Chapter 17

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Have an early chapter! I remember one of my readers has a birthday on February 4 so I decided to give an early update as a gift!!

Happy Birthday to Ocean_Wolf120!!! Have a nice birthday!!

3rd POV:

Y/n and Gotoh had been walking, with the girl's eyes blindfolded and the loyal servant guiding her to his masters' home. Asking the young girl some yes or no questions, sometimes number related questions like age or how many family members of the Zoldyck family has she met already.

They were passing through the Zoldyck's garden (let's just pretend they have one.. I mean, they're one of the most powerful assassins in their world so they gotta have at least a front garden, right?). Gotoh sees one of her masters, Mistress Kikyo, and Master Kalluto in a gazebo sitting on the chairs.

Kalluto noticed the servant and the unknown girl, telling their mother (I will be using they/them pronouns since when I searched up what pronouns Kalluto used, Google said that in the manga, he and she were both used for Kalluto).

"Mother, Gotoh brought someone with him..." Kalluto informed.

"What?!" Kikyo looked and there they were, walking up to the two Zoldycks. "Gotoh.. Who is this? I thought intruders should be killed instantly." She said in a voice of authority and dominance.

"Please forgive me for not informing, Mistress Kikyo. You see, this is Y/n L/n--"

"Y/n L/n?! Well, why didn't you say so? And why is she blindfolded?!" This caught the girl's attention, waking her up cause believe it or not... She may or may not have been half asleep....

"For safety measures Mistress Kikyo, even if Mistress Y/n knows multiple members of the family, she is still not a member or an employee. Which means she would have to be blindfolded. Please understand that I was merely following the rules mistress."

ANYWAYS, Kikyo promptly stood up and walked towards the h/c haired girl. Y/n still didn't know what was going on since she was blindfolded but the piece of cloth soon was pulled off by the mother.

"Oh, I'm sure Y/n is already like family!  Aren't you adorable! But you're absolutely filthy, we should get you washed up right away!" She exclaimed enthusiastically as she looked at Y/n, patting away few specks of dust. While Kalluto was just starting at the two, mostly Y/n, with curiosity and caution.

She held the girl's hand and called, "You can go back Gotoh. Kalluto, Let's go!", making them snap out and quickly follow them.

-- Mini Timeskip --

The three arrived in what looks like the main room leading to multiple corridors and two grand stairs leading to more floors.

'WOOOAAAAAHH, this house is HUGE!!' Y/n thought as stars and sparkles appeared in her eyes.

Kalluto was still staring at her and saw her eyes shine up, this caught them off guard since the normal reaction to entering a family of assassins' home is fear and stress. So it took a while for Kalluto to process the girl's reaction before a pink tint appeared on their face.

They then snapped out of their train of thought and sees that the two of them have just stared at each other. This flustered them while the girl just tilted her head.

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