Lunar Eclipse

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Stiles POV

I wake up in a large bright white room beside Scott and Allison. We all step out of the tank and scan the room. When we turn around we see a large tree stump. We all cautiously walk towards it sharing a few uncertain glances along the way. When we reach the stump, Scott lifts his sleeve and traces his tattoo, and then touches the stump. He enters this trance-like state. Allison and I both step up to touch the stump next.

When I touch the stump I appeared in the forest. A voice catches my attention. It's Scott. I turn around to the voice. I see myself and Scott walking through the woods. It was the night Scott got bit.
Scott: "Are we seriously doing this?"
Stiles: "You're the one always bitching that nothing ever happens in this town."
Scott: "I was trying to get a good night's sleep before practice tomorrow." I see myself take off running.
Scott: "Stiles! Wait up! Stiles!" I watch myself trip when a police dog starts barking. My dad appears from behind the other officer.
Dad: "Hang on. This little delinquent belongs to me."
Stiles: "Dad, how are you doing?"
Dad: "Well, young man. I'm going to walk you back to your car." My dad says as I watch him walk away with my past self. A light flashes in my face and I stumble back and hit something. When I turn around I find that I am at the nemeton. I touch the stump and I wake up back in the animal clinic gasping for air. We all three step out of the tanks at the same time.
Scott: "I found it. I know where it is!"
Stiles: "We passed it. There a stump. This huge tree. Well, it's not huge anymore. It was cut down. But it's still big, though. Very big."
Scott: "It was the night we were looking for the body."
Stiles: "Yeah, the same night you were bit by Peter."
Allison: "I was there too. In the car with my mother. We almost hit someone."
Scott: "It was me. You almost hit me."
Scott: "We can find it." I turn to face the others and none of them are saying anything. Olivia walks over to me with a towel and a look on her face that I can't read. She wraps the towel around me and rubs her hands down my arm to help warm me up.
Allison: "What?"
Issac: "You guys were out a long time."
Stiles: "How long is a long time."
Olivia: "You were out for 16 hours, Stiles." Everyone lets out a deep sigh.
Scott: "We've been in the water for 16 hours?"
Deaton: "And the full moon rises in less than 4."

