Motel California

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Trigger Warning- Suicide. This chapter gets pretty dark.

Olivia's POV

It was already nightfall by the time we stopped the bus. We pulled over to stay at some motel in the middle of nowhere for the night. Everyone gets out of the bus and I do my best to stay away from Stiles because I don't have the energy to talk to him right now. I just want to take a shower and go to sleep.
Scott: "I've seen worse." He says when we see the old, dirty motel.
Stiles: "Where have you seen worse?" Coach blows his whistle.
Coach: "Listen up. The meet's been pushed till tomorrow. This is the closest motel with the most vacancies and the least amount of good judgement when it comes to accepting a bunch of degenerates like yourselves. You'll be pairing up. Choose wisely." Everyone starts grabbing a key. "And I'll have no sexual perversions perpetrated by you little deviants. Got that? Keep your dirty little hands to your dirty little selves!"
Allison: "Liv you can stay with me and Lydia. Come on." She stops when she realizes Lydia isn't following us. "Lydia?"
Lydia: "I don't like this place."
Allison: "I don't think the people who own this place like this place. It's just for a night."
Lydia: "A lot can happen in one night."
Olivia: "I just want to take a shower and go to sleep and avoid everyone forever."
Allison: "Olivia, you know you can't do that."
Olivia: "I could if I wanted." We make our way to the room.
Lydia: "You're going to have to talk to him at some point."
Olivia: "Yeah, I know but I don't want to even think about it yet."
Allison: "How come you never mentioned the kiss?"
Olivia: "I didn't think it mattered. It's not like he remembered it. And it's not like I wanted to lie to him about Issac, but I knew how he would react to it and I was right. He acted just like I thought he would. And is it really any of his business who I decide to sleep with?"
Lydia: "Not really."
Allison: "I just think that he doesn't want to see you get hurt."
Olivia: "He's the only one that's hurt me." The girls look at me sadly. "I'm just going to shower and go to bed." I took a shower and washed away all the events that took place today. I dried my hair and tied it up and got changed. I left the bathroom for Allison to shower. Lydia left to grab towels and I went downstairs to grab something from the vending machine. When I got back to the room Lydia was freaking out.
Allison: "198?"
Lydia: "Yes, and we're talking 40 years. On average that's 4.95 a year which is... actually expected."
Olivia: "198 what?"
Lydia: "Suicides at this motel. They keep track of it on the front office."
Olivia: "That's morbid."
Lydia: "Seriously, who commemorates that with a framed number? Who does that? Who?"
Allison: "All suicides?"
Lydia: "Yes. Hanging, throat-cutting, pill-popping. Both- barrels of a shot gun in the mouth suicides." I don't know about you but me...Did you hear that?"
Allison: "Hear what?" Lydia gets up and stares at the venting on the wall. She steps on the bed to get closer.
Olivia: "Lydia?"
Lydia: "Oh my god." She gasps and steps back almost falling off the bed.
Allison: "What is it Lydia? What happened?"
Lydia: "You guys didn't hear that?"
Olivia: "No.."
Allison: "Hear what?"
Lydia: "The two people in the other room. They shot each other." She runs out the room and Allison and I follow her.
Allison: "Lydia." I walk behind her and she opens the door to the room next to us.
Lydia: "Hello?" She tries flipping in the light switch but it doesn't work.
Allison: "Lydia, what are you doing?" I follow her inside the room.
Lydia: "Hello?"
Olivia: "Lydia be careful." She finds a light and flips it on. The room is being renovated. There is construction supplies everywhere.
Lydia: "It had to be right here. It was a guy and a girl and I mean, they sounded younger, but... they were here."
Allison: "I believe you. After everything we've been through. I believe you."
Olivia: "I do too." She turns and stares at the wall slowing walking towards it. She runs back to the room and starts packing her bag.
Lydia: "There is something seriously wrong with this place. We need to leave."
Allison: "But they were suicides. Not murders. And it's not like this place is haunted, right?"
Olivia: "It does give me the creeps."
Lydia: "Maybe it is. You know, I bet that couple made that suicide pact in that very room. Maybe that's why they're renovating. Maybe they've been scraping brain matter of the wood paneling."
Allison: "Maybe we should find out." We head down to the front office, but nobody was there.
Lydia: "Well so much for that." I look around the room and notice the sign.
Olivia: "Guys..." I nudge Allison and she looks up.
Allison: "Didn't you say the sign said 198?" The sign now says 201.
Lydia: "It was 198. I swear to God it was 198."
Allison: "Okay, so what does that mean? There's been 3 more suicides."
Lydia: "Or 3 more are gonna happen." My chest starts to get heavy and I feel my throat start closing.
Olivia: "I need to get some air. I'll see you back in the room."
Allison: "Liv, wait!"
Olivia: "I'm fine." I quickly run outside before they could stop me. I find myself running but I don't know where I'm going. When I finally stop I'm in the roof of the motel. I hear voices from behind me.
Stiles: "Go away, Olivia." I look around but nobody's there.
Olivia: "Stiles?"
Allison: "Leave us alone."
Lydia: "Stiles had a valid point. Sleeping with Issac is the only thing your good at."
Olivia: "What?" I spin around to see whose there.
Scott: "You're only making my life harder."
Stiles: "I wish we wouldn't have met you that night you got attacked."
Olivia: "Stop!"
Issac: "You're weak. And pathetic. Always trying to get in the way."
Olivia: "No. You don't mean that." I say with tears rushing down my face.
Stiles: "You're the worst things that's come into my life. Peter should've killed you when he has the chance that night." I cover my ears to block out the sound. When the shouting doesn't a stop I fall to the ground with my head down. My claws scratch my face and dig into the side of my head causing blood to rush down my hands.
Olivia: "Stop!! Please!" And then all the noise stops. I open my eyes and look around. Stiles appears in front of me. I quickly stand up.
Olivia: "Stiles? W-what's happening?"
Stiles: "You're worthless." He stalks towards me and I take a step back.
Olivia: "Please. I'm sorry."
Stiles: "Do us all a favor and just go away forever." He pushes me to the ground hard.
Olivia: "Why are you doing this." He keeps walking towards me until my back hits the edge of the roof. He kneels down to me and brings his face closer to mine. He brings his hand to my chin and pulls my mouth to his. He kisses me softly and then starts laughing. He pulls away.
Stiles: "Wow, you fell for it. You didn't think that I actually wanted to kiss you right? God, Olivia you are so pathetic and stupid. Why would I ever want to be with you. Nobody would. If you care about any of us you'll just end it now. Step on the edge of the roof and just jump."
Olivia: "But.."
Stiles: "Liv, we are better off without you. You know that. Just make it easier on the rest of us. Come on." He grabs my hand and lift me up to stand he helps me stand on the edge of the roof. "Go on. Do it." He said before he disappears.

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