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hi, journal.

i've gone mental now if i haven't already.i've started calling him 'dream' in my mind because he feels like a dream, like a hallucination. it's really stupid, i know. waiting for the day it accidentally slips and he hears that.
but he's been calling me 'book boy' which i can go by. it's kinda cute.

no other human being has made me feel this way.

currently, it's break time and he's making his way to me. doesn't dream have friends by now? i'm sure he can hang out with them instead.

after a while of talking i asked what other friends he'd made and he said he couldn't be bothered with them because they all acted too 'fake'.
does this mean i'm, well, 'real' to him? or am i 'fake' and he's just hanging out with me? don't know.
i then also asked what his previous school was and he went on about it for a good while.
about how his dad moved here for work, about his old friends and the times they got into trouble, all these cool moments in school i never really experienced too much.
me aside, i love listening to him just talk his heart off.
how he can just spill out whatever he's thinking to me without wondering if he's saying too much.
dream's so carefree and i'd give to be like that.
to not have a worry, to not fret about every little thing. that would be cool.
somehow i keep getting onto the topic of me.

anyway i'm just gonna keep letting him talk, it's nice,


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