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(lol i lost motivation to write but here ig
wait...what even happened in the last chapter..?? 😀)

uh anyways time skip ig

[next day??]

𝑦/𝑛 𝑝𝑜𝑣

(i dont even know what to fucking write screams)

when you woke up, the next moning, you saw suna peacefully sleeping next to you. you recalled last night's events - you and suna both being drunk, him taking you away from the crowd, you making out, etc. (idk what i wrote in the last chapter so if this isnt it then uh sry ig,) you blushed a little and then proceeded to shake suna until he wakes up. after he did, you both got up and got ready for the day.

as you were leaving the apartment, you bumped into mokke and zen. (for those who dont know i changed my name to zen so kayos name is now zen 🦍) "did yall enjoy the party yesterday?" mokke winked at both you and suna. you blushed, suna nodded.

you then went outside and decided to walk around. you were happy that now you had people to call friends, a friend group. you walked through the nature and talked for a while. when you got tired, mokke suggested to go grab sum to eat. everyone agreed so you went to the market and everyone got something to eat and drink. then you went to some park and sat in the grass. then mokke grabbed suna and pulled him aside from you and zen.

𝑠𝑢𝑛𝑎 𝑝𝑜𝑣

"soo.. when are you gonna ask y/n out ?? 👹" mokke looked me straight in the eyes "what do you mean,,?" (suna) "don't play dumb, bitchboy. i saw what went down yesterday, im not stupid 🤨☝" mokke mockingly siad "oh ..i don't know," suna looked away and kinda blushed. "you're so dumb oh my fucking god, just ask them out, they obviously like you back??" (mokke) "i mean i guess--" (suna)

mokke just sighed, got up, and joyfully walked to zen and (y/n), who seemed like they were having an interesting conversation. 'should i...?' i thought to myself. maybe,

(yall remember when i said i have a great idea on how they should confess,? ..yeah well my bitchass forgot it 🐴 ...lol rip ig)

𝑦/𝑛 𝑝𝑜𝑣

you were just talking with zen about random stuff and making fun of your own selves, when mokke "interfered" and sat down next to you. after some time, suna also joined the conversation.

after a few hours that felt like just a couple of minutes, you decided to go back to the hotel. suna wanted mokke to help him with something, and you just wanted to chat with zen, so they went to your apartment, while you and zen went to the other one.

when you entered the room, you both threw yourselves on zen's bed and you started ranting about suna. zen didn't pay much attention but you were sure he was listening. from time to time he'd nod or say stuff like 'mhm', 'yeah' 'cool', 'oh' or 'k'. you then told him about how you kissed last night and that you didn't know what to do now.

zen zoned out for a while and then siad "you're either gonna wait for him to ask you out ,or you're gonna have to ask him out yourself ...that is, if you want a relationship with him, but if you don't, then you can just use him for your personal benefits. he seems easy to manipulate anyways >:)" ,you just stared at him. "i don't know, i feel like im ready for a relationship but i can't be so sure" (you) "you'll never be completely sure about anything, but do what you think will be best for you" "doing things for others will only ever bring inconvenience" he muttered the last sentence. "..okay, thanks for the advice" (you)

after that you both just sat there doing your own thing and not talking as much.

𝑠𝑢𝑛𝑎 𝑝𝑜𝑣

as i was sitting there with mokke, i couldn't stop thinking about ways to ask y/n out. i asked mokke for some advice, but she didn't have much to say, since she wasn't very close to either of us. i kept thinking and tbinking about it and then a probably stupid idea came up. while spending time with y/n, one thing i know for sure is that they want to jump of buildings or sum of that sort. (who doesnt 🤨‼️) so maybe a skydiving date..?

i shared the idea with mokke and she was all for it. then kt was decided, i'll have to ask y/n on a date, and surprise them with a skydiving one-- but first, i'll have to plan it out.

thankfully, there were some people i could contact to make it happen. all we needed were two parachutes - one for me and one for y/n. after contacting the people, they said they could make that happen somewhere next week, tuesday. i was fine with that because we're coming back on monday, and the rest of the week would be free, since we'll start with school the week after that. (theyre still in japan and theyre gonna come back on monday which ig now is somewhere near monday but when they come back for some reason theyre gonna have  afree week to do whatever and get ready for class ig idk)

𝑦/𝑛 𝑝𝑜𝑣

when the day was about to be over, you left zen's place and went to mine and suna's. on your way there you saw mokke, you said hi and goodnight, and then both of you went to your rooms.

you got ready for bed and together with suna, you went to sleep.

(the rest of the days were nothing special, pretty boring if we're being honest.)

[time skip//monday//after you arrived at your home town]

when you finally got to the school, you say bye to mokke and zen, and walked home with suna. when you got to the park you both got high at, suna called out for you. (now how the FUCK do i do this wo making it awkward asf???)

"hey uh y/n (?)" (suna) "yeah?" you said, "would you want yo go on a date with me,?" (suna asf) "..sure, why not" you answered while blushing and slightly smiling. "okay so are you free tomorrow??" he happily asked you "yeah" (you) "well see ya tomorrow i guess, be here at about 10am" (suna) "okayokay. bye !" you smiled at him, he smiled back and waved.

(lowk short but wtv, idk when the next update will be but itll most likely be in a week or so, myb 2 --also i didnt bother rereading what i wrote just now so there r probs many spelling mistakes and other shit but okay
see yall next chapter ig ☝😦)

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