Olivia's POV

We were now trying to come up with a plan. Stiles sits beside me on one of the tables.
Stiles: "No, dude you're not going back with them."
Scott: "I made a deal with Deucalion."
Stiles: "Does anyone else think that sounds a lot like a deal with the devil?"
Issac: "Why does it matter, anyway?"
Scott: "Because I still don't think we can beat Jennifer without their help." Allison looks at Deaton.
Allison: "He trusts you more than anyone. Tell him he's wrong."
Deaton: "I'm not so sure he is."
Olivia: "What do you mean by that?"
Deaton: "Circumstances like this sometimes require that you align yourself with people you'd normally consider enemies."
Issac: "So, we're gonna trust him. The guy that calls himself death, destroyer of the worlds? We're gonna trust that guy?"
Deaton: "I wouldn't trust him, no. But you could use him to your advantage. Deucalion may be the enemy, but he could also be the bait." The door to the clinic opens causing us all to look. Scott and Deaton walk over to see who it is. I hear Ethan's voice."
Ethan: "I'm looking for Lydia." Lydia stands beside Deaton.
Lydia: "What do you want?"
Ethan: "I need your help." Stiles and I both step forward next to her.
Stiles: "With what?"
Ethan: "Stopping my brother and Kali... from killing Derek." Lydia goes with Ethan to help Derek. Stiles goes home to something of his dad that we can catch a scent on. Scott, Allison, Issac, and I all go to her apartment to grab a few things. Scott was on the phone with Stiles while Issac and I looked for something of Allison's father. While looking in his closet we hear another voice coming from the office.
Agent McCall: "Quite an arsenal you've got here, young lady." I look to Issac and place my fingers on my lips telling him to be quiet. "Scott."
Scott: "What are you doing here?"
Agent McCall: "Following one of the only leads I have. Now, since I don't know where you've been why don't you have a seat, and we can talk? You to Olivia and Issac." We stand next to Scott in the doorway.
Issac: "How do you know my name?"
Agent McCall: "Your name is one of the few things I know. To be honest, the rest of what's going on here has me stumbling in the dark. Even over the smallest clue."
Scott: "You're trying to tell me that you don't have a clue, I learned that a long time ago." He says taking a few steps forward.
Agent McCall: "I'm really hoping to avoid the embarrassment of dragging my own son into an interrogation room. Really hoping. Now all of you sit." I roll my eyes and take a seat between Scott and Issac. "I'm not gonna lie I'm more than a little disturbed not only by the number of missing parents. But that fact that it's Stiles father, your father, and your mother." He says pointing to Allison and Scott. Issac slips a mint in his mouth and hands one to me. He raises his hand.
Issac: "Mine are both dead."
Olivia: "Dead father here too." I pop the mint in my mouth.
Agent McCall: "Save the cliche teenage apathy for your high school teachers. The four of you know more than you're saying and I'm fully willing to keep you here all night if I have to."
Scott: "You can't keep us here."
Allison: "Not without some kind of warrant."
Agent McCall: "I've got a desk full of probable cause." He says referring to all the weapons.
Olivia: "Do you know who her father is?"
Allison: "My father is a highly respected private security consultant. And a federally licensed firearms dealer." She stands up in front of the weapons. "That means he has to own a few weapons. Like this 175-pound draw tactical crossbow." She points to it on the table. "Or this carbon steel marine combat knife. .50AE Desert Eagle. Hmm. A smoke grenade with pull ring igniter." She says picking it up and examining it. She pulls the pin and tosses it towards Agent McCall and the other officers. "Go!" She runs out of the room and all of us follow behind her.
Agent McCall: "Wait! Scott! Wait." We make it into the elevator and quickly get downstairs. Issac and Allison get in her car and I get on the back of Scott's bike. He hands me an extra helmet and we drive off quickly. The weather is starting to change fast. The winds are blowing hard and there is thunder and lighting swirling in the sky. We pull up to the Beacon Hills Preserve and I pull out my phone to call Stiles. It rings but there is no answer. Allison gets out of the car.
Allison: "Are you okay?" She asks Scott.
Scott: "I didn't know what to say to him. I couldn't come up with anything. But what you did, that was awesome." I dial Stiles's number again and I still get no answer.
Olivia: "Dammit." I sigh starting to get worried.
Issac: "You haven't gotten anything from Stiles, either?"
Olivia: "No. Not yet. Somethings wrong. I can feel it."
Issac: "Well what about you Scott?"
Scott: "No. I don't get it."
Issac: "Alright, well we can't wait for him. Come on." I look at my phone then down the road again before following the others. We make it to the top of the hill that looks over Beacon Hills.
Deucalion: "Cutting it a little close, aren't we, Scott?" He asks making us turn around.
Scott: "We got a little delayed. Where are the others?"
Deucalion: "Occupying themselves with other pursuits."
Scott: "So, it's just you and me against her?"
Deucalion: "I think you'll be surprised what a good team we make."
Scott: "Okay, get Stiles. And then get to the root cellar. We'll keep Jennifer away long enough for you to get them out of there." He says turning to us.
Issac: "How are you gonna do that?"
Scott: "I have a plan." He looks between the three of us.
Allison leads us back down the hill to where the nemeton is. I keep trying to call Stiles but he doesn't answer or the call drops because of the weather.
Issac: "Are you sure we are going in the right direction?"
Allison: "I know we're near it. Can either of you pick up a scent?"
Issac: "I'm trying but I can't."
Olivia: "The wind is too strong." I stop walking when I hear a beeping sound. It's faint but loud enough to pick up. "Do you hear that?"
Issac: "Yeah, it's an -it's an emitter. It's one of your Dad's."
Allison: "Are you sure?"
Issac: "It has to be." I take off in the direction of the noise before he can finish talking. I run around the corner and the nemeton is in front of me. Issac and Allison follow quickly behind. We look around the tree for the cellar and I finally spot it through the dirt flying around.
Olivia: "There it is." I point to it and run over. I swing the doors open. We all three walk down the steps and Allison sits by her father and Issac starts to untie Melissa. I quickly kneel over to Sheriff Stilinkski and start untying him.
Sheriff: "Were Stiles? Where's my son?"
Olivia: "He should be on his way. As he's going to be so glad you're safe."
Melissa: "And Scott? Is he safe?"
Issac: "They're coming. They're on their way to help. I finished untying Sheriff Stilinski when the ceiling of the cellar starts to cave in.
Issac: "Hurry!" Furniture starts falling all around us.
Sheriff: "Hurry, let's get out of here!" We start to head for the exit but the stairs collapse inside.
Argent: "It's blocked. What do you see? Anything?" Issac and I look around but we don't see any way out. A loud cracking noise fills the space.
Argent: "Look out!" He covers Allison and they dive to the ground. The cement ceiling starts to fall.
Allison: "Issac!" Sheriff Stilinski pulls him to the ground and I help cover Melissa from any falling debris. We look above us when more creaking happens. The support beams are starting to break.
Sheriff: "Melissa, go, go, go." The others take cover while Issac and I both stand to try to keep the beams from falling. Our eyes flash and change as we both hold up the heavy structure. My breathing becomes heavy and ragged along with Issac's.
Issac: "Is it me or is this place getting smaller?"The beam slips slightly and I use as much force as I can gather to force it back up.
Olivia: "Come on, Stiles. We need you." I say more to myself than anyone else. The small amount of light that was shining through has now shifted to a golden color. The eclipse has started.
Issac: "I can't do it. I can't hold it." He says breathlessly. Everyone is trying to keep the ceiling from falling now.
Allison: "It's too much. It's too heavy. Allison groans and the cement starts to fall. Stiles appears out of nowhere with his bat and sticks it under the ceiling keeping it from falling. Everyone lets out a breath of relief.
Sheriff: "I always said aluminum was better than wood." Stiles hugs his father, happy to be reunited. The floor from above continues to fall into the cellar. After a few minutes of the storming continuing to whirl around above us, it stops.
Allison: "Is it over?" We look around and can't help the smiles that make their way onto our faces. Sheriff Stilinski chuckles and hugs Stiles again. Stiles phone vibrates in his pocket and I can hear Scott on the other line.
Stiles: "Scott?"
Scott: "Hey, are you okay?"
Stiles: "We're okay. We're all okay." He smiles over at me. "How about you, you okay?"
Scott: "Sort of."
Stiles: "You think you could come get us?"
Scott: "Yeah. I can do that."
Stiles: "Great. Um, uh, bring a ladder." He says making us laugh.

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