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hi, journal

so, i feel like this is my goodbye.
i don't really know if there's a point to continuing this journal any further than i have. it completed its goal. finally, i'm at acceptance with my sexuality and who i am, and i was able to confess myself to clay.
i'm actually writing this a week later. i'm aware that i said i'd write the next day in my last entry, but i kind of forgot.
things have been great and i've told my mom.
she understands and i'm great full. she seems to love dream. i told some close friends, they tease me a little but it's fine.
in general, things are good, you know? i no longer have to live in fear of the person i love, instead i can live in peace; nestled into his arms. really, it's funny how quick things have turned around for me. i've not had this journal too long, but it's already seeming like my time to put it to rest.
i think,
it'd be funny in the future. yknow, years from now, if me and dream are still together, to look through this again. i feel like that would be a cool thing to do. so dream can see just how hung up i am on him,
if he doesn't already see it.
and so, until then, he'll never know what this journal really was. unless he somehow finds it. i had the idea of burning it, like how people do that with vents and stuff. but i felt this was too personal and cherished to just burn it to ashes. so i'll keep it somewhere, maybe in a box or on a wall. i don't know.
anyway, it's time to finally bid you a due. thanks for helping me with myself, i don't think i would have gotten very far without this idea.


"feels good to finally give that a rest." he chuckled to himself, shutting the book and putting the small flap over to lock it shut.
as he looked up, it seemed like clay had returned from the restroom.
"still burying your cute face in that diary, book boy?" he walked up to george and gave him a peck on the cheek.
"not anymore."

* the end

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