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Olivia's POV

My mom has been back home for a couple days now, so Issac has been staying with Scott. Since she has been home I haven't seen much of the pack because I've been spending time with my mother but she leaves again tonight so that means I can't avoid Stiles anymore. At least not completely. I still remember everything I heard, felt and seen that night on the rooftop of the motel. Even if it wasn't real it felt like it was. Everything that this hallucination of Stiles said was still playing in my mind and this made me want to avoid him even further because I feel like I don't know what to say to him. Issac can even tell over the phone that I just haven't been myself. But instead of being logical I am just going to ignore and pretend that night never happened until I'm forced to face it.

Lydia drove me to school today instead of Stiles. I had insisted that it was to early in the morning to be alone with him. While on my way to exiting the school because of a fire drill Scott found me and asked me to come with him.
Scott: "Liv, come with me." He gestures for me to follow him.
Olivia: "Okay. What's up?"
Scott: "Danny almost died last night. He puked up mistletoe. He's okay now. Two doctors have been killed already and Deaton has been taken. Ms.Morell said the only way to find him is by getting the help from someone who can actually seek out the supernatural."
Olivia: "Does that mean Lydia?"
Scott: "Yeah. Stiles is trying to see they can figure out where he is right now."
Olivia: "Oh. Right. Stiles." I avoided eye contact.
Scott: "He's worried about you ya know?"
Olivia: "I'm fine."
Scott: "Are you?" He tilts his head questioning me.
Olivia: "Yep."
Scott: "Then why haven't you talked to him?" I sigh and shut my eyes for a moment.
Olivia: "Because I don't know what to say. I'm assuming you know what happened."
Scott: "In the bathroom? Yes. Stiles told me what he said and he feels horrible about it."
Olivia: "Yeah, well I felt pretty shitty about what he said too."
Scott: "Look, Liv. He cares about you, like a lot. He's been miserable since you guys have been distant."
Olivia: "Well so have I." I muttered.
Scott: "Then talk things out with him. Don't you think he deserves that at least?"
Olivia: "Yeah of course he does. Now, can we please stop talking about this? I think we have more important issues at the moment. Where is Issac?"
Scott: "Yes. Him and Boyd are helping Derek. They are going to try to kill Kali. They flooded the loft and have cords running through the water. But he's okay. Now I texted Stiles and they are waiting for you in chemistry class."
Olivia: "What? Scott! What if Issac needs help?" He pushes me in the direction of the classroom.
Scott: "Yep! Issac is fine. Bye Liv! I'll see you in a bit."
Olivia: "Scott McCall I hate you!"
Scott: "Love you too, bye!!" He runs down the hallway.

I walk to the classroom as slow as I can, trying to push it as long as I could, but I made it there eventually. I took a deep breath and then open the door. Cora, Lydia and Stiles all look over at me.
Olivia: "Hey guys, Scott asked me to come here." Lydia smiled at me and motioned me over. Cora gave a small up nod.
Stiles: "Hey, Liv. I- uh- haven't seen you in couple days." He runs his neck nervously.
Olivia: "Yeah, my mom was back home for a little while so I was spending time with her."
Stiles: "Oh okay. Um. Well right now we're trying to see if Lydia can sense where Deaton is." I walk to the table they were at.
Olivia: "How, exactly?"
Stiles: "We already tried a ouji board. We were just about to try something else."
Olivia: "Okay, let's give it a shot then."
Stiles: "Okay, so Lydia. These are Deatons keys for the clinic. Close your eyes, and I'm gonna put them in your hand. And we're just going to see if you can try and feel out for his location. It's called psychometry."
Lydia: "I'm not a psychic." She states matter of factly.
Stiles: "Well, you're something, okay! Just-Lydia put out your hand, and.-" Lydia holds out her hand. He cautiously places them in her hand.
Lydia: "Hmm."
Stiles: "What?"
Lydia: "They're cold."
Stiles: "Lydia, concentrate. Please? We're trying to save lives for the love of god. " I can hear the frustration in his voice and see it in the way his face just contorted. We all watch Lydia as she closes her eyes and tries to focus. She furrows her brows. "Yeah, what is it? What do you see?" She opens her eyes and shakes her head.
Lydia: "Nothing." Cora and Stiles sigh.
Olivia: "What else do we got?"
Stiles: "Uh well we can try automatic writing." He hold a pencil out to Lydia.
Lydia: "Automatic writing?" He nods and she takes the pencil hesitantly. She starts drawing
something on her notebook.
Stiles: "Lydia, what are you doing? What the hell is that?"
Lydia: "A tree."
Stiles: "A tr-." He shares a look like he can't believe what he's hearing. "Lydia you're supposed to be writing words, like in sentences. Something like a location. Something that would tell us where he is.
Lydia: "Well maybe you should've said that."
Cora: "Isn't she supposed to be some kind of genius?"
Lydia: "Genius? Yes. Psychic? No. Honestly, I don't know why you're even bothering with me anyway. I mean especially since it's obvious you should be talking to Danny."
Stiles: "Wait. What? Why Danny?"
Scott: "Because last night.... he was a target. But it wasn't a sacrifice." He walks in holding his arm.
Olivia: "But why?"
Scott: "That's what we need to find out."

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