakes his head. "What do you mean? What does that mean? Like she's gone? Scott, are you kidding me!" He says raising his voice.
Derek: "Shh, quiet!"
Stiles: "Me? Be quiet? Huh? Are you telling me what to do now?" He gets up in Derek's face. "When your psychotic mass-murdering girlfriend- The second one you've dated by the way- has got my dad somewhere tied up, waiting to be ritually sacrificed?"
Scott: "Stiles, they're still out there. And- and they want her, right?"
Stiles: "Which means we don't have her either. So my dad and Cora are both dead!
Scott: "Not yet." I pull him back away from Derek.
Olivia: "Stiles were are going to save him. I promise you. Even if it's the last thing I do. I will not let him die but right now we need to keep quiet." He runs his hands down his face and nods. Scott goes over to Peter.
Scott: "Is she really dying?"
Peter: "She's not getting any better."
Scott: "There has to be something that we can do. We have to help her." The doors open pulling our attention.
Ms. Blake: "You can't. Only I can. I can save her and I can tell you where Sheriff Stilinski is. But there is a pack of alphas in this hospital who want me dead. So I'll help you but only when I'm out of here and safe. Only then." Derek pushes a knocks a table down and lunges for but Scott stops him.
Scott: "Wait!"
Derek: "She was trying to get out!"
Ms:Blake: "I was trying to keep from getting killed. You can't blame me for that."
Stiles: "If you want to show you're one of the good guys, then heal her."
Ms. Blake: "Not until I'm safe."
Peter: "I'd like to volunteer a different method of persuasion. Let's torture her."
Olivia: "You know, I actually agree with him."
Derek: "Works for me." He goes to step forward but Scott stops him again. There is a screech over the loud system and then Melissa's voice comes through.
Melissa: "Um. Can I have your attention? Mr. Deucalion. Excuse me- just Deucalion- requests you bring the woman calling herself Jennifer Blake to the E.R. reception. Do this, and everyone else can leave. You have 10 minutes. Scott looks over at Ms. Blake.
Ms. Blake: "He's not gonna hurt her."
Derek: "Shut up." He holds a finger up for her to stop talking."
Ms. Blake: "He won't! Scott, you know why. Tell them it's true." We all look to Scott.
Derek: "What does she mean?"She scoffs when he doesn't respond.
Ms. Blake: "You're not the only one he wants in his pack." I think back to when we were fighting in the abandoned mall.
Olivia: "At the mall, when we were all fighting. Your eyes... I swear I saw them flash red."
Ms. Blake: "Yes, that's right. Deucalion doesn't just want an alpha pack. He wants perfection. That means adding the rarest of alphas to his ranks."
Peter: "A true alpha."
Stiles: "What's that?"
Peter: "The kind that doesn't have to steal his power from another. One that can rise by the force of his own will." He looks Scott up and down. "Our little Scott."
Scott: "It doesn't matter. We still need to get her out of here."
Stiles: "Scott. Your mom-."
Scott: "My mom said there's one more ambulance coming in 20 minutes. And I don't think we've been here that long. So if we can get down to the garage, get to the last ambulance, we can get out of here."
Peter: "The twins aren't gonna just let us walk out."
Scott: "I'll distract them."
Derek: "You mean fight them."
Scott: "I'll do whatever I have to do."
Derek: "I'll help you."
Ms. Blake: "Um, sorry, but I'm not going anywhere without you, Derek."
Peter: "I'll do it. But I prefer to be out there with an advantage."
Stiles: "An advantage like what? Do you mean like a weapon?"
Peter: "Something better than a baseball bat."
Olivia: "Since Peter is going to fight I can help get Cora to the ambulance. Unless you want me to stay?" I ask Scott.
Scott: "No. No, you stick with Stiles just in case." I nod in agreement. We scavenge through the room for anything we can use against the twins.
Stiles: "Hey wait. What about these?" Stiles holds up chest paddles.
Derek: "Do you know how to use those?"
Stiles: "Well, no."
Derek: "Put 'em down." Scott grabs a giant syringe.
Scott: "Epinephrine?"
Derek: "That will only make them stronger."
Peter: "How strong?" He asks, getting an idea.
Peter takes the syringe and plunges it into his chest forcing the drug into his bloodstream. We take this opportunity to escape while Scott and Peter get start to fight.
We make our way through the hospital to the garage.
Stiles: "It's still here." He says when we reach the ambulance. We open the doors and Derek sets Cora down on the gurney.
