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Olivia's POV

I left Allison and Scott to talk and Derek went to grab Erica's body. I've been running through the woods tracking them. I got a call from Scott.
Olivia: "Get anything yet?"
Scott: "No. Not yet. Meet us at the trails to the entrance of the persevere. Boyd is too strong and fast to handle alone."
Olivia: "Kay, I'll be there in a few."  I ran to the preserve and was there within a few minutes. Scott came running over shortly after.
We all hear screaming and I take off in that direction. When I get there I see Issac fighting Cora. She throws him into the tree growling.
I run and jump, kicking her backward into the ground. Scott and Derek show up behind me. Derek and Cora are snarling back and forth and she takes off. I take off after her with Issac and Derek behind me. We stop to regroup when Scott gets a call from Stiles. He hangs up the phone and walks back over to us.
Derek: "This doesn't make any sense. The public pool is all the way on the other side of the woods. We haven't tracked them anywhere near there."
Scott: "Derek they killed someone."
Olivia: "Did they? It feels like there's more to this. Derek is right. It doesn't make sense."
Derek: "How are they moving so fast?"
Scott: "Derek."
Derek: "They can't be that fast on foot."
Scott: "They killed someone. Some totally innocent kid is dead. And it's our fault."
Derek: "It's my fault." I shake my head.
Olivia: "I still don't buy it."
Scott: "Either way we need help."
Derek: "We have Issac now. He can help too."
Scott: "I mean real help. They're too fast for us. For all of us. They're too strong. Even for Liv. They're too rabid."
Derek: "We'll catch them."
Issac: "What happens if we do? We just gonna hold them down until the sun comes up?"
Derek: "Maybe it would be easier just to kill them." He says looking down.
Scott: "Killing them isn't the right thing to do."
Issac: "What if it's the only thing to do? If we can't even catch them what else do we do?"
Scott: "Find someone who knows what they're doing."
Derek: "Who?"
Scott: "Someone who knows how to hunt werewolves."
Olivia: "The Argents."
We are parked in Derek's car waiting while Scott talked to Allison's father.
Issac: "Do you think this is going to work?"
Derek: "No."
Olivia: "Definitely, not."
Issac: "Me neither...So, uh, your sister..." They look at each other. Derek gives him a hard stare. "Sorry, yeah it's bad timing. I'm sorry. I'll ask later it's fine." Issac looks away but feels Derek still staring. "Or never. Yeah, yeah I'm good with never." I chuckle in the back seat. Issac gives me a dirty look while I continue to laugh. I shift in my seat and wince when I move my neck wrong. Issac's face now looks concerned.
Issac: "What's wrong?"
Olivia: "It's nothing. My neck and stomach just haven't healed all the way yet. Boyd got me pretty deep." Issac turns around in the front seat to face me. He tilts my chin to look at the puncture marks. He runs his thumb around the wound wiping some of the blood away. He looks at me with a small smile. Derek is watching us in the mirror.
Derek: "Wait. You and Issac? Seriously?"
He looks between the two of us. Issac quickly pulls away.
Olivia: "I don't know what you're talking about."
Issac: "Yeah. Um, what do you mean?"
Derek: "Come on. Really? You're going to make me say it?"
Issac: "Nope. You don't need to say anything."
Olivia: "Yeah, if you say anything to anyone I will personally rip your throat out myself."  Issac chuckles beside him.
Derek: "You mean Stiles?" I narrow my eyes at him.
Olivia: "I mean anyone." Derek shakes his head but I hear a small laugh escape him. I sit back in my seat when Scott gets in Argents car. Derek starts to follow him.

We end up back in the woods.
Argent: "You're tracking them by print?" He throws a large duffle bag down.
Scott: "Yeah."
Argent: "Then you're wasting your time. There's only one creature on earth that can visually track footprints. And that's man. And if you're not trained like me then you have no idea that this print is Boyd's and these-." He points to two different tracks.
Issac: "Are Cora's."
Argent: "Nope. They're yours. You trampled Cora's as soon as you walked over here." Issac looks down at the ground. "Listen, I know you three are focusing half your energy on resisting your own urges under the full moon." He points to Issac, Scott, and Derek. "But that puts you at a severe disadvantage to Boyd and Cora who have fully given in. They put the pedal to the floor when you three are barely hitting the speed limit. And Olivia still hasn't healed all the way yet."
Derek: "So, what do we do?"
Argent: "Focus on your sense of smell. Actual wolves are known to track their prey by up to a hundred miles a day by scent. As a trained hunter we can use scent to track them. If the wind is with them wolves can track a scent by a distance of two miles, which means we can draw them to us or into a trap." He throws Scott a net. "The full moon does give us one advantage. They'll have a higher heat signature which makes them easier to spot with infrared." He tosses a pair of infrared night glasses to me, Issac and Derek.
Derek: "Thanks, but I got my own." He flashes his red eyes.
Argent: "Just remember, we're not hunting wolf animals. Underneath those impulses are two intelligent human beings. Don't think they can't rely on that human side. It's suppressed, but it's there. Reminding them how to mask their scent, how to cover their tracks, how to survive.
We arrive at a high point in the hills, looking over the city.
Argent: "When's the last time you saw your sister?"
Derek: "Nine years. I thought she died in the fire."
Argent: "Do you feel like you have a lock on her scent?" Derek shakes his head. "Scott how confident are you in your skills?"
Scott: "Honestly, most of the time I'm trying not to think about all the things I can smell."
Argent: "Olivia?"
Olivia: "I haven't had any issues so far, but I don't know how well I'll do right now. Most of the time I think I just get lucky."
Argent: "Alright. The problem is when they breach the woods and hit the residential area. Once they're past the highschool their right in the middle of Beacon Hills."
Issac: "They're not gonna kill everything they see, are they?"
Argent: "No. But there is an important difference to recognize, wolves hunt for food. At a certain point, they get full. But Boyd and Cora are hunting for the pleasure of the kill. For some primal apex predictors, satisfaction comes from the ripping of warm bodies to bloody shreds. And who knows when that need can be satiated."
Scott: "We can't kill them."
Derek: "What if we can't catch them."
Argent: "Then maybe we just need to contain them. There's no one in the school at night is there?"
Derek: " You want to trap them inside?"
Argent: "If there's somewhere with a strong enough door, no windows or access to the outside."
Issac: "What about the boiler room? It's just one big steel door."
Olivia: "He's right."
Argent: "Are you sure the school is empty?"
Scott: "It has to be. There can't be anyone there this late, right?"

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