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Olivia's POV

Scott pulled me into the locker room. Another person went missing from his work last night.
Scott: "I looked everywhere it's like he just walked away, left his car, his dog."
Stiles: "Okay was he, like- could he have been a virgin maybe? Did he look like a virgin? Was he, you know, virginal?"
Olivia: "Virginal, really?"
Scott: "No, definitely not. Deaton makes me have sex with all of his clients. It's a new policy." I can't help but laugh at Scott's remark. Stiles just stares at him. Scott sighs.
Scott: "No, I don't know if he was a virgin. And why you talking like he's already dead? He's just missing."
Stiles: "Missing and presumed dead because he's probably a virgin, Scott. And you know who else is a virgin? Me. I'm a virgin, okay? And you know what that means? That means my lack of sexual experience is now literally a threat to my life." He starts talking fast. While Scott and I just watch him become increasingly more freaked out. "Okay, I need to have sex. Like right now. Someone needs to have sex, with me, like today. Like someone needs to sex me right now!" He slams his locker shut. Danny speaks from behind him.
Danny: "Alright. I'll do it." Stiles shouts and jumps not expecting it.
Stiles: "What?"
Danny: "Come to my place at 9:00. Plan to stay the night. I like to cuddle."
Stiles: "Oh." Stiles looks back at us. "That was so sweet are you kidding?"
Danny: "Yes, I'm kidding." He starts walking away.
Stiles: "Okay, you know you don't you with a guy's emotion like that,Danny. It's not attractive alright?" I start laughing again beside him.
Olivia: "Wow. That was really something, Stiles. You know if you wanted sex you could've just asked?" His face heats up and I try to contain my laughter.
Stiles: "Wha-what?"
Olivia: "You heard me."
Stiles: "I can't tell if she's being serious or not." He looks at Scott who just chuckles. Stiles then looks at me unsure of what to say.
Olivia: "Stiles, I'm just fucking with you calm down." Scott laughs and Stiles just stares speechless. "Sorry, bad choice of words. If I was going to ask you to have sex with me do you really think I would do in the boys locker room and in front of Scott?"
Stiles: "Well...uh..." I nudge him and start laughing with Scott."Yeah, real nice, guys. Thank you." Coach interrupts our conversation.
Coach: "Mr. Lahey, happy to have you back. Not happy that your late."
Issac: "Sorry, coach." He walks to his locker.
Coach: "I'll remind you that cross country is not optional for lacrosse players. I don't need you turning into a bunch of fat-asses in the off season...so work on that."
We all head out to the track. I tied my hair up and coach blew the whistle. I could smell the
anger coming off Issac and Scott could too. He grabbed Issac's shoulder.
Scott: "Issac?"
Issac: "It's them." He said before taking off.
Olivia: "Issac. Wait!"
Scott: "Issac!" We both took off after him trying to weave through the other students. I saw them push Issac down.
Aiden: "Ethan, I always forget how many bones are in the human body?" They've got Issac's hands behind is back.
Ethan: "I don't know. Let's count." Scott and I both pick up the pace. He punches Ethan right across the face.
Scott: "There's one." I swiped my foot across Aiden's face.
Olivia: "There's two." Issac stands up next to us. Aiden and Ethan release their claws and start growling. The three of us do the same but stop when we hear screaming. We run to the noise and stop when we come across a body tied against the tree.
Stiles: "It's him, isn't it?" The sheriff arrives quickly and starts pushing all the students back.
Stiles: "Dad, come here. See, it's the same as the others." He points to the injuries.
Sheriff: "Yeah, I see that. Do me a favor and go back to school, yeah?... Coach can you give us a hand here?"
Coach: "You heard the man. Nothing to see here. Probably just some homeless kid."
Scott: "Coach."
Coach: "Yeah?"
Scott: "He was a senior." Coach sighs and brings his hand to his mouth.
Coach: "He wasn't on the team, was he?" A girl starts screaming the boys name and we all get pushed back away from the scene. We all look over and Aiden and Ethan and they look just as surprised.
Issac: "See the way the twins looked at him?"
Stiles: "Yeah, you mean like they had no idea what happened?"
Issac: "No, No they knew."
Olivia: "Did they?"
Stiles: "They kid was strangled with a garrote, alright? Am I the only one recognizing the lack of "werewolfitude" in these murders?"
Olivia: "I said the same thing."
Issac: "You think it's a coincidence they turn up and then people start dying?"
Stiles: "Well, no but I still don't think it's them."
Olivia: "Sorry, but I agree with Stiles. I said from the start that something else was going on."
Issac: "Scott? How about you?"
Scott: "I don't know yet."
Stiles: "You don't know yet?"
Scott: "Well, he's got a point. Seriously, dude, human sacrifices?"
Stiles: "Scott, your eyes turn into yellow glow sticks, okay? Hair literally grows from your cheeks and then will immediately disappear. And if I were to stab you right now it would just magically heal but you're telling me that you're having trouble grasping human sacrifices?"
Olivia: "That's also a valid point."
Stiles: "Thank you!" Scott sighs.
Scott: "Yeah. That's a good point too."
Issac: "I don't care. They killed that kid. They killed the girl that saved me. I'm gonna kill them too." He says walking off.
Olivia: "I'll try to talk him out of doing something stupid." By the time I found Issac after getting changed from cross country practice he was walking into class, so I wasn't able to talk to him. I went to my class next door. In the middle of class I could smell blood in the hallway and what sounded like banging on the lockers. I asked to use the bathroom and I left the class. Issac was watching the twins fight. I walked up to him.
Olivia: "Issac, what's happening?"
Issac: "I don't know. He just started punching him." They smirked at us.
Olivia: "We should go. They're up to something." I grabbed his wrist to follow me, but he didn't move. "Issac."
Issac: "Wait." One of the twins lands at our feet and Mr. Harris walks out of the class along with a group of students including Scott.
Mr.Harris: "What is this? What's going on? Issac gives me a knowing look.
Danny: "You alright?" He kneels down to help Ethan.
Ethan: "He just came at me"
Mr. Harris: "Issac, what the hell did you do?"
Olivia: "Now, hold on-."
Issac: "Liv, don't. It's fine."
The rest of the class goes back in. And the three of us walk back to Issac's locker.
Scott: "Don't let it bother you it's just lunch time detention. If all they want right now is to piss you off them don't give in. They're just trying to get to you."
Issac: "It's not just me." He's looking at Aiden talking to Lydia. We listen to their conversation and he's trying to ask Lydia out. Scott scowls at him and Aiden looks back at us smirking.
Scott: "What?"
Issac: "Now they're getting to you." Issac scoffs and starts to walk away. I put my hand on his chest and push him back.
Olivia: "You both better not do anything stupid or something that's going to get you killed." I look at both of them and then walk away.

Damaged Part 2Where stories live. Discover now