Ms. Blake: "Derek, over here." Derek steps around to the side of the vehicle and I turn to take a quick look as well. The body of a paramedic is laying bloody on the ground. The voice of Kali echoes from in front of us.
Kali: "Julia..." She steps out swinging the keys to the vehicle. "It is you." Derek looks between me and the vehicle telling me to get in. I step in and shut the doors.
Ms: Blake: "You can't beat her on your own."
Derek: "I know that's why we're going to run." Stiles and I duck down as they three-run past us.
We lock the doors and Stiles takes a deep breath.
Stiles: "Okay, okay. We're okay. We're alright. Are you okay? How are you doing?" He asks Cora even though she can't respond. I keep watching through the windows. "Wh-why do you look like your not breathing?" This catches my attention and I turn around to face them.
Olivia: "What?" I focus on trying to hear anything coming from her and Stiles tilted his head to listen.
Olivia: "That's because she isn't. What do we do?"
Stiles: "Oh, no. Oh, god no. No. No. No. Why are you not breathing?"
Olivia: "Do we give mouth-to-mouth? I don't know how to that!"
Stiles: "Uhh...yes! Yes. Mouth-to-mouth. Right um. We can do this. Okay." He rolls up his sleeves. "Tilt the head. Fingers on the chin. Clear the throat." He opens her mouth. "Great, I see nothing. Okay, all right. So, uhh just pinch the nose and blow." He pinches her nose and blows a puff of air into her mouth. He puts his ear to her chest but still doesn't get anything. "Oh, come on, Cora" He blows onto her mouth again. "Come on, Cora." He keeps blowing puffs of air and talking to himself in the process. "Come on, breathe. Come on Cora, breath." She lets out a loud gasp and takes a deep breath.
Olivia: "Oh my god. Thank fucking god. You did it." I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding.
Stiles: "Just hold on a little longer, okay." He says to Cora. "Trust me. If anyone is gonna get us out of this it's Scott...Can't believe I just said that." He looks over at me with a sad expression. "You know I used to be the one with the plan. Well, or at least plan B." He shakes his head. "Now, I don't know. Maybe Cora was right. You know, Maybe--Maybe we are pretty much useless. Maybe all we really do is show up and find the bodies." He taps his thumbs together. "I don't want to find my father's body." He says just above a whisper. He's has a few tears falling down his cheek.  I cup his face in my hands and swipe my thumbs across his cheeks. He leans into my touch and looks into my eyes.
Olivia: "Hey, he's going to be fine. Okay? I promise you. You will see him home safe. I don't care what I have to do to make sure that happens."
Stiles: "But what if we can't-." I hear a noise from outside. I put my finger to Stiles's lips. He stops talking and looks at me confused. I bring my finger to my lips telling him to be quiet and then I point outside followed by a clash and a bang following by a growl. We peak outside the window and see the shadow of the twins walk by. I push him back against the wall of the vehicle, out of sight from the twins. They make their way past us and we can breathe again. He leans his back against the wall and rests his hand on my thigh letting out another deep sigh. We hear another sound that makes us both jump. We look out the window again and Scott taps on the glass in a panic.
Scott: "Guys! Open the door!" He's helping support Peter who is in rough shape.
Stiles: "Oh my god. Sorry."
Scott: "Help me get him in." We both help Peter into the ambulance. He stumbles over on to the bench next to Stiles.
Stiles: "Where is Derek and Jennifer?"
Olivia: "Yeah, did you see them? What's going on."
Scott: "I have to go back for them and my mom."
Stiles: "Okay, two problems. Kali has the key to this thing and we just saw the twins like 30 seconds ago." There's a banging sound off in the distance.
Scott: "Stay here."
Olivia: "I'm going. With Peter here, you're going to need more help." I say to Scott. "The faster we can find the others the sooner we can leave."
Scott: "Alright, let's go." I turn to Stiles before I leave.
Olivia: "If you need me call me. I will be back for you."
Stiles: "Just be careful." I nod and leave with Scott. We walk back through the halls of the hospital. We both stop when the sound of something falling comes from behind us. The twins show up on our left throwing a punch that we both dodge. They push Scott against the wall and I swing and hit them across the face. They stumble backward and Scott kicks them into a door. They grab both of us by the throat and lift us in the air.
Twins: "Where is she? We're trying to not hurt anyone."
Scott: "Try harder!" Melissa shows up with a pair of chest paddles.
