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hi, journal

yeah as i said, i'd be back later so here i am. oh my god do i ever feel relieved.
it's like a cage of doves being let out, the feeling is wonderful.
as you can tell, things went good with me and him. it was very awkward really, i didn't know how to go about it but i'm glad i had the courage.
basically, he understood what i meant and said that he feels the same way as i. you can call me dense or stupid but i didn't see that coming. so, really, we made it official. i don't plan on telling most people, not yet. soon though. it's so relieving that i could get those feelings out there and out of my mind. i don't feel hatred for what i was feeling anymore, it's great. i want to scream until i can't any longer.
after we finished talking about it and we were on his ways, he turned around to tell me he loved me.
a whisper in my ear.
i wanted to die on the spot, oh that boy. i'll love him for as long as time, he's so cunning with how he speaks, he's so adorable with his laughs, he knows just what to say.
well. i'd better go. i'll write tomorrow.


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