☆Techno x reader pt.11☆

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I belive this belongs to Tovaro on twitter

In my plot how you die it takes a while for you to come back. It's always a random time 1 and 5 days and once you come back your still pretty weak/sick.

During the next 3 and a half days you laid on the couch. You could describe it as sleeping, you were their but obviously you didn't know what was going on around you.

Techno almost never left your side. He always made sure you atleast looked comfortable. He slept on the floor next to you so when you woke up he was their with you.

"Techno you need to get some actual rest like in your bed" Tommy said

"No no I'm fine out here"

Finally on the third day you opened your eyes for the first time

"Techno... Techno..." you whispered gently poking his hand

"Oh darling thank god" he says hugging you he breathed as if he was holding his breath all this time.

"Can I have some water?"

"Oh y-yeah let me go get that." He got you a glass of water and handed it to you before walking I to the other room.

You barley got one drink of water before Tommy and Ghostbur ran into the room Techno following behind.

"Oh my god your awake!" Tommy breathed

"Oh good!" Ghostbur says smiling at you

"Don't you ever try dying on us again" Tommy says trying to look upset but he's smiling to much he doesn't look serious.

Your alive! Tommy is a little mad at you and Techno is just happy your with him again while Ghostbur is excited for you to be alive again.

Word count: 286

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