1. Two Cupids
From what is stated above, it's already clear that there can only be two cupids so this is a limited role that will most likely have one taken by the time you are even reading this.
These two individuals will be in charge of causing mayhem in Marianne's high school by shooting love arrows {please forgive me if this isn't actually what cupids do and if my description of them is wrong} at a lot of teenagers and wreaking havoc just before the school dance. So, if you've always wanted to be a crazy and a little cruel matchmaker then here's your chance to make a lot of mischief and get away with it.
For this, all you have to do is comment your username and the role you wish to have.
Here's a demonstration of how this should be
I fill the form,
Username: @Lmntrrryx for Cupid
Rules followed: Yes
Tags {at least five active users}: ___________
ThePandaSociety: You've been accepted for the role of Cupid no. 2. Stay tuned for updates and don't forget to check in again if your name isn't published within 24 hours.
Interested, why not fill the form now? Please note that all forms are to filled in the same format as the previous one or they will be disregarded.
Inline Comment Here
2. Bachelors
If you would like to be one of the lucky guys to stand a chance to win a date with the lovely Marianne then try this out because this chance doesn't come often.
For this, you will have to pick from the number one to five {1 - 5} and comment your number in the part that says 'comment here'. If you are accepted, you will be added to the list of bachelors and you will be given the role and resume of whichever bachelor number you pick.
NOTE: In order to switch things up, please let us know if you would prefer writing your own application or resume or have us write it and you fill in the role like we did last time?
Here's a demonstration of how this should go:
I fill the form
Username: SinaMW1209
Number Chosen: 1
Rules Followed: Yes
Tags {at least five active users}:
ThePandaSociety: You've been accepted for the role of ----------------. Stay tuned for updates and don't forget to check in again if your name isn't published within 24 hours.
Interested, why not fill the form now? Please note that all forms are to filled in the same format as the previous one or they will be disregarded.
Inline Comment Here
3. The Friends
If you would like to be one of the lovely girls whose lives are disturbed when the two cupids start their crazy just before valentine then here's your chance to find out what your life would be if you were struck by an arrow to fall in love with someone else because trust me when I say, such opportunities don't come around often.
For this, you will have to pick from the number one to five {1 - 5} and comment your number in the part that says 'comment here'. If you are accepted, you will be added to the list of friends and you will be given the role of whichever bachelor friend you pick.
NOTE: In order to switch things up, please let us know if you would prefer writing your own role script or have us write it and you fill in the role like we did last time.
Here's a demonstration of how this should go:
I fill the form
Username: DarlingDroplet
Number Chosen: 1
Rules Followed: Yes
Tags {at least five active users}: _____________
ThePandaSociety: You've been accepted for the role of ----------------. Stay tuned for updates and don't forget to check in again if your name isn't published within 24 hours.
Interested, why not fill the form now? Please note that all forms are to filled in the same format as the previous one or they will be disregarded.
Inline Comment Here
4. The Matchmakers
In the chapter titled 'Matchmakers', each person who has their name down in 'Keeping Up With The Penguins' section be asked to place their votes on who they thinks is most deserving of the lovely Marianne. This will occur the day before Valentine's day and votes placed after the contest is over will be disregarded.
A simple demonstration.
I fill the form by heading over to the chapter titled 'Keeping Up With The Penguins' then follow the format as stated there.
And when the contest is just about over, a chapter titled 'The Bachelors' will be published and to fill the form, you head on over to the chapter then follow the format as stated there.
NOTE:- If you applied for the role of cupid, you cannot apply for any of the other roles and vice versa.
- If you applied for the role of bachelor, you cannot be a friend and vice versa.
- If you apply for the role of matchmaker, you cannot be a bachelor and vice versa.Intrigued? Then stay tuned for the next chapter coming where you can put your names down as contestants/participants, Please note that all forms not filled in the format stated above will be disregarded.
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RomanceWe are pandas #PandasInLove Valentine is a season of sharing love between couples, friends and families. It is a time of togetherness and out of the over 300 days many loved ones are unable to spend quality time together, it is the day that love can...