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Stiles POV

I woke up to the sun shining through Olivia's window. I lifted my head and quickly realized that I had my arm wrapped around her torso and her arm resting on top of mine. Trying not to panic and wake her I carefully slid my arm out from under hers. I couldn't let her see us like that. It's becoming increasingly more difficult to hide my feelings from her. I already screwed up by drunk kissing her and shaming her out of jealousy. I'm surprised she even forgave me for that. I can't afford to mess things up again. Even if she's just my friend at least I can be near her. Her voice snapped me out of my thoughts.
Olivia: "Morning, Stiles." She said softly and turning her body to face me.
Stiles: "Morning, Liv." I said turning to face her.
Olivia: "Everything alright? Been up long?"
Stiles: "Yeah, I'm okay. I haven't been up too long. Just thinking."
Olivia: " Is this about what happened at Derek's loft?"
Stiles: "Yes." I lied. "It feels like we're losing again. I don't want more people to die."
Olivia: "Me either. We will find a way to stop all of this."
Stiles: "I hope so."
Olivia: "We will. And we should check on Derek. What happened with Boyd is going to be rough on him. Even if he doesn't show it."
Stiles: "Yeah. Maybe we should give him some space first though.
Olivia: "That's probably a good idea. We can check on him in few days."
Stiles: "We're going to need to talk to him eventually because the pack seems to want him."
Olivia: "Ugh. Why can't we just have a normal day? Just for once."
Stiles: "I know. I'm tired too."

~time skip~

When we got to Derek's loft he was gone. Cora let us inside.
Cora: "What are you doing here?"
Stiles: "We need to talk to Derek."
Cora: "He's gone."
Olivia: "Where is he? Is he okay?" She walks to the wall of the windows and looks inside at the rain."
Cora: "He's probably hiding. Trying to keep everyone safe." Cora started to tell us what they do when something bad happens. She told us a story about when Derek was a teenager. He and Peter were being chased down by hunters. "They were there for 2 days. Waiting. Hiding. That's what we're taught to do when the hunters find us. Hide and heal."
Stiles: "Okay, so is two days standard, then. Or are we thinking Derek's on, like, some extended getaway?"
Cora: "Why do you care? She turns to face us.
Stiles: "Why do I care? Let's see... Because over the last few weeks, my best friends tried to kill themselves. Scott's boss nearly got ritually sacrificed. A girl that I've known since I was three was ritually sacrificed." He starts pacing back and forth and speaking with his hands. "Boyd was killed by alphas. I- do you want me to keep going? Cause I can alright? For like an hour."
Olivia: "Stiles, I think we get it."
Cora: "You think Derek can do anything about that?" She says walking towards him.
Stiles: "Well since he's the one everyone seems to be after it's more like he should do something about it, yeah."
Cora: "I don't know. There's something different about him now. He wasn't like this when I knew him."
Olivia: "How so?"
Stiles: "Yeah, what was he like?" Peter comes walking down the steps.
Peter: "A lot like Scott, actually. A lot like most teenagers. Unbearably romantic, profoundly narcissistic, tolerable really, only to other teenagers."
Stiles: "So what happened? What changed him?"
Peter: "Well, the same thing that changes a lot of young men... A girl."
Stiles: "You're telling me some girl broke his little heart? That's what Derek is the way he is?" He looks at them not believing what he hearing.
Peter: "Do you remember Derek before he was an alpha? Had blue eyes." He looks at Cora and then at Stiles and me. "Do you know why some wolves have blue eyes?"
Olivia: "No idea."
Stiles: "I just always thought it was, like, a genetic thing."
Peter: "If you want to know what changed Derek, you need to know what changed the color of his eyes.


A teenage girl was practicing the cello in the band room. Or trying to practice. The sound of a ball in the hallway was making it difficult for her to concentrate. She finally got fed up and went down the hall to see who was making all the noise. There was a group of boys dribbling a basketball in the halls.
Paige: "Hey, do you guys mind?" She grabs the attention of the boys. "I'm trying to practice." The boys start laughing.
Derek: "How do you know we're not trying to practice here too?" He smirks at her.
Paige: "Yeah, see I'm practicing in the music room and I'm pretty sure basketball practice takes place in the gym."
Derek: "Well, I'm pretty sure basketball practice takes place anywhere you got a basketball." He smiles and his friends laugh from behind him. Derek starts dribbling the ball towards Paige. "See?" She rolls her eyes and begins to walk back to the music room. "Wait. Hold on. Hold on." She stops and listens. "If you can get the ball from me maybe I'll stop." She turns back around and Derek starts to bounce the ball. "Come on. It'll be easy." She stares him down before trying to grab the ball from him. Derek was too quick and stepped to the side. He switches side and she tries to grab it again but he dodges her. He steps behind her and starts bouncing the ball in a circle around her before taunting her by dribbling it faster. She shakes her head and walks back into the music room. Derek's friends laugh at the girl before leaving the hallway. He goes into the band room to find her. She's in the middle of playing.
Derek: "Sorry about that." The sound of his voice makes her stop.
Paige: "Whatever." Derek walks further into the room.
Derek: "Hey, what's your name?"
Paige: "I'm trying to practice if you didn't notice." She said getting annoyed.
Derek: "Okay. I'll just leave you alone then... After you tell me your name." He says with a slight smirk on his lips.
Paige: "Alright. I'll tell you my name if you can play one instrument in this room" Derek looks around.
Derek: "One?"
Paige: "Just one."
Derek: "Any of them?" She nods her head and Derek was towards the shelf of instruments. He scans the shelf for anything that he might be able to play. He attempts to hide his smile when he walks back to Paige with the instrument behind his back. He stands in front of her and taps the side of a triangle. She hides the slight smile on her lips.
Paige: "My name Paige. Now please go so I can practice."
Derek: "My names-."
Paige: "I know who you are." She says looking at Derek. He raises his eyebrows before turning away to leave. They both look back at each other when the other isn't looking.

Damaged Part 2Where stories live. Discover now