Melissa: "Hey! I'd like to try something!" They drop us too. the ground. Melissa connects the paddles to their chest and they fall to the ground in pain because of the electricity running through them. Scott looks at her in shock.
Melissa: "Sweetheart, get up!" She holds a hand out for each of us.
Olivia: "Thank you for saving us."
Melissa: "Anytime, sweetie. Now, we gotta go." We take off running down the hall. We enter through another set of doors.
Melissa: "He just let me go, said it was a gesture of goodwill. No other reason."
Olivia: "That seems hard to believe."
Scott: "He had to have a reason. I don't think he does anything without a reason."
Melissa: "Well, if that means I should continue to be profoundly terrified then don't worry about it. I've got that covered." Scott stops Melissa when a clicking noise comes from around the corner. We both take a few cautious steps forward when Allison's father holds up a gun to us. Allison and Issac are standing behind him. He drops it when he realizes it is.
Olivia: "Issac? What are you guys doing here?"
Issac: "We came to help."
Olivia: "Then we need to tell you what's happening." We find another empty room and Scott starts to tell them what's happening with Derek.
Argent: "So then they're essentially trapped?"
Scott: "Yeah, right."
Issac: "There is no way of getting them without turning the power back on."
Melissa: "But wait, wait, wait. If the power is back on they'll be able to hear the elevator moving, right?"
Scott: "And they'll be on Jennifer and Derek as soon as it stops. We can't get in a fight with them."
Argent: "You've got us now."
Scott: "It's too much to risk. They want her dead, and if she dies there's nothing that we can do for Stiles' dad or Cora."
Olivia: "And they will stop at nothing to kill her. If they get the chance they're taking it."
Argent: "I don't think I even know which teacher this is."
Issac: "She's-she's the one with the brown hair. She's kinda hot." Everyone makes the same "really?" look at Issac. "No, it's just- just an observation."
Olivia: "Now is not the time for that, Lahey."
Allison looks at herself through the mirror.
Allison: "I've got an idea." We all go over the plan and everyone gets into position. I could've taken Allison's place but they would've caught my werewolf scent. Instead, I was going to ride with Issac while Allison lures them outside where her father will be waiting to shoot
Melissa will turn on the power and Scott will get Derek and Jennifer.

Issac and I got into the Argents car while we waited for Allison's call. We picked up her facetime call when everyone was getting ready.
Allison: "You ready? You're not nervous are you?"
Issac: "Do I look nervous?" He says not very convincing.
Allison: "No, not at all." She says setting the phone down to face the hospital hallway.
Argent: "Did he look nervous?"
Allison: "Terrified."
Issac: "Yeah, I can still hear you very, very clearly." He says making me laugh. Allison pops back onto the screen for a moment.
Allison: "Just go as soon as you see them, okay?"
Issac: "Yeah, yeah I got it."
Olivia: "She's right. You do look nervous." I say to tease him.
Issac: "Oh, shut it." He retorts, making me laugh. Allison starts her run through the halls and a few moments later we see the twins run by after her. Issac starts the car and drives to the parking lot where Stiles is. We pull up beside them quickly and I get out and open the doors to the ambulance.
Issac: "Alright, come one. Come on."
Peter: "I got her. Okay, get the door." I open it for him and Peter puts Cora into the back seat and sits down next to her. I was about to climb in the passenger seat when I noticed Stiles wasn't coming.
Olivia: "Stiles! We got to go!" He was looking at something hanging on the ambulance door. He takes off into the hospital without saying anything. I turn to Issac quickly. "I can't let him go in alone," I say before following Stiles.
Issac: "Liv! Wait!" I ignore him and follow him inside. I catch up to him quickly. We see Scott run off ahead of us.
Stiles: "Scott! Scott wait!" We stop when we see Derek laying on the floor of the elevator with no sign of Jennifer. We follow Scott up the stairs. When we get to the roof Deucalion is standing in front of Scott. Scott was slowly making his way over to him.
Stiles: "Scott. Don't do this. Don't go with him. There's gotta be something else."
Olivia: "We will find another way." He glances back at us looking defeated.
Scott: "I don't know what else to do."
Stiles: "We always- we always have a plan b." He has tears in his eyes now.
Scott: "Not this time."
Olivia: "Please, don't."
Stiles: "Scott."
Scott: "I'm gonna find your dad. I promise."
Stiles & Olivia: "Scott!" We shouted as we watched him walk away beside Deucalion.

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